Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chakra Series: 9 of 9 / Soul Star Chakra

Hi everyone!  I am back with the 9th and final installment of my series dedicated to Chakras.  I'm hopeful that you have learned some insightful information that you can incorporate into your life, meditations or even have mindful self-reflection.  I hope you enjoy, and as always, please feel free to leave comments below.  I'd love to hear your experience.

9 of 9:  Soul Star (Color:  White / Combination of ALL Colors) 
This chakra starts at the crown and extends upward into the etheric body.  This chakra can funnel tremendous amounts of energy downward into your other chakras.  You should considering working on aligning the bottom eight chakras FIRST before doing energy work in this regain.  

This chakra is truly the energy center that helps to activate higher vibrations and allow you do make connections to Source.  It is even thought that this chakra is the most important one to achieve enlightenment.  

You may notice yourself feeling different or off balance when this chakra needs work.  Meditating and being with your thoughts is the single most effective way to stay in balance and create harmony within yourself. 

One of the most powerful crystals you can use is white selenite.  This crystal carries a very high vibration and works will with the frequency of the soul star. Danburite is also another good choice.  Carry them close, wear them and use then when you meditate.  (I even leave a selenite tower beside my bed}.  They can really enhance and amplify your intent.

Frankincense  is also a great oil when working on this chakra.  You can enhance it by adding Grapefuit, Marjoram and Wintergreen essential oils.  Apply to the crown, and diffuse them when meditating.  This with the crystals mentioned above will help to create a very intense meditation.

(As I publish a weekly segment, I will tag them "Chakra Series" to you can readily pull the post up for your reference).

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