Monday, July 19, 2021

AU Government and Unemployment


Q. Hi Lynn can you do a reading on the terrible conditions the AU government is using against its vulnerable citizens to save themselves from paying welfare. They have given the power button to job providers who can cut income instantly. Job network providers are actually compliance officers in disguise.

"The federal government is trying to rush a bill though parliament, imposing measures to make it even harder to get unemployment payments. They are forced to go to appointments that produce nothing and attend unusually poorly designed and useless training sessions. These changes will put pressure on the unemployed and get more to drop out of the system. The number of people on the Work For The Dole scheme will be doubled. Its victims as a source of cheap labor without the usual workplace protections. The private agencies operating in the system have been notorious for mistreatment of the unemployed, who are treated as a cash cow, to be milked for lucrative payments from the government. This inevitably leads to the imposition of unjust requirements, and the failure comply with them leads to being reported and having payments suspended or stopped."  

The government is attacking the vulnerable from all angles - NDIS & Medicare - wherever they can clawback money. The stress and anxiety caused by this government is disastrous. Homelessness is increasing and the welfare cards (Indue & Basics) can't be trusted to work. So many people are falling through the cracks and not coping with an unfair system. Indigenous youth in remote outback areas have given up trying and fallen back on family matriarchs to care for them.

Where is AU headed with this government. Will things get better?

A. When I focus on Australia and the situation they are facing, I do see Australia being in dire economic conditions.  It is like the middle class is shifting, and what was middle is being divided into more of a lower and upper class.  Australia, if it stays on this path is headed toward more of a two class system with the middle class being absorbed. 

There is an overall global agenda to create a socialist world.  It starts with taking away rights, manipulating the workforce and impacting the economy to where inflation makes people on limited budgets able to sustain.  In addition to the fear and panic, this beer bug helped to fast track and even enable the agenda to move forward with the support of the people.  Some resisted government shut downs and wanted supply chains open, but those that were scared saw it as necessary.  In an attempt to get back to where we were, people are voluntarily getting the beer bug shot, but unbeknownst to them a version 2.0 is on the horizon, creating further economic hardships.

Those with the money will survive (Amazon, Walmart, etc), and the smaller businesses and employees will suffer because they cannot compete.  This helps the wealthy to retain their status and absorb what the smaller businesses offered creating more of what feels like a monopoly or oligopoly on goods.  Once that momentum is in full force, it is hard to reverse.  

People will become dependent on the system to survive, and also victim to what the government wants (forced beer bug shot for example).  And THAT is how they are fast tracking a socialist government... 

PLEASE pray for this area of the world, and others that are shifting.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Cyber said...

Lynn, What do you mean by 'version 2'? Do you mean the Delta Indian variant of the beer bug?

Blackbird said...

Will Australia be okay though - will the 'white hats' step in at some point and reverse all of this nefarious activity?

Robert Schoen said...

It seems the whole world is moving towards a shut down state of crisis, but I wonder what is actually going on in China and if the alleged source of beer bug is back to normal life there & enjoying a thriving economy. Practically all automobile manufacturing & sales have grinded to a halt because the computer chips they all need on came only from Taiwan which stopped producing them because of an alleged/strategically timed "drought" that prevented the water cooling necessary to create them. The PTW black hats running this worldwide sh*tshow couldn't get away with it except for the complicit political leaders that enable/allow it to happen.

Cyber said...

@Robert and Lynn
I'm just wondering whether there is a propaganda against Chinese vaccines? The western reports don't mention the vaccine efficacy in western countries but only those countries which use Chinese vaccines.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: I do think that is the version that will slowly start to spread...

@Blackbird: Eventually... but AU still has a way to go. The people need to stand up for themselves.

@Robert: We have a huge problem with the political leaders allowing this to happen. People are too scared to do the right thing.

@Cyber: There is absolutely propaganda against this.

Suz said...

Lynn can you see the Liberal party getting booted out at the next election?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Suz: I don't think they will get out just yet, but the people are definitely tired of this!