Thursday, December 29, 2022

2023: A Positive Look Ahead

As I look ahead at 2023 I have a strong intuitive impression as to the "main agenda" and from there things will branch off.  I wanted to share this impression and create a more positive spin.  Too many things focus on the negative without a way to transmute what is going on.... 

When I focus on 2023 I get the theme we will see emerge is "Safety" or "Be Safe."  I see this as a psychological ploy because for people to tell us to be safe as a theme, agenda or campaign it  alludes there is something to fear that we need to be safe from.  

There is a difference in telling a loved one or friend to "be safe," which can create a mindful notion to be alert, watch your environment, wear a seat belt, make good choices, etc... but it still alludes there is something to be safe or guilty from doing.  The main difference is one impacts the individual and the campaign or agenda impacts the masses (queue the sheep).

As I dig deeper into this reading, I realize I too am guilty of this.  A better word choice would be "Stay mindful" or "Stay present" as that is positive and keeping someone where they are their best self. When you are truly your best self you will make the right choices and do the things you should. (You will see me put effort into this too as I close on my posts).

I get that 2023 we will hear "Safety" in all kinds of marketing tactics.  It helps to feed the psychological fear and make us question how "safe" we are.  I suggest the next time you hear or see the phrase, look at the root.  What are the trying to promote?  The shot?  Illness?  Weather?  War?  False Flags?  Shortages?

We are fed fear on a daily basis.  The challenge is to decipher what is legit (is there a storm and you need to prepare, food storage, inflation budgeting???) or is there a fictitious boogey man they are using to create more division (the shot, fake crisis).  Don't allow these people or the Powers That Were to rent space in your head with fear until you have a reason to fear it.  Be cautious, be alert and be mindful.  Only you will have your best interest in mind.

I truly challenge you as you go into 2023 to analyze your fears and purge the ones that aren't relevant.  Most things we fear never come to fruition.  Most importantly, do your research and don't let others make you worry how safe you really are.  I'm guessing that most of you are safer than you think.  

Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I think the big takeaways from Lynn's 2023 message is to be prepared and not give into fear. There is an unannounced war against the PTW going on behind the scenes and signs that things changing can be seen everywhere if you look. Elon Musk's recent tweets about the corrupt lying media and against the jab are a harborer that things are changing for the good, but the PTW will surely fight back with an artificial crisis (like massive power blackout or even a fake hologram "alien attack")to spread fear and keep control. Look online for alternative news sources you trust. I think a lot of good is coming but it might be a good idea to keep some extra canned food, water and essentials handy just in case we have to get through a difficult patch.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Yes, we need to start deciding for ourselves what is real and what is manufactured to consume our headspace...

@KatieB: I would say trust in your gut. If you talk yourself out of something then you didn't listen to your gut. When you have a thought, act on it before your rational mind has time to take hold of it.

Truth & light said...

Great post. I have come to the realization when the gubermint and or the powers that wanna be use the term “safety” it means “control”. For your safety; for their control!

Cheryl said...

When I hear someone say "stay safe" I hear "live small". It's like they want us to live a limited, unadventurous life and not live to our full potential. Hard to explain, but that phrase has never felt right to me.

MJ said...

I hate it when ppl say "stay safe" these recent years. It feels so fake n it is like telling us to do all the recommended actions like social distancing, wear mask, go for jabs, etc. I'm safe because I did not do that. Maybe it's just me being offended easily after many ppl started parroting "stay safe" LOL.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments. I agree with this completely... Be mindful and steadfast. ;-)