Thursday, May 25, 2023

New Earth Light Trap

Q.  Lynn, as a follow-up to yesterday's post, should we now go toward the light when we pass as a way to incarnate on the New Earth?  Is that still a trap?  What do we do?

A.  As I thought about this question, I get that the light tunnel is still a trap to recycle back to the 3D.  The evil of the world want to keep humans here and corrupt them.  They want humans as slaves while they syphon off them.  When I say syphon I mean all resources; energy, money, effort, time, intellect, etc.  Without the human army they will perish, and they know this.  They have no strength on their own.  They must have a workforce.

As individual vibrations rise I get when you encounter the time of transition you will be shown options.  One will be the light tunnel, one will be to stay in spirit, BUT you will also be shown anther tunnel.  I keep seeing violet or purple hues and I understand that to mean a second tunnel will be illuminated within that color scheme.  

It is this violet tunnel that will offer the gateway to to the New Earth incarnation.  The key component is that you have to hold a vibration that can withstand that higher density for that option to be shown.  The bandwidth of vibrations of this New Earth can overlap the higher vibrations of the 3D, but will allow more growth and more ascension as it is not as limited.  This New Earth doesn't house the evil and doesn't make elevating yourself or processing/purging imprinted DNA traumas as difficult.  Every incarnation has it's own challenges as growth and experience lead to further ascension, but the New Earth will be a very different experience.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Much love, Lynn 

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margaret m martin said...

What if Christ greets you?...seems to be an impossible challenge if so

Weeze said...

Hi Margaret, I guess you'd have to be REALLY SURE the entity was Christ. The negatives can impersonate well, but you wouldn't get the high vibes you SHOULD be getting. That's why it can't hurt to just bypass it all initially. If the entity was indeed Christ, He would understand. ��✨

margaret m martin said...

Thanks for clarifying for me wheeze

Vipavk0 said...

So,new earth is just another trap of neverending cycle with different scenario? Huh just another game...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Weeze: I do think there is truth to that. The real issue is entities can manifest and present themselves in different ways. You need to be certain they say who they show themselves to be.

@margaret: If Christ were to greet you, and you are certain it is him, I don't see how you could walk away.. Be careful it isn't a trap through.

@Vipavk0: I wouldn't call it a trap, it is more of an alternate way to move forward with ascension.

Ryno said...

@Vipak0: Similar to my thoughts. Replacing one tunnel with another tunnel...

Vipavk0 said...

@Ryno: yes! boredom

@lynn: ascension is just another New Age trap... You must just know you true self - nothingness, and stop playing this new age neverending games