Thursday, June 16, 2022

Priority Blog Request: Saint Germain

Q.  What do you tune into when you hear the word "Saint Germain?" There are historical accounts of him being alive in the 1700's and bedazzling the upper class of Kings, Queens and important figures all over Europe and beyond. He may be able to teleport (an ability I have mastered exclusively in the astral planes.)  He also made another appearance to Godfree Ray King in the 1930's as an ascended master. I think he is the perfect gentleman and all awakened men should strive to be like him (if a woman were to have recreated his energy in the 1700's and being of lower society she no doubt would've been called a witch).  

A.  When I think of Saint Germain, I get he had a great understanding of the astral plane and how it related to the 3D.  He understood manifesting and how things traverse through the planes.  The fundamental part of all beings is energy and electrical force (and how to shift though that frequency).

His knowledge would captivate an audience, and because what he shared resonated in truth, people were drawn to him.  These concepts were advanced, and were plausible in the minds of people, so they wanted to know more and even learn.

I get in the 1930s he manifested to Godfree Ray King, but was in an energetic form versus physical.  Saint Germain is always around waiting to be called upon, and Godfree did just that.  I see Godfree being very open and spiritual minded while also working on his own abilities and understanding, and Saint Germain felt called to be of use.

Interesting question!  Thanks so much for the reading suggestion!  

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goldenrainbowasana said...

I know this is pretty random, but my gifted friend says that Saint Germaine has a fun sense of humor and that he comes through with a kind of playful yet of course extremely knowledgeable vibe. Do you sense this, Lynn? Or maybe this was just for my friend?


The enlightened one said...

Saint Germaine is indeed a very fascinating subject!
I've read about him in books about alchemy, where it was speculated whether he could have found the philosopher's stone, thus gaining access to eternal youth. That could explain him appearing across time.

I've read he also had an aversion to all sorts of curses/swearing and reacted very strongly against it, almost like an allergic reaction. That would point to him having a very high frequency of vibration.

In much of the New Age literature he is treated almost like a saint of sorts. Probably not too far from the truth.

ss said...

I honestly don't know much about St. Germaine.
I wonder if anyone has had experiences calling on him for assistance in manifesting things in one's life whether it be for good health, protection, or anything???

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@goldenrainbowasana: I would say strange sense of humor rather than fun... definitely humor though..

@enlightened one: Thanks for sharing! Interesting about the cursing/swearing.. that makes total sense..

@ss: That is an interesting question... I am curious too if anyone has an experience they would like to share.

Cyber said...
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Cyber said...

Did Saint Germaine write a book on how the astral planes work in detail? Does anyone know where I can find his book?

Cathari said...


I'm very curious to know why Joan of Arc, after all of her selfless loyalty to King Charles, was abandoned by him when she was captured, interrogated, and led to execution. What deeper spiritual/karmic reasons might there have been for this lack of reciprocal loyalty? If you ever have time for another historical topic, please consider this one. Thank you.


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: Not sure... does anyone know?

@Cathari: I will consider this... Thanks for the idea..

The enlightened one said...


A quick google gave me this:

According to wikipedia, there are only two books written by count Saint Germaine. One is "La Très Sainte Trinosophie" (The Most Holy Trinosophia). The book describes symbolically "a journey of spiritual initiation or an alchemical process" according to Wikipedia. It has been piublished by Manly P Hall in Los Angeles, California in 1933.

The second work attributed to Germaine is the triangular manuscript. Two copies of the triangular manuscript exist in the Manly P Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts at Getty Research Library. The copies are called MS 209 and MS 210.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: Thank you for this!

The enlightened one said...

My pleasure, dear friend!

Myway said...

@Cathari: I think that King Charles was a devout Catholic and Joan of Arc was'nt. She was very spiritual. I wonder was Joan of Arc in support of women's right.

This is my opinion not something that is based on something I read in history.

Jc mchezo said...

is he physically alive

Gratitude said...

Yes! A Strange sense of humor. Like off the wall or weird sense of humor. You nailed it again Lynne.

I think he manifested to my friend with a big G that was flying through the air or spinning around or something weird, but it was so my friend would understand that it was him, he was used to seeing Angels but had not had an experience with SG. Luckily my friend is ok with weird.

Gratitude said...

I didn’t read all of the follow up comments here before, but @ss, I have worked with SG for a while. I woke up in about 2016 or 2017 and I was looking for resources to read about the things I was experiencing. I found this site and became friends with the guy who runs it. He knows a lot about Saint Germaine and he explained the violet flame to me, and I started using that in my life whenever I did or said something I wanted to transmute that energy from negative to positive. I started throwing life situations in the violet flame too, anything with drama or problems. Now I still use it but I also just use white Source light.

Here is my friend’s website and his blog. There are a few blog posts on SG there.
