Thursday, October 6, 2022

Dahmer Craze

Q.  This weekend I encountered three different cable programs on Jeffrey Dahmer.  He is relevant these days because it seems many young people fall victim to Satanic possession, or something like it. Dahmer seemed to be close to a Jekyll and Hyde personality with a meek exterior hiding his dark interior life.  He claimed personal responsibility for all his heinous actions, saying he was aware and being himself when he murdered. An interesting thing I didn't know was his mother, who I always suspected as being a major cause of him turning bad, was a happy and positive person until she became pregnant and then had anxiety attacks throughout her pregnancy where she took a lot of pills and medications.  After Jeffrey was born, she would never touch him or let grandparents near him and became more neurotic.

I'm wondering if a satanic force entered Jeffrey when his was in his mother's womb and affected them both. Was Dahmer's darkness part of his DNA or did it enter him? Was he a weak person that allowed the evil to use him or did he alone have a split personality where he was completely responsible for his acts? If it was a form of satanic possession, do you see this is on the rise with young people now?  

I know this is a dark topic to take on but it raises a lot of issues that can help people understand when things like this happen.   Thanks.

A.  I have noticed that Dahmer has been in the media a lot lately.  I initially felt repelled against watching anything on him, but after this question and also several other personal conversations I decided to watch a few episodes to get a vibe as to what is going on.  I saw a few different agendas at play, and felt there was a bigger message being sent out in these various documentary type shows. 

1.   I get the issues his mother encountered when she was pregnant and issues after triggered this imbalance.  Not only did his mom have mental struggles that were induced by pregnancy, they were treated with various (prescribed!) medications.  When someone is having a low moment or using anything mind altering, it can open a gateway for negative entities.  That is exactly what happened during this very vulnerable time. Darker forces definitely took over and had an impact on the growing fetus.  

Even after birth the treatment from his mother on his already traumatized psyche allowed darkness to foster within Jeffrey as well.  Whether positive or negative, kids don't have a developed rational mind and are very open to all kinds of entities/energies. This was further exacerbated by the abandonment of his mother (and somewhat his father) which became a huge emotional trigger (being alone) for his actions later in life. He was weak and damaged and his connection to the darker forces within him were the only connections he felt.  This environment created the perfect storm for a psychopath or sociopath to form.

What stood out is much of what I watched geared people to understand and somewhat sympathize with him.  Even though sympathizing with people is a normal human reaction, we should never excuse heinous or darker activity.   I had this sense that people that do darker magik or ritualistic behavior involving human consumption of all kinds want us to somewhat accept what he did because of the circumstances.  (Some sort of justification???)

2.  I saw this as a of message or reaching out to those that are into human consumption as well.  This pertains to both the solids and the liquids (I'm trying not to be too disgusting...)  The Powers That Were take practice in selling and consuming adren------ which is exactly what Jeffrey was consuming before he or we even knew what it was.  I somehow think there is a message to this "cult" of people but am unclear (unless it relates to my next point and I haven't put it together??).  

3.  The setting of this revolves largely around  his attacks on the homosexual, African American and lower economic community (his targets were in all three categories).  I see this partly to evoke some outrage as the police were called on him several times, and they did very little.  As these men disappeared, they knew that something was happening, but took little action.  I see this being brought to light even more to get some people angry, offended and outspoken.  I see small groups or pockets of society using this as justification to be outraged.

All in all this is a VERY sad story of mental imbalance, drug (prescribed!) and an influx of negative energy.  If only someone would have helped his mother, helped her avoid medications, gave her love and even directed her in a Spiritual or God driven direction I think we would have had a TOTALLY different outcome.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Wow, what a great read,Lynn, which you cover on many levels including why Dahmer became a killer, his mother's role in his formation, and the agenda behind the recent glut of programming on him. I did watch the Netflix series and one of the disturbing aspects of it is how they portrayed Dahmer as a cult rock star figure amongst many young fans who would write him in Jail and send comic books based on his murders, almost like the PTW wanted him to be seen as cool.

I can really see how the drugs his pregnant mother was taking could have affected him and opened up a window for dark spirits to invade him, but could Dahmer have had a past life history of being someone like Jack the Ripper that could explain how he became a satanic dissecting killer? Maybe Jeffrey's pregnant mother was going crazy and started taking drugs because she freaked out by the darkness of the baby she was carrying. She was close to her second son and later became a volunteer social worker to help others. You are spot on about Dahmer's mother abandonment issues that manifested how he wanted keep his lovers from leaving and then keep parts of his victims. It's human nature to seek answers for why something like this happens, but almost the opposite to glorify someone like Jeffrey Dahmer or hope his example might inspire others, which may be exactly what's behind these programs.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Thanks so much for the comment! You did raise a great point about the fans he got and the gifts he got in prison. They really want us to sympathize with this man (as many did even then). I think to justify their own sick behavior and somehow get forgiveness or even acceptance.. We really are in a sick world on many levels.

Karly said...

Normalizing it… I remember seeing a clip of a reality chef show where the judges were eating a gourmet mystery meat, to find out after it was (supposedly) human fl*sh. They were horrified after, and the chef tried to reason it was normal, as there is so much availability on earth. I’ll see if I can find the clip

Ice said...

^ I'd seen this clip. It looked like a regular cooking show with judges and the panel was made to guess what they ate. When disclosed it was human, they were completely bothered. It came from someone! One of them even wanted to puke.

The chef justified it as though there was an ongoing stigma against it! MSM is trying to normalize it!

I remember coming across a guide book on p3do. It has wholesome photos of little girls and explains that p3do can be a mutually "fun" thing for both the adult and the child.

Where are these people's moral compass?!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Unknown and Ice: Exactly! They are trying to desensitize us or get us to think parts of this are acceptable..

MJ said...

Unknown : eeeee yuck! The health n beauty industry are using human parts. It's just that most ppl don't ask n don't find out what their med, supplements, skincare n makeup r made of. Human vexx need fetus cell in lab experiments.

MJ said...

Ice, I've read posts where ppl say age is just a number n love is timeless as excuse for pedo. Disgusting

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

All of this is disgusting..