Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Mona Lisa Scandal - "His" "Story" is Being Manipulated

Q. Lynn can you have a look at the Mona Lisa?  In the theme of Mandela Effect, what do you see about her evolving from a straight-faced expression to a smile?

A.  In looking at the Mona Lisa I used to lump this work of art into the Mandela Effect category.  I saw that there were different timelines that remember her differently.  Some remember a very neutral tone on her face, while others may remember a smirk.  I see even more to this story.

When I think about her and his-story more and more things have come to light to make me realize this is all a virtual illusion.  Unless you have the old time document, you are open to manipulation and questioning.  I've been spending a lot of time tuning into this matrix we are in and how virtual reality has become intrenching in our lives.  When I received a warning from YouTube on a reading I did about AI being connected to the anti-Christ, it made me realize I was on to something.

With the click of a finger and some swift programming our recorded his-story is changed.  Some for apparently no reason other than to create a gas-lighting experience, and some to hide to truths.  I see Mona Lisa as the later. 

I get the ORIGINAL Mona Lisa did have little expression.  I see the Powers That Were stole the original, tucked it away for themselves as a collector item, and replaced her.  They did it in a mocking way, knowing that scholars were paying close attention.  It was a game to see what they could pull over their eyes.  Could people really believe the fake was real?  The Powers are so bold they even replaced the original with one that was altered- a smirk AND VEIL!  Yes, look closely on Google Images and any type of remotely recent book.  She has a slight black veil at her hairline and that extends down the side of her face.

I get the original was stolen and put in the hands of a PTW collector around the time of the noticeable, but dismissed smirk.  Who would ever think she was stolen?  People just started to think they remembered it wrong without considering she wasn't the same piece of art.

As I continue to have things cross my path and I uncover these inconsistencies I will share them with you.  For those that have the glasses on (referencing They Live), it will be clear why they want us submerged in the highly manipulated virtual world (note many schools don't even have paper library books- all digital).  For those that are slowly clearing through the fog- welcome to being awake!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

This might be my longest post ever but this is a subject I know quite a bit about. In fact I've been thinking about the Mona Lisa and Leonardo's work recently and studying it quite intensively. I've always admired Da Vinci and Renaissance art but came to early regard the Mona Lisa as a cliche in which very famous objects are almost impossible to appreciate on their own merits because of the immense cultural baggage attached to them. I've heard of the supposed Mandela effect about changing Mona's smile on this painting and equate it to how some people think that the limousine of the Kennedy assassination is changed. In both cases they are wrong.

A few months ago I got over my regarding of the Mona Lisa as a cliche and bought a full size poster which I looked at daily to study it closely, get a better understanding of it and come to appreciate it is truly a profound work. One thing about DaVinci is that he creates an atmospheric sense of ether within his work and in the Mona Lisa he draws the woman with the same basic form, color and rhythmic patterns as the landscape behind her so that they are married perfectly together. Some people believe it is Da Vinci's self-portrait but I feel it is more a portrait of his mother and it's the earth mother that's embodied in this work.

Recently Lynn did another reading on the Mona Lisa in which she said there were lots of hidden things in it which is absolutely true! There are all kinds of faces and images of lions in the mountains, the most prominent being on the upper left of a roaring lion in profile which is kind of Leonardo's way of signing the painting. There are also several demonic faces within the landscape including an amazingly modern abstracted head behind her left shoulder in which the bridge becomes the upper row of teeth on a sinister grinning face and I ghostly face of a woman within the veil of her left shoulder. I think this is left handed artist Leonardo's way of expressing the sinister (sinestra: Italian for left)nature of man, also expressed in how the right hand covers the left arm whose sleeve folds create an abstracted devil face while the index finger of the left hand is double drawn to convey motion as if it's fighting to break free.

The Mona Lisa was famously stolen around 1920 (Picasso was a suspect!) and many think copies were made during this time that were sold to the wealthy as being the real thing which they'd obviously keep quiet about because they'd be jailed as accessories to the theft.

This may be what Lynn saw in her read that the dark forces substituted it, but because there has been such extensive x-raying and other analysis of the layers of paint below it that is so consistent with Leonardo's other paintings and the two unfinished painting he started as monochromatic under paintings, I have little doubt this is truly Leonardo's. What's insane is how it's displayed in the Louvre behind heavy glass at a great distance with a huge line of others taking selfies so that it's impossible to study at all. Maybe this one on display is Lynn's fake put there to laugh at all the gawkers.

It is also very interesting to me that both Leonardo and Michelangelo, the two giants of the Italian renaissance, have numerically the fewest known works compared to those produced by their contemporaries such as Raphael, and I think both these artists were targeted as enemies by the PTB of their time because their fame and accomplishments became a threat to their authority.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I do agree with this... I do think the original was stolen, and this fake was put in it's place. They intentionally keep people far away... enough to make it hard to get a clear picture. Leonardo was amazing, and did always leave certain "signature" markings in his work- and this holds true on the original as well. I think the x-raying was on the original, and somewhere in between it was taken and replaced. With being behind so much guarding, it truly wouldn't be too hard.

jbharco said...

The Elite ptw and their reptilian buddies took off for Mars a few years ago. They took with them a large amount of Gold and the great treasurers from around the world, leaving in their place fakes and forgeries.

The enlightened one said...

Why the heck would they flee for Mars, when they could live a comfortable life on Earth in underground bases?

@Robert Schoen
That's quite amazing how deep the symbolism goes in that painting. No wonder someone came up with something like the "Davinci code".

Do you think more of the changes attributed to the Mandela effect is in reality a result of a deliberate change as a form of gaslighting? For example, Rodin's sculpture "The thinker" is also supposed to have changed.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I am starting to think that not only is there some Mandela Effect, it isn't as much as we think. I do think there is a HUGE gas lighting effect going on, and as people we should be worried about how they are manipulating our minds and making us question reality.

Ryno said...

This reminded me of the newest version of House Party (2023) that I recently watched. I wasn't expecting much but near the end they brought in the ill-uminaughty into it. Recommend watching it if just for ill-uminaughty parts. Anyway, my connection to this post and the movie is that they have their own copies of everything (from sports championship rings to one of kind art pieces) so I am not surprised that someone actually has this original and the public one on display is not genuine

Robert Schoen said...

Just one quick note as the supposed Mandela effect that the smile was different or not there before. The 'Mona Lisa' was one of three autograph paintings that Leonardo kept until his death at the age of 67. Both the other two works, 'The Virgin and St. Anne' and 'St John,' depict the same smile, perhaps one which is one of knowing or enlightenment.

Serene said...

@jbharco Not sure about Mars, if I understand right, the AC bill is out of this world. Literally out of this world. :)