Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Queue Big Mike

It is no secret that after the dismal performance at the debate, the Dems are concerned.  They have been concerned for a while now and just trying to make do.  I suspect this was a "last chance" type of scenario.  They knew Joe could not sustain a 90 minute interaction and allowed him to embarrass himself to have an excuse to usher in someone they could control and didn't have to have a constant handler or babysitter.  Joe is a wildcard and four more years of damage control is too much for any group to manage.

So who are the contenders?  We know Kamala can't do it.  She does have a gift of saying a lot without saying anything at all while laughing like a little girl, but this isn't the type of "gift" they look for in a leader.  There is also Gavin, which is a hard sell to many, however very controllable.  RFK would be great, but because he is great, he may not be as controllable.  

Who is left?  The Clinton News Network has their pick and even said it out loud.  Joan Rivers knew the truth and met her demise, and now everyone else is starting to publicly call it out too - even if it is a Freudian slip. Truth in plain sight.

Remember to take this all in jest.  At the end of the day we are just spectators in a political reality show.  The puppet masters have done extensive research on human psychology.  This is all designed to draw us in and evoke emotions to control us as well.  See it for what it is, find the humor where it lies and move on with you day.  Focus on the things that really matter.  You'll be much happier.

I hope you enjoy the clip below.  

Blessings, Lynn 


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Kyle said...

Hi Lynn! Thank you for the post. What a show! Could you clarify what would Big Mike mean, in this context?

Robert Schoen said...

Everyone knew Biden was a walking vegetable puppet with a psychotic mean steak in 2019 and it's hilarious for fake news to be acting shocked at his bublling which was mostly focused on to misdirect attention by how authroatative and in charge Trump was the whole time without any need of debate prep.

The killing of the Obama chef in the Hamptons was over him writing a book on how crooked they both were but you won't hear a word about that in the totalitarian fascists press that STILL can't get the 70 year old JFK assassination by the FBI?CIA right because they are only a vessel of Black hat propaganda.

@Kyle: Big Mike means "Michelle" Obama is a dude packing a Big D!ck.

Robin Hood said...

Hi, Lynn, I appreciate your post. But in a previous post a while back, you were asked the same question.

Your response the. What that you saw them in there youth and that she indeed was a girl and he indeed a boy.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood said...
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Guedes de Miranda said...

Boy or girl, I wish all a happy Independance day! (independance is a goal everyone has to fight for, thats why one should cherich this day even being from another country)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Kyle: That Michelle Obama previously had the first name of Mike before changing appearance. More and more has come out on this.

@Robert: Pretty spot on..

@Robin: I remember. It was a long time ago, and I've since in a few posts very much changed my mind. I think the first time I was asked I was biased b/c I just could not even imagine that such a thing would have occurred in the white house or with public people. There really is no doubt in my mind this person is a man.

@Guedes de Miranda: Thanks! Happy 4th!

Guedes de Miranda said...

BTW, in medias res, hermaphrodites exist and Mike then would be a sterile version, once the couple's children are adopted.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Guedes de Miranda: He is a man dressed as a woman. Not a hermaphrodite. They used a surrogate to have their children. I've seen stuff on this and the girls look almost exactly like the surrogate that is a family friend.

335AT said...

Well we know that Joe is not the real Joe because there are different pictures of him with different ear lobes. There's also a video of him with what appears to be a mask slipping off. I think Joe Bide, or who is acting as Joe Biden, doesn't really have dementia but is faking it. I think he's faking it to embarrass the country and maybe to see just how much the people will passively accept. Of course there could be other reasons. Just some thoughts.

335AT said...
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@35AT: I've had similar thoughts. I questioned why the body double would act in that way, wouldn't the double be a better version? My thought is that the real one is possibly in so much worse of a mental state they needed a way to get him replaced (while embarrassing the country). The handlers are probably exhausted!