Monday, July 22, 2024

The Political Reality Show Heats Up - Will There Be a Rematch?

Now that Biden has officially exited the race who will the Dems put in his place? Here are some contenders: 

1. Kamala Harris:  Even though the VP would be a common choice, it isn't likely.  She does check a lot of boxes (woman, etc), but she doesn't seem to favorable.  Between giggling like a little girl and saying a lot without saying anything at all, most public appearances leave heads shaking. For that reason, I don't think she is the likely choice. 

2.  Gavin Newsom:  He is doing whatever he can to shine in the democratic scene.  The way he performed in the fear-based beer bug situation was a stellar performance.  He continues to not disappoint in the alt left views.  He is definitely a potential choice amongst dems. 

3. Big Mike Obama:  Many already suspect the Obama is still running things behind the scenes.  With the obvious mental decline of Joe, it is even more probable this is occurring.  Why not make it [more] legit and let an Obama get back in there?  sHe checks off even more boxes than Kamala so I'm sure this is being considered. 

4.  Hillary Clinton: This is my pick.  I sense she was "promised" a win in 2016 that did not come to fruition, and now she will be back for round two against Trump.  She was bitter and actually was the first denier of the results of 2016 with blaming collusion and all the other BS time and money wasters well before Trump had his legit claims in 2020.  This family line is ruthless (what is the body count up to?)  and she has been waiting and wanting the illusion of power and control for a while now.  

Our political reality show is getting intense.  All eyes are on the media to see what is next.  Just don't get too sucked into this and see it for what it is.  The puppet masters already know how they hope to play this out.  It is the wild card moves that keep it interesting.  I'm sure they didn't think Trump would still be here to battle it out (thank you Lord for protecting him) so they are scrambling for their next play.  

Pray for this country, and pray we tip the table to be in alignment with the Lord.

Who is your pick?  What do you think? Please let a comment below if you have a guess.


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Robert Schoen said...

Very cool post, Lynn. I'd love to see a Harris/Hillary run where they could be known as "Cackles and Cankles." Seriously, while Hillary would make the most interesting opponent to Trump, she's been dead for a while and the younger short Southern Woman playing her who fools most who don't pay too much attention wouldn't be up for the challenge of a live debate. I think Newsome is who they'll put in.

I wrote something over the weekend I'd like to share here that you might find interesting:
The Plot to Kill Donald Trump

God Wins said...

Cackles and Cankles๐Ÿคฃ

I'm just watching the show...but if I
had to guess:

Kamala = NO. Certain suicide to the
campaign. She is that bad and they know it!

I think they will pick Killary,
Big Mike or Gruesome Newsome

I do know it is theatre and I've
gone through my own journey of loving
Trump to thinking maybe he's deeply part of the show I've said many times for what he has done to expose and help eliminate CHILD sex trafficking, I will always love him.

When I see these 2 parties there is a clear direction of where they are leading us all. 4 years of Trump were good for the U.S.A. and the world. 4 years of BIDEN/WEF/MARXIST/SATANISTS were NOT good for the U.S.A./WORLD.

If America falls (certain under the current democrats), the world falls!

As a Canadian, I support Trump. The RNC (I know, theatre, but...) was so uplifting and unifying and full of GOD. I do believe God played a hand in keeping DJT safe from the assassin.

God be with us all!


Carlene said...

@Robert-a very thorough writing. I think there may be an even bigger conspiracy but we may never know. There were so many military operatives in the audience. It is suspicious about the SS agent wanting the photographer to get into position….tooany anomalies. Still not sure how the retired firefighter was able to say get down because he looks like he was hit on the first shot.

Robert Schoen said...

Carlene, I wrote this article because I wanted to put together the facts that emerged so that it made sense to me. It is disgusting listening to the Robotic SS Director Cheatle dissemble and give non-answers to the Committee this morning and her attitude shows what an unaccountable Director she's been. There's a video that shows there was a rapid series of multiple shots that came from the woods that passed over the bleachers to the left of Trump where Firefighter Corey and family sat, before reaching Trump's ear, so Corey Comperatore may have jumped on top of his girls at the first shot before getting hit

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments! Robert, great article- WOW! We are in for a good show I think! This is the conspira-fact of all conspira-facts and we are alive to witness it!