Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A Break in the Pipeline

Q.  Lynn, Can you do a reading on the Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia and Germany?  Several pipelines recently started leaking due to explosions. Many things point to US being responsible, and Bidet even said earlier this year, that the pipeline would be destroyed if Russia invaded Ukraine. There has been massive demonstrations in Germany for the past few weeks for the opening of the pipeline Nord Stream 2, to mitigate the energy crisis. What's also a suspicious "coincidence" is that it happened on the same day that a gas pipeline from Norway to Poland opened. A polish official even tweeted "thank you US" in response to the explosions.

Where do you see this leading in the geopolitical game? How will Russia react? Do you see the pipelines being repaired in the foreseeable future, and how do you think this will affect US-German relations? 

A.  As I focus on this I get this was intentional.  What I want to know is, By who?.  

I see that a group that works in parallel to the US military (like a small team or special ops unit) is responsible.  I get that there is a major agenda at play to destabilize our world so a one world government can swoop in.  In the process of doing this, they need to create economic hardships, social hardships and utility interruptions.  Life has to get difficult to get people submissive.  Europe feels to be very vulnerable and I see that the country responsible will work overtime to send out propaganda deflecting blame.  This entire things feels VERY manipulative.

All eyes are on Ukr*** for various reasons.  I see that Ukr*** was once under Russia, but once it was annexed it slowly converted to a pit stop for all things illegal and unsavory.  Russia is trying to stop this, but those that stand to make lots of money from mafia factions, drug trade and human exchange want to keep Ukr*** as is.  Because those Powers own (through blackmail, influence and intimidation) many political forces, they become the bully, and that is what they are doing to keep control of their "pit stop."

I see a very rough few months ahead of us.  I get that they are preparing people for electric outages in the name of cl-eye-mate change.  The price of utilities will skyrocket and the supply/demand will be skewed.  They will do what they can to push fear onto us, and preach we need to do "xyz" to be safe.  They will manipulate people to give up things and even fight for things that are not in the best interest of everyone to be "safe."  I caution you to watch for any leadership that uses the word "safe" in their motto.  We should be focusing on liberation and freedom, and not safe which implies there is something to fear (there is psychological manipulation at play).  Concerned, yes.  Informed, yes.  Knowledgeable, yes.  Redirection and decisions to make, yes.  Do not fall into the fear paradigm.

This pipeline disruption creates more struggle on the people.  They want people weak and NEEDING the government.  People are much easier to control during hard times.  There is a point where things go so far that once all is lost, people turn to animal instincts, but they are smart enough to keep enough programs out there to avoid that.  They are also smart enough to force people to do what they want to get the programs they need (are you socially compliant?).  I see lots of games like that being played.

Watch for more intentional acts such as this.  I foresee this is just the beginning. Russia isn't going to tolerate this, and they are indeed stoking a war, which the Powers want.  I sense Russia will retaliate, but will be coy in their tactic.

I hear that Germany is just collateral damage and the Powers don't care.  They will preserve their "pit stop" at all costs.  Germany is definitely going to take a different stance and I see lots of symbolism of WWII emerging..  

We need to pray and send some love to this world we are in.  If the Powers That Were don't stop, it will be very hard to recover. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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wickedlydia said...

I’m thinking that all that money the US is sending speaks quite loudly. Shame.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@wickedlydia: Yes, it speaks a lot!

The enlightened one said...

Speaking of symbolism.... Apparently Russia annexed the Ukrainian regions on the same date (9/30) that Germany annexed Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia) in 1938. I wonder if that's intentional or just a coincidence.

It is really mind-boggling how poor the Russian army performs if you are to believe the reports in western media. Some of them appears to just have been dropped in the middle of the battle field without food, water or training. And corruption seems to be rife among them. It makes me wonder how much of those reports are truthful and how much is just propaganda. And if true, is the Russian army that weak in reality or are they just under-performing to try to fool their enemy? Perhaps some of the officers are intentionally making bad decisions because they don't want the war to succeed. What do you think, Lynn?

margaret m martin said...

confirms what we already knew about how the enviroment is not at all what they pretend to be concerned about.... doing this very evil event towards nature is collateral damage to them and yet they want us to be guilty of assaults on our climate and hold us endlessly accountable etc
they have overloaded our good sences and peace of mind with atrocities such as rampant crime inflation and no fuel.......is this the oppression they want for us?...and how can we stop it if they contol it all?

Unknown said...

America also previously sabotaged a Soviet Siberian pipeline in 1982 to stop the sale of gas to Europe. They really, really do *NOT* want Europe buying Russian gas, not ever. The CIA was in charge of this action.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I don't believe in coincidence...so yes, there is something to that. I think Russia is smarter than we give them credit, so if they are dropping those kind of people, then there is a bigger plan. I get they are highly trained and faking this until a mass amount is there, then you will see what talent they have.

@margaret: We just have to do what we can to not be dependent on the system. Staying educated also helps us stay one step ahead..

@Unknown:Interesting. Thank you for sharing that info.

The Great Teddy said...

Its fake news propaganda. Russia is doing better than what is being reported. Unfortunately Europeans are so incredibly brainwashed. Voting for Ukraine in the ESC was a total embarrassment.

I always knew intuitively it was the US deep state that orchestrated the attack.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Teddy: Totally orchestrated...

MJ said...

The money n weapons countries sent to yUkrain for war in the name of defending yukrain vs using the resources to help own country -_-

Blame everything on Russsshia. Uro is going to deeps* n living cost in winter is going to shoot up. Which is unnecessary. Uro has such rich culture but following the agenda is going to shoot themselves in the foot.

MJ said...

I really like this part : We should be focusing on liberation and freedom, and not safe which implies there is something to fear (there is psychological manipulation at play). Concerned, yes. Informed, yes. Knowledgeable, yes. Redirection and decisions to make, yes. Do not fall into the fear paradigm.
