Tuesday, June 11, 2024

After Reading You'll Never View Your Glass of Wine the Same

I have been experiencing some major shifts in my life.  I cannot fully explain it, but I can tell you the closer I get to God, the more things cross my path that make me pause.  We all have our own path to walk, and I'm not trying to preach to you, but if you read on I think you may glean a powerful takeaway regardless of your faith.

I have never been an avid drinker, but I admit after a hard day or week I used to like a cold beer on the porch or drink socially with friends.  It was weighing on me that I should not be drinking or weakening my mind, but I justified it by "drinking responsibly" or telling myself that even Jesus turned water to wine.  (John 2:1-11).  A few drinks here or there won't hurt, right?  

Even though I rationalized it, It still weighed on me.  I am not sure why, but something inside told me that in order to develop a stronger connection to the Lord I needed to cleanse my temple.  I am a believer that if you need answers or need a confirmation, you will get it. In my experience some answers are quick while some are slow, and some are hazy while others are clear. My answer came pretty swift AND clear!

If I watch tv or videos I am usually learning about meal prep, recipes, canning or food preservation (my interests).  RANDOMLY (I'm sure there was some element of a device spying on me or overhearing a conversation) a video popped up regarding demonic possession that pulled me in, and I watched it.  Within the video two bible versus were shared: 

Isaiah 5:11 - Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

1 Corinthians 5:11 - But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

These versus made sense, and completely relevant to the confirmation I needed, but they were even more than that.  Did you note what they have in common?  Both were chapter 5, verse 11.  My birthday is 5-11 and it was THAT DAY this became something I was thinking of changing within my life.

I was then compelled to do a little research. The word "Alcohol" comes from the Arabic word "al-kuhl" which means "body eating spirit."  The word "alcohol" also has deeper origins as it is connected to the root "ghoul" (AKA alco-ghoul)  A ghoul is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies. 

I then flashed to making tinctures.  The process involves taking herbs, soaking them in high proof alcohol, straining and using for medicinal purposes.  I realized in that moment the alcohol pulls the essence from the herbs and that is how it works.  Wouldn't it stand to reason it also pulls the essence from our being, even for a short while?

In that ah-ha moment I clearly understood the purpose of alcohol and why it is so prevalent.  It lowers inhibitions, makes people do things they wouldn't normally do and in some cases be menacing.  Our body is like a vehicle for our soul, and when we drink alcohol you open your vehicle for any spirit to take a ride. Why do you think many times alcohol is referred to as spirits?  You are drinking spirits and giving them permission to use your body.  In our growing demonic world they want people drinking.  You drink when you are happy, drink when you are sad, drink when you celebrate, events, dinners, parties, holidays, bbq's, etc.. There is always a reason to drink and the standby demons love it!

Don't you find it strange that there is so much havoc with alcohol yet it is legal?  There are car accidents, health problems, disease, addiction and even violence stemming from the use, yet it can be bought most anywhere.  It occurred to me it was intentional because the evil benefit from the self-destruction and even the destruction to others.  Fast forward to today.  Marijuana and the man-made pot treats will further open people up to the wandering demons looking for a vehicle to jack. This man-made marijuana is just the next alcohol2.0.  Both compromise the mind.

I want you to also think about alcohol.  For those that drink, even occasionally, what does it provide you?  Did the excess calories help you lose weight?  Did it help you relax or rather hide from a problem? Was the stressful event zapped away so you didn't have to deal with it later?  Did you wake up feeling refreshed?  Did it help you preform better at work? Did you drive better?  Did you speak more mindfully or behave in a more poised manner?  Were you more fiscally responsible during your late online shopping? Sure, you may have times that you socially laugh and have a harmless good time, but if you cannot do it with a sober mind, you should ask yourself why- you'll find excuses, but nothing truly valid and it may be tough for some to REALLY admit there is NO BENEFIT to alcohol.

The next time you had a long week at work or tough day and want to unwind, find something that brings you joy and think about the words I shared.   You will not find life and living at the bottom of a glass or bottle.  One last food for thought - I don't think it is an accident that Gin sounds like Jinn - that is a spirit you do NOT want to welcome into your body.


1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

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Pearlite said...

Wow Lynn how impressive and well said everything makes such sense thank you

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I don't drink, but mushrooms are great sauteed in a combination of butter, garlic olive oil and Merlot. (Charles Shaw is all I use.) Don't forget the garlic powder, Italian herbs (Or better yet, Trader Joe's 21 Season Salute), black pepper, some salted spice mixture of whatever mows your lawn, and paprika.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Pearlite: You are most welcome.

@Love to Push Buttons: Thanks for sharing! :-)

Pat said...

This explains how a lot of stupid, dangerous, and possessed people act at bars, etc.

Truth & light said...

A lot of things defiles us….etoh, drugs, food, people, etc

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Pat: Exactly!

@Truth and Light: Absolutely!

Robert Schoen said...

I think this become a time known for a return to spiritual values and a rejection of the imposed Woke agenda that's full of hate, feR and intolerance. I think back on how much money I saved never drinking alcohol or the cola they push, and how I got ten extra years of life not waisting time on football and other bread and circus distractions they give to keep us numb. I've also reconnected to my Catholicism in my own way that has shown me the beauty of pure love that you feel when you cooect to a baby thats still close to Source and God.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Well said. :-)

Andrew Dyson said...

Blogger Robert Schoen said...
"I think this become a time known for a return to spiritual values and a rejection of the imposed Woke agenda ... I think back on how much money I saved never drinking alcohol or the cola they push, and how I got ten extra years of life not wasting time on football..."

Rob, many of us could argue that one's football team [regardless of your country or code] is MUCH harder to part with emotionally, than any other drug or alcohol, gambling, food addiction etc.

And go easy on us coca-cola addicts; no one claims to be perfect ; )

Guedes de Miranda said...

Thank you Lynn! Could you eventually ponder on this statement? "German Police Suggest Cannabis Over Beer for England Fans
YouTube · High At 9 News
1 day ago ( https://youtu.be/Vkg1JjrrrXY?si=npRIT_JzxKjB3UQq )