Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Housing Market Crash

Q.  Hello Lynn. What is happening with the housing market? Are they trying to crash it on purpose? What can people do who need to buy a house?  Thanks!
A.  Yes, there is absolutely an agenda at play.  I get they have thought this out, and there is a slow and steady plan to make owning property difficult.  They want the wealthy/government owning and profiting from a majority of it all.

I see they have created an imbalance in the supply/demand so housing/rental prices are extreme.  This is being done by both inflation and also a rise in the interest rates.  If you are looking to buy you will pay much higher rates and if you rent, landlords can charge more because the availability of housing is diminishing.  They can elevate rates and do so liberally (people will have no choice but to pay). Buying or saving to buy a home becomes incredibly difficult.

This agenda has been slowly at play for decades now.  It used to be that a middle class family could live on one income and have one parent at home.  With consumerism, marketing and a huge feminism push they were able to extract income in the form of taxes from two parents.  Two parents were in the system, and two parents were buying more and more stuff (bigger houses, two cars, daycare, more credit debt). 

Switching back to the housing crisis, why is the housing availability decreased?  I see that the destabilization effort of many countries is in full  force.  As borders have become more like open doors, the influx of people is at an all time high.  The government, because they want the country destroyed, hands out vouchers for housing and free money so these people can afford somewhere to live.  This leaves a low inventory for the rest of the people, so prices rise.  Since the government is behind most of the current housing crisis, they don't care that they are making it unaffordable, and keep raising rates to fund their scheme (someone is paying for all the vouchers and it isn't the government).

I see the middle class being the most impacted and under attack.  Much of the lower income is already getting some kind of government assistance, but even they are feeling this with the constant inflation.  The middle class and small business is really seeing this.  Eventually, I get they want to have the higher class that can afford the taxes, fees, permits, etc be the owners of everything while everyone else rents and borrows money.  They want all money funneling to the top with little regard for the people.  

What can you do?  Try to buy from private people.  Investigate land contracts.  if you get a piece of land, hold onto it.  Pool money with families.  Invest in land.  Think outside the box any way you can.

I realize this post feels cynical, however it is true.  If we don't freely give them a socialist country (which they are slowly succeeding) they will force it by destroying supply chains, farming, housing and the economy. These people are evil.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

There's an exodus of the middle class from high crime cities with crooked DAs and woke agenda mayors who eliminate bail, so they may not be able to find comparable new homes with the inflated prices in safer cities and states. If these poorly run cities continue to lose quality of life, prices go down, which makes many families feel they must leave before their home value decreases. Maybe they should stay put. THis is all fear driven, so the lesson is not to be driven by fear but be vigilant for the parasitic criminals enabled by bad government and vote for better politicians.

RealCousinIT said...

My partner and I believe the only way to afford housing for most people will
be to live like the Golden Girls and split the expenses. Then you have predatory reverse
mortgages forced on seniors who don’t want to leave their houses.

The enlightened one said...

@Robert Schoen
White flight is probably taking place all across the western world.
Especially in London. I think white population is down to 50% there now, and decreasing by 10 percentage points per decade.

In Sweden where I live, the price on apartments has increased 10-fold from 5000 to 50000 SEK per square meter in the last 25 years. Housing prices increased 5-fold over the same period.

Only recently have the prices started to go back, probably because of the energy crisis in Europe, and people seeking out homes with cheaper heating. A lot of people have left their houses and are spending the winter in a trailer to save on electricity.

The enlightened one said...
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The enlightened one said...

@Robert Schoen
In Malmoe, the third largest city of Sweden, white population is also down to 50%, the rest are middle easterners and Africans. Located in the southernmost tip of Sweden, the city has become a dumping ground for immigrants arriving from continental Europe.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: There is absolutely a mass exodus.

@RealCousinIT: That is a good idea... maybe it would work. we do have to think outside the box.

@enighteneed one: Our world is getting insane...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Unknown: It is going to continue to go up... I see it crashing eventually and people foreclosing...