Monday, October 3, 2022

Hurricane Ian - Man Made? Man Intensified?

Q.  Hi Lynn! My guess is that others have reached out asking you to look into Hurricane Ian. I feel like this is man made or at least intensified by man (PTW). A hurricane this intense (Category 4) hasn’t been seen in Florida since the early 1920’s. If it is man made or helped by man, why are they doing it? I have my guesses but I always like to hear what you have to say. Thank you for any insight you provide!

A.  As I focus on this, yes I get this was a hurricane that was naturally occurring (more like a tropical storm), but was HIGHLY intensified by the Powers That Were.  I get that the government (DeS.) in that location is highly outspoken against the current administration, and if someone in that government (DeS.) decides to run in 2024, they stand a great chance of getting a good following.  DeS. is also against the fear and propaganda against the beer bug and many people algin with this logic as well.  These evil PTW already got the division and fear they wanted, and now it is about keeping the fear and keeping the division.  They don't want someone that works against those two pathways. 
As a way to punish and create hardships in that area the PTW took an opportunity and really hit this area hard.  They wanted to make this government squirm, ask for help and also distract people from other issues.  When you are living in a crisis and dealing with things on a personal level, it makes it much harder to be engaged with bigger topics going on in the country.   

This also provides an opportunity for the PTW to create a problem and provide a solution if you meet their requirements.  I see things like "if you need help you need to first have your "shot"" and things of that nature.  I see this as a way to further an agenda for those desperate to get assistance.  People are being put in an unfair circumstances.

The other benefit the PTW has is to create another excuse for supply chain hiccups, increase in fuel and inflation.  This also  creates a pathway for utility services to throttle or shut down  The goal is to destabilize and create desperation which to a point can take the fight and rebellion out of people (until it gets to a certain point).  

Please send some love to that area.  These people have been devastated.

Love and light, Lynn    

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1 comment:

Robert Schoen said...

The PTW have been using the same technology the Air Force bragged about in the 1990's on their website they'd be able to control weather by 2025 to create
"Natural" disasters for both their enemies and friends. Hurricane Andrew in Florida helped Gov. Jeb Bush with the massive rebuild of infrastructure, while 2005's Katrina got little attention from then president Bush for Louisiana's then Democrat governor who wouldn't allow Bush to send in the National Guard. Texas, another red state opposing Bidet's open border policies, was also hit with a massive "natural" disaster the year before. It's a shame the insurance companies don't call out these crimes of domestic terrorism.