Monday, June 10, 2024

Kate Dressed as Rosemary's Baby

If this doesn't creep you out, I don't know what will..

 I had a very good friend send me this.  Once upon a time I think I saw it, but pushed it out of my mind.  Now with her being missing from the public eye, this is even more eerie.  I truly fear something satanic happened to her.  Nothing feels right about the monarchy and I sense this poor woman got wrapped up in a life she did not suspect.  Once her husband was fated to be King, it was the end of what innocence she had left. This was a sign and a bold truth in plain sight.  She needs our prayers more than ever.  

Blessings, Lynn 


Pearlite said... has exactly the same information... only more. All for entertainment purposes only, of course

Robert Schoen said...

Old news, but hope this brings a PERMANENT change to monarchy and Pope. Imagine id all the wealth of this fAMILY AND THE cHURCH COULD GET DISTRIBUTED TO EVERYONE.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Pearlite: Of course... I will have to check out that site!

@Robert: It would solve a lot of problems..

Blackbird said...

They seem to be 'rich' in property, art and "stuff" but not money - photos appeared in The Daily Mail the other day showing the exterior of Royal Lodge (where Prince Andrew resides) looking terribly shabby with paint work flaking.

I appreciate that the Panama Papers revealed that Queen Elizabeth had great wealth; why, then, were funds so hard for Harry to come by that Meghan had to stump up the cash for a new sofa for their cottage, and the Queen went to the UK parliament a while back, cap in hand, asking for money for roof repairs?

I don't think they are actually 'rich' in terms of money, but anything they need is provided (within reason - based on where you sit in the hierarchy).

That leads me to wonder who has access to all the money that the Panama Papers revealed does exist.

Blackbird said...

Latest news on Reddit and Twitter is that Kate has been spotted in the US (Texas, I think?) by a handful of people who may or may not be the same person posting in various spaces under different names. Where are the photos? Also, someone on Twitter said they "know" a nurse who has been treating Kate. I strongly doubt all this but it's interesting nevertheless.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Blackbird: I do agree. Not much is what is seems, it is more about what they want you to think it seems.

Pat said...

When I saw that a few yrs ago I thought WTH. Is she being creepy? Now it's a cry for help code? Have you seen pic where allegedly Kate slips a piece of paper in some guy's hand says "Help"? Now finally on some YouTube accts. About it.

Truth & light said...

@ blackbird Ive to realize nothing is what it appears. All the world’s a stage.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Pat: I think it is horrible. I cannot even imagine.

@Truth and Light: Very true.

Pat said...

I came across this amazing channeling this morning of Princess Catherine.
Her kids will find out the truth soon, I hope.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Pat: Thanks for sharing!