Monday, November 7, 2022

Iceland Elves

Q.  Hi Lynn! I’ve just returned home from a trip to Iceland and found the country to be almost other-worldly due to their unique landscape. With a small population of slightly over 300k people, it’s said that a strong percentage of the Icelandic population believe in elves to the point where they will build roads around structures that may be home to the elves to ensure they do not disturb them. Could you please look into this? The country is absolutely magical… anything is possible! Thank you! 

A.  I get at one time elves did roam the land.  They mainly stayed together in groups and created their own villages.  Something genetic impacted their gene pool, and inbreeding made the expression of adverse gene prevalent.  As time progressed many of the elves passed, and they were not able to reproduce fast enough to keep their population in tact.  

A few elves looked to NOT be impacted by the genetic mutation and looked to ascend into higher densities.  Just as bigfoot can come and go, I see elves as interdimensional too.  They toggle between 3D and higher densities keeping their sightings to a minimum, but still existent.

I get a lot of references to hummingbirds.  My impression is that where there are hummingbirds there are elves, or elves are attracted to the same colorful and fragrant locations in nature.  I also hear the hum of the birds and understand that elves also have a very high frequency.

This does feel to be a very cool and magical place.  After this reading I think it made it near the top of my bucket list!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Never heard of any of this about Elves, but I recently did swear off a week long addiction to Keebler Sandies which I'm sure human and machines made. Amazing about the Elves inter-dimensionality, and that they are real.

It makes me wonder if the Elfan race was all over the world at one time like Leprechauns and the short beings with wide features seen in art and carved on the temples of many ancient cultures. My daughter visited Iceland and stayed in the home of the singer Bjork who lives there. She loved Iceland and its people.

Ryno said...

Interesting topic. Elves... can't help but think of Tolkien and wonder how much of the "Lord Of the Rings" is based about some true history of the Earth and how he was able to know so much about it.

galacticwarrior said...

The questioneer should also visit new zesland - we are almost a mirror image but with tropical patches
Here the locals believe in tanifa beings which are also otherworldly interfimensional type creatures....we have to respect their lands and habitats. The place where I am living, I had to speakto them directly, gave them respect and informed that I come not as a foe but a friend of the earth and I respect and love nature....they've pretty much left me alone now and don't bother like they used to 🙂

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: :-)

@Ryno: I do think there is some true history there. I truly believe our DNA holds memories and when people feel creative (in regards to story writing, etc) or inspired it is that memory coming forward in some form.

@galacticwarrior: :-) Very interesting. Love it.

The enlightened one said...

Nice to see a post related to Iceland :D. It is indeed a magical place, and it's widely known in the neighboring countries how serious they take their elves. They also speak a language that has largely remained unaltered since people first settled there a thousand years ago. If you want to know how the vikings spoke, you should go to Iceland. They also have hot springs and volcanic activity.

Can you get anything on why they have managed to maintain a presence (in people's minds and also physically) on Iceland, while similar spirit beings in nature have been long forgotten in other places and rarely seen or heard?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I feel it has to do with the continual sightings... It keeps it alive along with the first hand encounters.