Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Mt. Shasta

Q. I would like to request a blog reading on the fascinating subject of Mt. Shasta. Based on past readings, I suspect this is a subject you will be able to (and feel comfortable) delving into... Mount Shasta is a potentially-active volcano in the Cascade Range of Northern California, and one of the world’s preeminent sacred mountains. Artifacts uncovered show 11,000 years of human habitation and associated myths and legends date back 10,000 to the locally indigenous Karuk tribe. The mountain often described as a “spiritual vortex” is a popular retreat for the new-age crowd prominent in NorCal, but is an indisputable historical hot-spot for mysterious happenings such as disappearances and supernatural encounters: ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/mount-shasta-mysterious-mountain-california-006097 Most intriguing is the legend of the lost continent of Lemuria, rumored to be living in an advanced civilization deep within the mountains. Stories of reported encounters with Lemurians share eerily similar circumstances across all cultures and over thousands of years. Lemurians beings are described as abnormally tall and strikingly fair (almost similar to Tall Whites and other ET’s). Mt. Shasta is another example of how Native American lore often correlates with current day supernatural hot-spots. The below posted Travel Channel episode of “Mysteries at the National Parks” Details unexplained occurrences. Most interestingly, a Karuk tribal medicine man is featured, and he describes a personal encounter he had in his teens and also shares tribal elder’s input on Mt. Shasta:
vimeo.com/156563702 I hope you can help, thanks in advance!

Lemurian Woman Composite image: google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/lookaside/crawler/media/?media_id%3D296253680582401&imgrefurl=https://www.facebook.com/Telos-lemuria-israel-296253680582401/&tbnid=jL8MOhhngfwYHM&vet=1&docid=w0CKFzRhVhAqJM&w=742&h=742&q=lemurian&hl=en-us&source=sh/x/im

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude),  Lynn

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