Thursday, March 16, 2023

Bank Collapse - What Does the Future Hold?

Q.  Hi Lynn! I was wondering if you could provide any insight on the collapse of the bank. Do you recommend that we take our money out of the bank? Thank you!  

A.  When I think on the most recent bank issues, I get this is just part of the plan to destroy the economy, instill fear in the people and usher in a new banking system.  They have been wanting a way to get people converted to a digital currency for a long time, and losing faith in the banking system is a gateway to that goal. 

Throughout history manufactured fear was used to evoke change in the monetary system.  They are doing the same thing now in our current time.  If they can get a digital system, they can control how money is spent, earned, transferred and used.  This takes the personal freedom of spending and transfers that power to the government.  

As things move forward in our current world, as they get control of the money they will get control of how it is used.  I absolutely see some sort of social credit system being implemented much like China uses.

[As an experiment, go to the bank and withdrawal money.  One, most banks do not have much money on hand.  Two, if it is over $10k you will have lots of paperwork explaining why you need cash.  Three, they will push electronic credit transfers/cashiers checks in lieu of cash.  I know someone that attempted to take out money for a car purchase, and it took no less than an hour and many, many questions (and major harassment) to get the money he needed.  

Now do this experiment, go to the bank and deposit money.  No questions... ever. 
*The above is a synopsis of the situation, and I go into great detail in the video.]

They want to phase out cash.  Watch for this and be cautious.  The are using China as a template and seeing how it works.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Much love, Lynn

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Robert Schoen said...

I'm not big on following financial matters but there's a lot of talk that this crisis was engineered to usher in the Nesara/Gesara system and to drain the money from the globalist. Interestingly, Clinton tried to initiate Gesara banking at the end of his presidency and then 9/11 happened that burst the economic bubble the US was riding on and the economy completely crashed.

Carlene said...

Nesara/Gesara is a big psyop in my opinion. Something to keep the people ‘hoping.’ The central controlled digital currency is the end game. We must push back with all legal remedies.

Ryno said...

Nesara/Gesara is psyop in my opinion as well. Heck, 95% of supposed "white hat" operations are just a hopium psyop. Everything is just so fake now, it is so laughable. The good guys are fake and the bad guys are so over the top, ridiculous. Klaus Schwab and George Soros as the evil leaders, really? Could you pick a more movie like villains for this simulation?

MediumBrian said...

Dunno about this
No other trusted channels ive read are seeing this in a bad light
Would like more info on this topic and reading to really understand if the sky is really falling

MediumBrian said...

Nesara is a fact wether you believe it or not sorry

margaret m martin said...

this could be a gateway to place us into some sort of forced submission...follow orders or lose it all there going to be a way to prevent this from launching full force? have a great paddys day LYNN

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the comments. I agree with a lot of this. I will say that NESARA/GASARA feels like a distraction or some hopium... IF they do any version of it, it will be a gateway to a communist takeover. It isn't a good thing, so many have to be careful what they wish for. I'm very leery of this..

The Great Teddy said...

How are we, collectively, ever suppose to wake up if there are no white hats or good guys working behind the scene and 90% of people are brainwashed morons who listen to MSM?

The cabal controls a billion dollar propaganda machine. Do you think they will dismantle it voluntarily?

Something, HAS, to change. Its that simple. So what is it?

MJ said...

I think the credit score will also be used if one is not vaccinated, like the digital pass during covid in some countries - cannot enter certain places. If we are patriotic, we may voice out dissatisfaction and suggestions but these would be taken in the wrong way of critizing the current gov (credit score drop).

Vipavk0 said...

@The Great Teddy: obviously we need harder times to wake up...

Weeze said...

A LOT of people are not just asleep, they're in a coma!

Hopefully it will only take a certain percentage of the population to tip the scale, not the greater majority. We haven't got time to fiddle around while America burns.

Andrew Dyson said...

Off to the gallows with the lot of them; they won't be missed by anyone.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hi everyone! I do think now is the time to look inward and find your inner God. We need to come together, and maybe have some kind of event or trigger cause people to be so enraged they wake up. Too many want the easy life, and don't want to challenge their paradigm. I think we can only evoke change with a revolution this time - "the tree of liberty must occasionally be watered by the blood of tyrants".