Thursday, April 13, 2023

T (Gyn) Der Agenda

Q.  I know I asked about the T (Gyn) der agenda before, just following up.  It seems to be escalating faster, but deep down I feel very sorry for these people.  They seem lost and hopeless (the adults), but my main concern is for the children mutilating their body.  Once they reach their 30s will they realize what was done to them?  This is major and an attack on children.  Very barbaric and cruel!

A.  This is a big topic and can be triggering for some people... If you are sensitive to this topic, you may want to skip this post.  I try to be "status quo" but some topics just need the blunt state of affairs.

Yes, they are ramping this up.  The goal is to destabilize the country and make us weak  They want population control and submissive mentalities.  (NOTE not ALL countries allow this type of behavior to be glorified and there is a reason for it).  They want people to wake up questioning what they are on each given day rather than teach the basics of motherhood, being a wife, being a husband, father, leader, etc. They want people confused in our attention-seeking society created by Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, etc They promote these characters and feed this need. They want soy in every product to reduce testosterone and feminist agendas to encourage women to be men. There has always been masculine women and feminine men, but fundamentally there are men and women.  You can neuter a dog and put a sweater on him, but he is still a "him."  

To make it worse they promote the agenda in school giving kids a free pass for being different.  They get special treatment for fear of bad press or a lawsuit rather than teach kids the biology God gave them.  There are also some teachers pushing this agenda because they were indoctrinated during their own schooling.  When I was in school teachers were private about their life and you didn't even know their religious preference or political affiliation.  Now EVERYTHING seems to be revealed and pushed on kids, especially anything anti-Christian or anything non-traditional.

Adolescence is weird enough with all the hormones, and kids need to adjust to puberty without all this outside nonsense making it worse.  Most will be hetero and some may grow and identify as gay, but they need a fair chance to figure it out themselves (and they will!).  Encouraging a young child to be something they aren't before they've even had a chance to go through puberty and experience life isn't fair.  AND the results are unrepairable.  If you block the normal maturation you will never get that back.  Let people chose what they want when they are legally able to do so.  An eight year old isn't mature enough to make a decision of this magnitude that would impact the rest of their life. 

Sadly, it isn't always the kids doing this.  In some situations it is the parents who coach this activity.  It is the next form of Munchausen.  

A lot of people caught in this loop do regret the decision, but it's too late.  What is the depression rate in this category?  What is the un-alived rate?  You are taking mentality unbalanced people, and in many instances adding hormones which is disastrous.  I've known people doing fertility and also guys that took supplements while working out, and the emotional fluctuations are real.  Combine that will a mental imbalance or dysphoria, and the results can be horrific.

The Powers That Were behind this agenda are trying to destroy this country from the inside out.  The moral compass is at stake. We used to be about family, respect and honor.  By all means love and be who you want, but don't push it on others. If you think you are something other than your God given assignment, please consider evaluating why you think that because the Divine doesn't make mistakes.  MOST times this is a dysphoria created and encouraged by this insane society we live currently live in.  You may feel different (and many T people have regrets) later.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Beautifully said, Lynn! It also seems the whole transgender agenda is about creating a new class of victimhood, as in the anger driven school shooting by a transgender who hated the religion she was brought up in, immediately followed by that ridiculous beer campaign which they knew would have provoked a hostile reaction from their beer drinking crowd as if the timing was perfectly planned planned. Divide people and make them fight each other when there was no problem in the first place.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Yes, this whole thing is just complete insanity... We've become a world that normalizes mental illness...

John Hickie said...

I attended a demo in London against trans nonsense being put on at shows for kids. What struck me the most was that there seems to be a type of parent that actively wants to get their kid to change sex, as some kind of gruesome leftist fashion accessory. I’m very astute. This is what I saw with my own eyes. The hatred we received from these weirdos was extraordinary. A real eye-opener.

SB said...

Plus all these people will be sterilized so it helps the depopulation agenda.

jj said...

Perhaps another facet to this is to separate us from Source. How can you trust in an All Loving, All Knowing Source that put you in the wrong body! And if people believe God gave them the wrong body, then they must be smarter than God and who can have faith in a God that makes mistakes. The insanity is far beyond comprehension.
Love & Light

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Great comments everyone! I completely agree. It is hard to put in words how sick this agenda is and the attack on innocent kids. They are creating a world of mental illness..

Hannon said...

I want this walked back, all the way to outlawing circumcision. Cutting up a kids thingy without adult consent is bad enough, but the stuff they are doing to these poor kids, is absolutely horrible.

Kyle said...

Lynn, there are a lot of push-back against woke agendas in recent times despite the PTW's blatant attempts. People are actively speaking out against it. Is this a sign that the collective consciousness is rising?

The enlightened one said...

I think an important driving force that makes young people want to change their gender, may be unrealistic gender stereotypes. I think many times children who want to be a different gender do so, because they don't feel like they fit into the stereotype about their current gender.

I think the stereotype about both males and females tends to focus on being stupid and low vibration. We need to create more positive gender stereotypes that align more with the divine feminine and masculine.

Also, it's worth mentioning that there is a conflict between different interests of the globalists. They want people being submissive on one hand, and fighting eachother on another. But if people are too submissive, they wont fight each other, but try to find common ground instead. And if people are too riled up fighting each other, there is a chance the system may come in the line of fire.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I think these are all valid points to look at. I do agree the collective is coming together and started to revolt. I also agree that glorifying one group or creating a pity party victimhood out of a group encourages people to want to be part of the desired group. People need to realize happiness comes from within and being content with who you are is fundamental.

MJ said...

I'm thinking if a being had always lived a certain gender as human in many lives, he/she may feel more comfortable with that gender than the current gender if it's different.