Q. Hi Lynn, some years ago I discovered that I could no longer eat lamb. I could not stand the smell of it or the taste of it. Then I met another older lady, and the same thing happened to her. I thought it was just me. What is the reason behind this when other meats don't have the same affect? Is it a spiritual thing that happens as we age?
This is a great question and I've actually experienced this myself.
A little backstory... I've tried many different diets over the years to see the pros and cons of each. I've done vegan, vegetarian, Adkins, Paleo, calorie restriction among many others. I am have a lot of knowledge when it comes to food and the way it works in the body, and each body can be different.
Several years ago I was a full on carbovore (yes I made that word up), and one day I woke up with MS symptoms in my left leg. Not wanting to run to the ER on a Saturday and end up on a steroid for 3 days, I decided in that moment I would stop the carbs and sugar. I'd wanted to quit carbs for a while as an experiment, but I enjoyed them so much I needed a push- and that is what I got. If my leg got better GREAT, and if not I'd head in to the doctor Monday morning.
By Monday my symptoms were much better, and by Tuesday they were gone. No doctor, no steroids and no carbs.. It was a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to the occasional cinnamon roll, but the health benefits were too great to deny. The current way I'm choosing to live is keto, and have done this for years now. Folks, if you ever want to change how you eat, you can with a little willpower. The foods I used to eat don't even sound good. Trust me, your brain rewires itself to what you need versus what you want if you allow it.
Back to the question... so yes, I eat all types of meat. I see it as a healthy source of protein and fat when done right. I like bacon, but at times when I cook it (same brand, cut, etc) it makes me sick. My family eats it just fine, but I find myself passing. I've had the same experience with sausage, hamburger, chicken, even our very own chicken eggs. Some food that I eat frequently will occasionally trigger something and I cannot eat it for a particular meal. Weird, I know.
Several reasons can cause this reaction. In most people I find viral activity, namely caused by the beer bug or more recently being bit by a certain breed of tick, can affect how you sense food. It can alter perceptions of the taste and the smell to make you experience it in ways that others do not. This could be permanent or temporary depending on what caused it to happen, and how bad of a viral infection you had.
Have you been sick, have chronic allergies or sinus issues? This is pretty straightforward, but can impact how you taste food. Sore throats, clogged sinuses or congestion can alter taste. If any of our senses are impaired we cannot fully taste food.
Are you on any medications or changed medications? Some can change your tasters and some can make you have an after taste (like metal) that makes food taste weird. Think about anything you have changed or added to your daily routine.
Are you deficient in certain vitamins or minerals? If you are you may crave certain things you would not normally crave while common things in your diet taste bad to you. For example, if that liver and onions is calling you, and you don't like liver and onions, you might be really low in iron or in need of B12. If you take liquid zinc as a supplement and it tastes good, you need it, if not, you are most likely balanced. Our bodies are smart and tell you what you need (and what you don't).
Hormone changes due to aging or pregnancy can change the way food tastes. This can impact people suddenly (especially with pregnancy), or slowly through the aging process. Ladies, if you have an onset of a food aversion, and none of the above apply, you might get a pregnancy test.
[And as a side note I'm happy to help anyone on their health journey. It truly starts with education. We all have different reasons and different goals. My neighbor had gastric bypass, lost 40 pounds, ate the way she always ate and gained it all back. I worked with her, coached her, taught her how to read labels and she is now down 35 pounds. She isn't hungry because her body is getting what it needs. No gimmicks, no pills, no shots, just the right balance of food and a healthy lifestyle shift. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you always had. -Henry Ford]
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Very good post, thanks Lynn!
Today when I saw this headline it reminded me of a "downloaded" message you mentioned a while ago: "Don't poke the Bear" (Russia)
US military bases in Europe raise security threat levels.
Going carnivore in November saw me lose 40lb easily, put my 20year autoimmune disease into remission, gave me so much energy and clarity, lifted brain fog, put my 20+ year depression and suicide ideation into remission, completely eliminated all the aches and pains in my joints, PLUS many other benefits.
I was never taught this (I went back to school to become a holistic nutritionist NOT a dietitian) but decided to give it a shot as nothing else was helping. All I can say is that it has been TRANSFORMATIONAL!!!
I went back to some emotional eating in April after some very bad news and a self sabotage pattern. Aches, pains, depression, suicidal ideation all back. I've restarted carnivore and already getting better. It has been a God send for me!
Eventually, if it works for my body, I'd like to be meat based, with some fruit added.
Hi Lynn,taking into account @godwins words could you eventually comment on this trade off solution: Wouldn't it in some cases be enough to just abolish gluten from diet instead of all carbs? In rural areas of Mexico and Brazil where there used to be no bakery around the corner ppl thrived on rice, beans, corn + meat of course. Thanks
Just forgot to say how much @ god wins words resonated with me, thanks! Haven't seen her here before but I get the feeling that I already know her for a long, long time...
@Guedes de Miranda: Gluten is necessarily bad, it is the glyphosate on the wheat that most folks react to. Honestly, sugar is a drug and should be used in moderation. Back in the day when food was food, you could eat a few carbs and be fine. Too much has been done to create a "bliss point" and added sugars are in everything. The portion size has gotten out of control as well. Our food pyramid is truly upside down.
@God wins: I'm glad that worked. I've heard GREAT things about carnivore. That was the next things I was going to do if I could not get the MS under control.
Metallic taste! That happened to me. Any soda had a metallic taste-Cokes,Sprites-the drinks with sugar and carbonation tasted metallic. This was during the beer bug times. I also lost taste and smell. Not sure what happened and I didn’t take any foreign medicine but I got it. I know of at least 4 other people spread across states the same thing happened to them. Not sure if it was being in contact with people who boosted up or what. It was weird and I was very nervous it would have long term effects. It went away after about a year but I do think my taste buds have changed.
Thanks Lynn! Makes much sense what you say because in the past Glyphosate was unknown!
Thank you Guedes de Miranda!😊
My results have convinced both my aunt and my friend to go carnivore. I was joking to my friend that the comment section in carnivore YouTube videos have gotten to the point of comedy, b/c everyone is writing about their healing experience with carnivore (cures healing, sight autoimmune disease, general ailments, rheumatoid arthritis etc). Including many commenters in their 70s. I joked to my friend that one day I'll read a comment stating "Our mother laid dead in her casket. We popped some meat in her mouth and this carnivore way of eating brought her back from the dead"😅
Even though I joke, it really is wonderful to read the comments. Last night, I came across a YT video (I have yet to watch it) titled the carnivore diet got me out of my wheelchair.🤯
Ok enough about carnivore...but as someone who searched for 20yrs for some relief from autoimmune issues, depression and suicide ideation, you can IMAGINE my elation at finding a cure with carnivore!🙏🏻🥓🥩🥩🥓
Thanks for the comments and sharing... Carnivore was also my next thing if the keto didn't work.. Glad to hear it is working for some of you!
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