Videos - Need Positive Inspiration?

I decided I would start doing video content again, but it would be with a twist.  In our world of doom and gloom we may not be able to change the world, but we can change what we do with our lives and how we interface with it.  I want to share parts of my life that may inspire others or at least show another perspective.  In our world of filters and fancy editing, I will show you quite the opposite.  It is my belief that there isn't enough real people out there and whether it is good, bad or down right dirty because I've been in the garden all day, my stuff will be raw.

My family started taking steps toward a better life a few years ago.  One of the first things we did was move from the city.  It wasn't easy, but we did it.  We packed ourselves in a small house that sits on a lot of acreage and began to build a homestead (including building a home - mostly on our own).  Nearly 1 1/2 years later the progress has painfully slow as we are doing most of the work on our own and only contracting out what we cannot do, but the reward will be in the end.  

I digress... We got chickens, cows, bees and a huge garden.  We are getting back to the roots of what is important: family, the earth, growing our own food, food preservation and most importantly, faith!

The blog will remain the blog, but some of you may be interested in something different (and positive / inspiriting) as well.  I hope you enjoy!

Blessings, Lynn

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