Thursday, March 30, 2023

Is Manifesting Bad? Should We Fulfill Soul's Purpose Instead?

Q.  Aloha Lynn!  I heard another psychic do a reading on “The Law of Attraction” and said that Esther Hicks and Bashar are accurate on how these universal laws work. But, there is a twist... 

They said that Jesus (and likely the other angelic, non-galactic energies) did not think that we should have this knowledge  because we came to earth to fulfill our soul purpose, and not to manifest what WE want.  They also said that they did not want us to know that we were this powerful and could have these options because we may choose to exit the matrix instead of reincarnating!  


Could the Angelic and Galactic have such opposing agendas for us?  ANY thoughts that you have on this would be enlightening!  It never occurred to me that Jesus would want to keep us in the reincarnation matrix and that He wouldn’t want us to know the way out!

I am including the link below if you want to listen to it!  It was mind altering!

A.   I've thought a lot about this as of late.  We are powerful and the more we understand, the more powerful we become.  With enough practice and discipline, we can create our own world.   We are in a matrix, and as people become more enlightened, they can escape the matrix and not allow it to impact them.

In diving deeper into the Law of Attraction, thoughts do become things.  When applying the Law there is a fine line between creating a life you want and manipulating a set of circumstances. Some argue that manifesting is the same as spell-casting, but it truly comes down to intent.

There is an inner God within all of us, and that internal compass will guide you toward your soul's purpose.  That inner God will help you find your truth, which will lead you to fulfill your soul's purpose.  It can also help you course correct if you do become led astray.

As we awaken and learn of our own power, and the power of manifesting, I get IF you pair it with what resonates with your internal God, it can be very powerful in helping your achieve your soul's purpose with greater ease.  This power is to work WITH your soul and NOT with your ego.  Things like appearance, fame, money are all ego.

To expand on this more, it isn't even what you want, it is how you ask for it and your approach to achieve it.  For example,  if you want to become financially independent think of manifestation phrases like this:
"I want to be rich.  Have money cross my path with ease." - This is ego and the focus is stuck on money.  You want it bestowed on your without doing much, if any work.
"Please inspire me or allow me to find a way to become financially independent." - This leads to growth and nurturing the soul.  This phrase incorporates fulfilling a soul purpose.

The first example just wants something given, which can happen, but the method may not be desirable.  What if the "rich" came from the life insurance of a loved one?  In the second it comes from something within.  You may become wealthy from a business deal, new job, develop a talent, career change, furthering education. All of these items are focused on growth of the self.  Therefore, I see manifesting can be good if used in the right way.

I see the matrix part of the question a little differently.  When you approach the Law in a "short cut/bestowing  way you actually trap yourself in the matrix rather than rise above it.  You circumvent lessons and miss out of key elements of your life that will need repeated.  If you are meant to get something easy (like win the lottery), because it fulfills a soul purpose, you will.  And if you do get something easy like the lottery example, are you meant to help others or buy the fancy car?  It could be either or both, and you inner God will help you decide.

In summary, I do see how the Law of Attraction can short change people if they don't apply it in a soul healthy way.  You truly do have to watch what you ask for.

Much love, Lynn 

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God Wins said...

THIS is the question I've been desiring to have an answer to & never thought to bring it up here!!! I've struggled to understand if there was any dark side to manifesting or if it was in any shape or form against God & Christ. Deep, deep thanks to the one who did ask it & to Lynn for answering.

The answer resonated & was what I had finally come to conclude for myself.

I discovered Abraham Hicks nearly 20 years ago. It helped so much initially & I was amazing at manifesting. Then things took a turn & many things in my life fell to $h!+. I sometimes think I'd have been better off not knowing about LOA or discovering the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Now I'm working on my intentions for why I want what I want, exactly what it is I want, working on harmony/balance with God & my soul & taking out ego as much as possible. I've started listening to Abe Hicks recordings again, because they do make me feel absolutely wonderful.This reading offers me some insight as to how I can refine my approach!


Robert Schoen said...

One of the first things that jumped into my mind was that the law of Attraction also works negatively, as in how people can invite violence and death to themselves by their values and short term goals, as seen in the great number of deaths of urban youths who embrace the thug life. Illness can also be manifested by worry or a victimhood mindset.

