Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Hawaii to Fine Residents or Seize Property for Infractions "Own Nothing and Be Happy"

Q.  Aloha Lynn!  I would LOVE IT if you could take a minute to see what is happening with the Hawaii government right now.  They are actively trying to pass laws quickly allowing the county(s) to fine home owners up to $10,000 per violation per DAY!  And then immediately turning those fines into liens and then FORECLOSING on our homes!
There are so many “clone” bills that are essentially the same thing proposed by different committees that are being pushed through both the House and Senate so quickly that we can’t keep up on all of them.  Hawaiian citizens do not know about these bills and honestly, overall, they just don’t care.

I testified at the STATE SENATE last week about one of these bills (that wanted to give our counties more power than the FBI or local police to enter our homes without our consent to look for violations that they can fine and foreclose on). They want the Hawaii government  to be allowed to illegally enter our homes, look for violations, fine the violations at a MINIMUM of $1,000 per VIOLATION PER DAY, and then lien the property and immediately FORECLOSE on our homes all within 60 days or less. 

These bills remove the checks and balances that our country was founded on! They are deputizing our local counties to be the Investigator, Police, Auditor, Prosecutor, Attorney, Jury, Judge and Executioner! With ZERO OVERSIGHT!

Can you tell us where this corruption is coming from?  Is there a way that “we, the people, can prevail”?  What is their end game?

I know the powers that were are trying to make it so that we “own nothing and are happy” by the year 2030.
Is Hawaii the first state to try to fulfill their agenda? What can we do to fight this effectively? For the first time in my life, I am considering selling my properties in Hawaii and moving because of this.

A.  When I read this I knew I wanted to check it out.  It appears that within recent times a couple different laws have come into effect.  One looks to impact people who use their home or an investment property as an Airbnb and the other is for building codes.  I am not sure what this requester was referring to, but at a minimum these are both a really big deal.

I get they want homeownership to be very difficult.  The government ultimately wants to own all the land and property forcing people to live in compact housing similar to China.  If people have land or own property they can become independent, but renting or tight neighborhoods makes it much more difficult.  

They do not want people to grow food or live off the land.  They want people controlled.  If people are in rural settings it is much harder to spy on what they are doing whereas compact housing provides an opportunity for cameras on every traffic light and corner.

The government already prevents people from truly owning property through property taxes, judgments or arbitrary liens  (which can be attached to the property and property seized if not paid).  These new "legislations" are just the next layer to consume ideal real estate for pennies on the dollar via foreclosures and seizing of assets. 

People need to show up and fight this.  People need to speak up.  They will also try to deflect and distract people while things go on in the background.  If you sense a smoke screen, try to figure out what is really going on that they don't want people to know until it is too late.  They have a popular tactic of voting and passing legislation when people are unaware the vote is occurring. 

Stay alert and diligent. Much love and Aloha back to you! -Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Woke Democrats and the Deep State had perfected the art of lawfare by gaining control of city and county governments, district attorney offices, and chiefs of law enforcement through local elections. It's much cheaper to corrupt local government than to buy a senator or governor, and is in some ways it's more effective for there agenda because it's less noticeable. As tourism is the principal economy of Hawaii, many properties are second homes for people who live elsewhere so it's much easier to control elections nobody knows about.

Local laws cannot cancel federal and state laws and civil rights afforded to every citizen, but that's exactly how they want to achieve their long term agenda, to destroy the country from within. Public office attracts a lot of parasites who can't make it in the real world (like Chicago's Beetlejuice or Fetterman) but instead rely on government money and then get drunk with power once they're in. These corrupt politicians also control elections and can even negate recall initiatives because they answer to no one. All this has to change with a massive cleanup of elections on a federal level so people have a real voice in who's elected instead of the perpetual cheating that takes place now.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: What a great term... lawfare... So true!!