Monday, March 20, 2023

Matrix Glitch Mandela Effect - Dazzle Ships and Black Tom Explosion - History is Being ReWritten

I thought it would be fun to do a post on our history changing and events not being what they seem or what many remember.  This is actually very concerning... 

In looking at our history, it is evident they are changing "his story."  With the internet and electronic record keeping, it is easy to change what has been recorded in time.  They are taking seemingly minor things to gas light us, and also changing major events to make people question their reality.  I get when the Mandela Effect started to be explored, this was really an experiment on the psychology of people to see who could remember what, and how much conviction people had with those memories.  

I see that timelines can "glitch" and then converge back together.  I see that they can also be somewhat forced to "glitch."  When these evil people in control realized this, they started to rewrite history and challenge people.

I'd like to share two examples of history being changed.  With the help of the internet and computer AI generation, photos can be created and put on the web.  As I focus on the two following examples, I have come to realize our internet has been completely corrupted.   Pictures, news stories, facts, etc are all filtered.  Between the disinfo people that have worked since the beginning and the censorship police, people need to rely on their own intuition to discern what is right and what isn't.  If you didn't see it with you own eyes (and I am not referring to a video or tv clip), don't trust it is authentic until to thoroughly do your research.

So hang on and let's discuss this craziness..  Maybe you were on a different timeline than me, but I suspect many of you will relate to my intuitive view..

Who has heard of the Black Tom Explosion?  I heard of this through a source, and apparently this was one of the biggest attacks on American soil.  The location was New York, and the explosion was equal to an earthquake of over a 5 magnitude.  It was so severe that is even caused permanent damage to the State of Liberty.  This was said to have been done by Germany and helped stoke America into WWI.  

Interestingly when this first came out, there wasn't much info on it.  There were only a few websites, but the amount of info seems to be growing in the past few years.  It appears to be growing to support and create propaganda for a story they want us to believe.  We all know that Germany was to be seen as the villain of the war- so this just adds to it. 

Honestly, I call BS (yes I said it).  If this really happened (at least in my timeline) it would have been taught when I was in school or college.  In my circle no one has been taught this major event that allegedly happened and caused damage to the Statue of Liberty.  They want to justify going to war, justify Germany being evil and make people question reality..

The second thing my source shared with me is the absurdity of Dazzle Ships.  Again, in my timeline this is completely a bizarre concept.  Allegedly they used brightly colored military ships that consisted of bold patterns.   I could see this in our current military and government that is trying to promote many versions of LGBTABC123 (and I'm not trying to be disrespectful but to emphasize how far we have gone to support these agendas), but this was NOT a thing that historic military regimes used as a tactic.  War was tough.  It was brave and strong.  Nothing about war was "dazzling" including the ships.

To dive a little further, when the idea of dazzle ships first came out, there was almost no imagery or information.  Just like the Black Tom Explosion the information and imagery (with the help of CGI and AI) of "Dazzle Ships" is growing.  How many of you have been on a tour of a military base or start fort?  I have an I assure you there was nothing this ridiculous on display or in photos.  How many have had history classes in school or college?  Again, I have an this is nothing that was ever discussed.  I think that something that was allegedly so impactful and a part of WWI would be mentioned somewhere throughout "his story."

Our world is changing at an alarming rate.  They are creating the reality they want you do believe.  We need to get back to the fundamentals of trusting our gut.  We have to disconnect from this virtual world that feels taken over by evil.

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Robert Schoen said...

I have a huge library at home on all sorts of topics but mostly history but I must confess that at least 80% of the time I'm looking up facts on the internet or reading from my computer to quickly find things.I've often found Wikipedia to be corrupted especially when it comes to politics and of course Google is the worst. I've never heard of either of these bogus historical events (on seeing the boats I assumed they were modern tourist Cruise ships) and I think these lies are made to gaslight the new generation into creating a false new world to fit the globalist agenda. They have already created a new politically correct dictionary and have negated Christ by changing the BC/AD terminology. I'll bet something like 80% of educators today are woke and I don't see how this can be reversed except by the exercise of independent thought, common sense and exposure of the Globalist plot to gaslight people on everything.

KatieB said...

Fascinating! Really enjoyed this read. Thanks for sharing. I’m always looking for good textbooks to collect/ save info at antique stores.

The enlightened one said...

It would be interesting to check up these events in news paper archives. If it did happen, there should be contemporary news articles about it.

On a slightly related note, I often experience that radio commercials seem to include very specific words or terms that relate to what I'm currently experiencing in my everyday life. Sometimes it's also people calling in to request a song to be played, and when the host asks them what they're up to, what they've done today, et.c. It seems sometimes to relate to things I've recently experienced. I wonder if this is just confirmation bias, or if someone is trying to show that they've got tabs on me?

For example, last Sunday I heard about an upcoming event in a nearby church where they would serve waffles. I wrote it down in my calendar in case I would feel like going there. Two days later, there is a commercial about waffles on the radio. A while back I met a German couple with whom I had an interesting conversation, and a few days later a commercial about Germany appears. I was out hiking in the forest one day, and encountered a dog with no owner in sight. Apparently a hunting dog, running around the forest and driving the game in a certain direction. The day after, a man called in to the radio station and told the host he had let his hunting dog run loose in the forest today to get some exercise.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: You are so right. I'm guilty of looking stuff up like that too. We started collecting older books to have the knowledge retained. I think this manipulation has been done before (how many BIG libraries have been burned). They try to destroy history so they can create their own "his" "story"...

@KatieB: We do that too. The written word is real... all else can be manipulated.

@enlightened one: Interesting synchronicity! I think you have a heightened subconscious and it not only draws this in, but makes you super aware. A mild example is when you (for example) buy a red car, then every where you look you see red... It is like what is on your radar you are super in tune to..

The enlightened one said...

@Lynn That's quite an interesting take on it. Could very well be. Thank you for your input!