Wednesday, June 22, 2022

QHHT Inner Earth Trends (Allison Coe)

Q.  Hi Lynn,

I just saw a QHHT/BQH regressionist video from 2019, where she (Allison Coe) explains that some of her clients were having similar sessions involving a blue orb (or sun? or crystal?) in the middle of the earth. There are two parts, the first part is and the second part is .

I have heard many stories about the inner earth, and some of them are about negative beings living there, and some are positive. In this story, it sounds like a beautiful place with positive beings living there.

I know you have reported on some of the negative beings that live under the earth or in the earth. Are any of these positive stories true? Is there really an orb there that connects to Source? Was there also one on the surface of the earth in the past, as the client described in his session?

Thank you for your assistance!  

A. As I focus on this, I do get there are portals to the inner earth.  There is a larger one near the north pole, and a few others around some ocean areas (I see a big one in the center of the Atlantic and also around Seattle). 

Just like on the surface of the earth, there are positive and negative beings.  It does look as though the negative and positive beings don't integrate, and understand this to mean that because high and low vibe frequencies don't integrate well they intuitively stay divided.  They respectively have their "zones" and reside in their own space.  

There are some larger scale resources that are shared among all beings in the inner earth (minerals, etc).  One of those resources is the inner sun or energy core (the way I see it).  This energy core looks like a ball of light that takes a plasma form.  The inner earth beings (both low and high vibe) are somewhat advanced, and feed and fuel from this energy core.

I do not see that the surface has ever had that same energy core.  The surface is nourished by the solar sun.  Life on the surface evolved (in part) by extracting nourishment from the sun as we see it.  In the past century we've learned how to harness the sun as a power source as well.  

Super interesting topic!  I look forward to what other questions you may have regarding this.

Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

It's amazing how little we know about our complex world, both its interior and its exterior. Some people will believe the moon is a holographic reflection of our entire planet that indicates the known continents are just half of the land masses that actually occupy the surface of the earth. I like that the inner earth has both positive and negative zones, so maybe on the surface all the negative zones are found in the cities.

Nurse1277 said...

What about the unfortunate humans trapped and inslave by the insect ET below ground (inner earth), are they forgotten by the good military, white hats?

Suz said...

That AU pilot was taken to the inner earth. What became of him?

galacticwarrior said...

Do you feel that positive beings will try to connect to surface beings at some point...will they even try to help us in some way or adopt a total indifferent approach ?

The enlightened one said...

What I think would be interesting to know about is how gravity works on the inside of the Earth. According to Gauss law in physics, an electrically charged sphere will have an electric field strength amounting to zero inside, because in each spot, the field force from each portion of the sphere will be nullified by the combined field from all other portions of the sphere. The same goes for other force fields like gravity. So if the hollow inside Earth is spherical, gravity in it should be zero according to physics.

The only explanation for gravity existing in a hollow sphere, would be if it's not evenly thick all around. In order for gravity to be possible inside Earth (according to the laws of physics), it would require certain portions of the "walls" to be much thicker than others along the equator, like two to three times thicker. And then gravity would only exist next to the thicker parts. I realize though that there's a possibility our understanding of gravity is not entirely correct.

If the thicker parts of Earth's "shell" are separated by thinner parts with no gravity, that could also explain why the positive and negative beings don't interact with one another.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: It was interesting to see it that way.

@Nurse1277: Sadly, it is almost like once someone gets trapped there they feel stuck..

@Suz: I think he is still there.

@galacticwarrior: I think in time they will, but probably not during any of our lifetimes.

@enlightened one: This is super interesting... I will have to think on this and do a post.

The enlightened one said...

No need to!
My calculations show that if the hollow interior is cylindrical instead of spherical, the gravity on the inside is almost the same as on the outside. Surprisingly, gravity on the inside is actually higher than on the outside. If the diameter of the hollow is 1/3 the diameter of Earth, gravity would be about 60% higher on the inside, and if the diameter is 1/2 that of Earth, the gravity would be about 20% higher on the inside!

In these calculations I have used a simplified mathematical model of a hollow cylinder with certain diameter and thickness. Anyway, science tells us that the hollow must be cylindrical in order to have gravity!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: Oh wow! Thanks for checking that out and sharing your findings!! How cool!!

goldenrainbowasana said...

The comments are as interesting as the topic! I still think a reading on gravity, both inside and outside the earth, would be fascinating. And thank you Lynn for this reading. I always wondered how there were both kinds of beings or humans down there, positive and negative - this makes it make sense. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@goldenrainbowasana: No problem! I learn so much from all of you. Glad you liked it!