Monday, October 24, 2022

Internet Security

Q.  Hello Lynn, I have a question about internet security and privacy. Are these services really keeping our personal data private? Or, are they just mailing all our shady activity straight to the PTW? Maybe a short summary of who really owns these services and what their motives are? Thank you!

Proton Mail and VPN
Mozilla Browser and VPN
Brave Browser and VPN
NordVPN (used by the military)

A.  This was somewhat of a long indirect vision that led me to my conclusion.  Let me lead your through my process... 

When I focus on this I see many references to the Hunger Games.  I get our world is slowly turning into exactly what that movie/book series depicted.  There is the "Capital" in which most people, some seemingly in costumes and wigs encourage others to stand out as well.  Those that comply are "safe" and those that are in a district outside the capital are used to support the Capital.  (Can you see the parallel to our government and the socialist ideal?) 

Money, food and rights are slowly taken from all the districts while those in the Capital had everything.  Things got so bad that there was a revolution and a new district emerged.  This new place was District 13.  I see all these social media platforms and newer emerging browsers much like District 13.  People have had it, revolted and created something new as a way to fight back.  Sadly after so much time, District 13 became compromised and slowly started to be the thing that that they fought against.  I then hear the saying that history will always repeat itself, just in a different variation.

With enough time, the new thing gets tainted, someone gets greedy or the wrong person wants to get power.  As of now the outlined email, browsers and VPN feel to be safe, but they should always be monitored for their integrity.  I get you can go into these with confidence, but always watch to see how the company shifts or if new people become in charge.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

It's worth noting that Facebook was invented by DARPA then passed on to Zuckerberg as its puppet figurehead to give the illusion it was a privately run social media platform because no one would willingly share intimate details of their life or express their opinions to a government agency that had power over them. Guess what? That's what you've got now on the fascist run internet and why they are punishing those who challenge their agenda.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Exactly!