Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Giants - Evidence We Are In a Terrarium

Q.  I'm still wrapping my mind around the idea of giants.  I believe they were here, but how did they die off and humans remained.  What impacted them in such an adverse way?  

A.  In thinking on the concept of giants I have had conversations with people.  Those conversations transpired into some intuitive thoughts. I want to share some concepts that have come to me and resonated as truth.

I've always understood that giants existed.  I saw the atmosphere was different and the gravity pulled differently which allowed for vegetation and people to grow larger.  I then realized how firmament played a role in allowing all kinds of species and plants to thrive.

Genesis 1 states: 
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

When our creator encapsulated the inhabited part of earth with the firmament it provided protection from outside elements. It also kept our atmosphere "held down" to earth.  In the process of holding it "down" it kept the gases tied to earth.  Have you ever wondered why oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc  doesn't escape?  What holds these gases here?  The answer is the firmament. Gravity plays a role, but the firmament plays an even bigger role. Without the firmament gases would slowly escape and life would have to either shift or perish.

Over time, shifts with the earth and devastating (cataclysmic events) caused the gas ratio in the atmosphere to alter.  At one point large volcanic eruptions burned up large amounts to oxygen making it hard for larger species to thrive.  We've been destroyed over and over, and in the process the atmosphere has changed.

And that is what I am able to see on this topic.  I'm sure more and more will be revealed to me, and I'm happy to share. Thanks so much for the questions.  Love and light, Lynn 

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The enlightened one said...

If there is a firmament. Does that mean meteorites are fake, or do they manage to penetrate the firmament?

Robert Schoen said...

The death of dinosaurs and giants from the reduced oxygen from Volcanos and such makes a lot of sense and the giant petrified "tree stumps" we regard as stone mensas shows how earlier Earth conditions allowed for things to grow incredibly larger.

Lynn, I always regarded the Earth as being kind of a terrarium zoo for many different species and plants taken from other planets. Did this zoo collection by Source indeed take place or is the variety we see all part of the same divine design that was always supposed to be here on Earth?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@The enlightened one: I think the firmament is a thick plasma or gel type substance. Meteorites may be able to penetrate if speeds and temps allow (and then it seals back up). These could also be debris within the firmament that are falling..

@Robert: I agree on both counts! Mesas are trees and we are in a terrarium.

Makw said...

@Robert: If mesas were trees shouldn't we find all the root branches underneath? And who cut them off to leave the stumps? And why are just a handful of stumps left? If there were part of an ancient forest where are the other ones? The mesa = giant tree does not make sense really. And even Bashar pointed out in a Q&A that they are mostly of volcanic origin.

SB said...

Do you think the new earth people see is just a new terrarium?

The enlightened one said...

Maybe he saw them as trees too, but didn't dare to says so for fear of coming through as crazy.

I am really curious to see what's on the other side of the base of the firmament at the South Pole. Someone should crowdfund an expedition. Who's with me?

Robert Schoen said...

@Makw, I may have misspoke using mesa when I was referring to buttes like the famed Devil's Tower which clearly does look like a tree stump, and yes there would be a tremendous root system under it that may have merged with other sediment that is now considered a part of a mountain or perhaps some rivers or tributaries could have emerged from the decay of some of these roots. Lynn did a read in which she said that even giants and large animals like Mastodons became petrified and are now considered rock formations.

Makw said...

@Robert: Yes, the Devil's Tower is volcanic in origin. Tree stumps are manmade. So who cut these giant trees and left the stumps? Where are the other parts of these supposed trees? And why are only a handful of single stumps left? If there had been ancient forests the areas should be littered with stumps. The photos for this theory look amazing but it doesn't hold up logically. Also why would Bashar confirm in his Q&A that there never were any giant trees in Earth's history?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Makw and Robert: I do see these huge mesas (and I refer to structures like Devil's Tower with that term which may not be correct) at tree stumps. They were destroyed by giants and also cataclysmic events. There are still roots or rotted organic material where the roots once were. (Is how I see it).

@The enlightened one: The firmament encapsulates us and the north pole is in the middle... There really is no true south pole. Imagine an eye and the firmament is like a contact lens... the pupil is the north pole and there is no true south..

The enlightened one said...

Of course I know that! It's not a true South Pole, but I called it so anyway because what else to call that landmass?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: Good point! :-)