Then again,one can manifest wealth and still be financially poor by having the wealth of a good family, health, everything they need to pursue one's life purpose.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@God Wins: Thanks so much for sharing. I'm glad this resonated with you.

@Robert: So true. What is a desire for one person, but be something entirely different for someone else. You will be brought what you need.

The enlightened one said...

@God Wins
The experiences you attract are those that correspond to the frequency of your subconscious thoughts and feelings. Our experiences are just an extension of the physical body. Just as illness may manifest in dysfunction of the physical body, it may also manifest in the form of negative experiences i.e. dysfunction in our life, since our experiences are just an extension of the body.

If you are having negative experiences as a result of using the Law of Attraction, consider that those same experiences may have been necessary in order to reach your goals. In order to release negative energy that we carry in our body, it must be manifested physically one way or another.

Also consider the possibility, that if you are using loa to push away negative experiences. They will only leave temporarily. As soon as you stop pushing them away through your conscious thoughts, they will return to you with even greater force and may have even more severe consequences, because the inherent vibration of your body that attracted them in the first place is still there.

The enlightened one said...

The limitation of loa, hence is that it can only bring about temporary energetic change, while real energetic change comes from healing of the soul.

JJ said...

Hi Lynn I’m going through something right now- and like Law of Attraction- your reading came exactly aligning with what I’m going through with finances and manifestation. I want abundance not to be rich, I want abundance so I can give more to others I had that realisation these last few weeks- and when I read your reading I was like WOW- law of attraction. Thank you

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one and JJ: I agree and it is so true it comes from within. Be mindful what you want and how you plan to achieve it..

Truth & light said...

Interesting commentary below:

“The most important thing about any manifestation is that it must always include the good of all, of the whole. If a manifestation does not include this, sooner or later negative consequences, also for ourselves, are inevitable.
At some point I came to the conclusion that it is best not to manifest "personal" desires. How many people became rich and lost their health as a result? That is just one example. Everything is already always in divine order and balance and changes we bring about can very easily disturb this balance. Therefore, when manifesting, the whole must always be taken into consideration. Is it good for everyone? Is it good for the whole? These are essential questions.”

The enlightened one said...

@Truth and Light

I am not sure I can agree with that.
If we manifest something for the whole of mankind, that we consider positive. How can we be certain that everybody else also consider it positive? To manifest positive change requires knowledge about the issues at hand and the current condition. Something we usually only have about our own local domain, be it the state, county or even village, but not the whole world.

What I think is important, instead is that you focus on the ultimate goal you want manifest, rather than all the small steps that you figure you should take to get there. Always have your focus on the ultimate goal, and the little steps to get there will fall in place by themselves.

Our highest goal may be change to occur in our immediate surrounding, or the extended surrounding, i.e. the community that we live in. But either way, that positive intent will positively affect other people as well. Everything we manifest for ourselves, will also inevitably be manifested in the life if other people in our surrounding. The reason for this is that other people we meet in our everyday life is just a reflection of ourselves. To our subconscious mind us and them is all the same. Hence, if we wish something for others, it will often come back at ourselves, and if we wish something for ourselves, other people will also get part of that. Because not only do we attract that which corresponds to our vibration, we also attract people that corresponds to that same vibration. And if our friends and neighbors don't, we will attract that change in their lives.

For reference, compare to how other people are interpreted in most dream dictionaries. As different aspects of ourselves! And our waking dream isn't much different in this regard.

Cathari said...

It seems that too many people are being seduced by the idea that they are gods.

The over-emphasis upon the Subjective leads to the notion that there is no Objective world at all. If everything I experience is solely the result of my own thoughts and feelings, than I must be the god of my reality. I can mold my experiences according to my own design and manipulate others with no respect to their free will. Truth loses any meaning. Truth is what I determine it to be, because, well, I am God. Objective reality melts away.

There are subtle dangers in this way of viewing reality. I think we all need to be very careful of being seduced by desire to be Divine.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I love all the comments. This was definitely one topic to think on and think what we are doing... I appreciate the perspectives! Hugs,