Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Has Earth Already Ascended?

Q.  Hi Lynn, 
I was wondering if you could look into some recent information that has been put out on several YouTube videos by Honey C Golden. She was given the information from Aubrey and Z who states that Gaia/Earth has ascended without us and that we are no longer on Earth, but in a new realm. Here is the initial video where this was discussed 

and Honeys follow up video 

Thank you for all you do, much love 💓  

A.  I do see a tandem earth existing.  It is more like a newly created earth within a higher density.  It isn't that it ascended and left us behind.  It was created and available for those beings with a high enough vibration to withstand and exist in harmony with it.

Just as it is difficult to see beings in different densities, we cannot see this "version" of earth.  It doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means the vibrations of the new earth extend beyond the vibrations of the 3D earth.   Beings in the 3D cannot easily access or experience the components of this earth.

How to we get to this new earth?  Some will take a given "exit point" in this life and incarnate there.  Some will have a near death experience leaving there physical body here while another being takes it allowing their soul to move to this higher earth.  The rest will go through the linear progression of life, pushing through till the end and be given a choice at transition (depending on their vibration) to go or stay.

Have no worry or fear of the new earth leaving you. You have time to soul search and pick the path that works for you.  Maybe you have unfinished business or maybe you have some things to purge or heal from.  Regardless, the new earth will be there when you are ready to make the move.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Blackbird said...

Okay, so does this mean that we should now go towards the light when we pass, rather than avoid it (to avoid reincarnating in this hell)?

Unknown said...

I also have questions about what to do when we die. I do not want to be caught in the same reincarnational trap and brought back here. It would be better to go out into the wider universe and avoid Old Earth entirely, it is said you can do this by turning your back on the tunnel. Let's face it, a lot of people are not of high enough vibration to go to New Earth, but that doesn't mean they want to be stuck here again in this sad realm.

Don't know if the light is the same thing as the tunnel. The Farsight remote viewing website has a video on the subject of "death traps", but it is behind a paywall and I have not seen it yet, but definitely plan to do so. Lynn, it would be great to hear your take on this subject. Thanks for all you do!

Robert Schoen said...

I just got kicked off Truth Social, so we're not quite there yet, as there still a lot of dummies out there who haven't ascended.

Anon said...

Side note, I miss your collaborations with Dada. Those were fun Fridays!.Can you bring it back?

margaret m martin said...

The grass seems gorgeous now but chemtrails are bombarding's sad times indeed

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I will have to talk to Dada about that. :-)

I think with the new earth a new light tunnel was created... I sense there will be another color aside from bright white... I think we still need to be cautious during the transition because they will want to trap you, but with an elevated vibration you will be guided to something better..

Plom said...

We ascend witth our bodies, never done before anywhwhere,,,

Tanya said...

In my channeled chats, my Higher Team keep saying "you are in the new, you are in the new" and "it is time, it is time." I try to ask questions for clarity but they want me to be/feel in that higher frequency. I wonder if it has to do with this new earth? When I am out, I feel like I am in another world, technicolor, and when I observe around me, the colours look muted. Honestly I feel like I am in another world but still here.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

It is possible to grow and rise in vibration within this physical body, so yes... it can happen..