Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Big Boy Biden Bows Out - Or Did He?

Things are getting even more weird. I'm sure by now you've heard the news.  "Big Boy" Joe (as the staff members nicknamed Biden), has resigned- or has he?

Even with all the heat the "Big Boy" was getting, as of four days ago he was adamant that he was not quitting.  He was losing points at the polls and the dems were in a panic after his most recent public engagements.  There isn't enough handling or meds out there to keep up the appearance of a strong, quick witted person on his A game.  Rumor is they begged the "Big Boy" to quit, and even wrote out his resignation letter and speech, but "Big Boy" Joe declined to submit to their request.  

Then, magically the "Big Boy" retreated as he recovers from the "beer bug" and a resignation appeared yesterday via X.  The boy hasn't been seen and many people debate that the signature isn't even the "Big Boy's."  He can barely work the steps to get off a stage so how are the American people really supposed to think he made this decision, wrote a letter, signed a signature that isn't his normal signature and posted it on a social media platform rather than have a public announcement?  I think not...

The bigger question is, Where is Joe?  Is he even still with us or did something happen?  Will Joe meet his fate and the "beer bug" will be the [fake false flag] blame to gain sympathy from the American people and distract from the assassination attempt [my guess]? The dems are furious and scared - when you back them into a corner you never know what they will do.  "Loose lips sink ships" and the dems want to stay afloat.

Just like Trump foiled the plan with Hillary in 2016, God protected Trump on that podium.  Evil cannot exist in the presence of light, and they are scared of what they are up against.

John 3:20 "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved."

Now is the time to get right with God.  Even though much of what we see is the illusion of the political show, I do think there are signs of the times happening in front of us. This may just be the shift we have all needed and wanted for so long.  Don't rely solely on others.  Always look inward and now more than ever stay strong in faith.  


The clip is worth watching for a chuckle.  They refer to the President of the United States in the way I'd talk to my dog.  This just further supports the mental decline.  https://youtube.com/shorts/vEOXACzqqjI?si=wxO3LZNi62jMEFqo


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Robert Schoen said...

Just read last night the Dem leaders in Congress had to finally twist Big Boy's arm by threatening to invoke the 25th amendment which would have removed Biden as President for being hopelessly impaired and unable to perform his duties. As to the signature, Jill's been doing it for years and I feel this "Biden" is really the actor Struen Rodger in which Jill has been acting as the faker's prop and acting coach.

Just added a large section in my 'The Plot to Kill Donald Trump' devoted to the George Soros' extensive infiltration of the US Government including an amazing list of marriage and business connections and how he's cornered the market on the voting machines used in the States and other Countries. Doctor Evil indeed!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I think you are onto something. I feel like we are in the middle of a murder mystery dinner in which we have to figure out the crime and accomplices (have you ever been to one of those?)....

Robert Schoen said...

Lynn, we are all in that dinner party now, only it's real and the whole world's at the dinner table this time. I was only 11 when JFK was assassinated and spent years studying it to understand that the real government in the US, which is so different from the facade and platitudes they publicly express shows we are ruled by an unelected Oligarchy that pretended to be the voice of the people but is anything but. Is Biden dead or is it time for them to release the actor playing him before he's found out? Dr Jill must be really pissed to now being shut out from running things, as "Biden" officially handed over the running of the US to two of his cabinet secretaries instead of Cackles, and the plot to get rid of Harris without looking racist is going to be a fun magic trick to watch. I will always say "Kamala" with the accent like "Tamale," so does that make be racist using a Mexican accent as they are now saying MAGA people do?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree. I bet "Dr." is really upset. I suspect she was the one keeping the charade going as long as it did. You are also right about circumventing Kamala. It will be quite the magic trick to get someone they truly want in there..

Anon said...

There are some rumors of him having had a medical emergency in Vega s and that he is terminally ill. Not sure if he will last that long.

Ma cafee had a tweet about a Russian time traveller and so far he seems to be correct on his tweet