Q. Lynn, I've seen a shift in your blog. Now that you are aligning with your faith, how do you feel about meditating?
A. I used to meditate daily. It was my firm belief this was the best way to reach your higher self and glean insight. It was meditation that helped us to find answers and allowed us to find inner truth. I've personally recommended this practice to hundreds of people.
As I started to become more in-line with the Lord, I've realized that our New Age approach of meditating may not be the best route to find answers. The practice of meditating involves setting mental protection and opening or relaxing your mind to allow information to flow freely. Most times the protection involves visualizing light (and remember Lucifer is the light bearer, so that in and of itself is a red flag). When in this open state of consciousness one cannot be certain who or what is planting these thoughts or ideas I admit, I've had very positive experiences with meditation, but I also know that satan is a deceiver and could be enticing you to continue to open your mind so one day when he sees fit he can hijack your headspace.
The bible actually does mention meditation. Psalm 1:2: “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” What people may not realize is when this was written it refers to pondering over God's words. Meditation meant to ponder the word of God day and night, not opening your mind to any being nearby. The New Age philosophy took that meaning and shifted it making people's minds vulnerable to attack.
I've then heard the stance that prayer is like meditation. In both instances you are focused, have intent and at times have a vulnerable mindset. Even though true statements, they are very different. Meditation sets a protection (again, most times with visualizing light - we remember who is associated to light) and prayer focuses on faith in God and Jesus Christ.
Ever since I've realized this truth, I quit meditating, but I do pray and often take time to focus on gratitude. I've had more happen and seen PROFOUND changes since I adopted this philosophy. I go to the Source (God) and stay clear of false idols.
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Thank you Lynn that information is rather profound. I meditated for the first time in 2017 and got a bit bored with it so I opened one eye to look at the clock. I noticed the cat watching something darting all the place and I got spooked and went to bed. As I was falling asleep strange activity started in my bedroom. Tappings, rustlings. The worst was little noises in my pillow that seemed to get louder and get closer to my ear. I thought I had mice. The cat was with me, it wasn't afraid so I took its attitude and told myself it was nothing to worry about. But on the third night I was hiding under the covers and prayed to God to make it all stop. And it did. Instantly. Never to return
@Suz: Oh wow. Thank you for sharing your experience.
@mr 2012: You are most welcome!!
I saw a video recently that showed how the phrase"Do not be afraid" is seen 365 times in the bible..we all need to agree that as we were made in God's image He will protect us so just keep the faith 🤗
I agree. Was always cautious about opening my self up to light in meditation because of entities. I wonder if people are afraid to go to the light when they die. I've heard do not go into the light, it's a trick or deception.
Who made light?!?
@margaret: Yes. "Fear not" is said over and over in the bible for a reason.
@Pat: I think it is too. I've done posts on this before.
@Truth and Light: God made everything...
So why give Lucifer power over light - he didn’t create it and cannot command it.
……its like thinking the rainbow belongs to the lbgtlmnopqrst group - rainbow belongs to nature.
"meditar sobre" (portuguese for " meditate on sthg.) is is what we say when we wish to ponder on a topic. From my intuition: it makes much sense what you are saying! Thanks a lot Lynn!
@Truth and Light: Both he and light were created by god. When he was created he was a beautiful angel, and his name meant "shining one." When created and named he became tied to the light and this was before he fell into sin.
@Truth and Light: The rainbow was God's promise found in the book of genesis that he would never flood the earth again. It was a bond that God made with humans. It has nothing to do with the lgbt - lmnop group. Nothing at all - that was taken and twisted like many other things.
@Guedes de Miranda: You are most welcome.
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