Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Chakra Series: 2 of 9 / Root Chakra

Hi everyone!  In case some of you missed last week, this is a continuation of a new series I started.  Many of you are interested in meditating, and to add another layer of understanding I wanted to do a series on Chakras.  I want to focus on what each chakra does, what crystals can aid in the balancing of the chakra and also how to incorporate doTERRA essential oils that can enhance the opening and balancing of the chakra.  I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave comments below.  

2 of 9:  Root Chakra (Color:  Red)
The Root Chakra is the most primal chakra.  It is a where our sense of safety, interest in life and self preservation occur.  This is why our sex drive often resides in this chakra (our sense of survival and procreation).  

When people feel unmotivated, or somewhat lost, many times the Root is off and needs brought back into alignment.  Combining a focus on the Root with the Earth Star during motivation can be effective, as the Root uses the Earth Star Chakra to connect to ground.  If you notice you are having trouble balancing the Root, you may try combining the following Root crystals / oils with the Earth Star Chakra crystals / oils mentioned in the previous week to strengthen the balancing.

Crystals that can assist you, either worn or used in meditation are:  Red Jasper and Garnet. I like to hold these in my hand or place them in front of me during meditations.  If this chakra is something I'm focused on, I may even carry a stone in my pocket.


Suggested doTERRA oils that enable you to open and connect to this chakra are Coriander, Eucalyptus and Spikenard.  Either apply the oils (dilute with coconut oil if you are sensitive) to the lower part of the abdomen or diffuse them to smell throughout the day or during meditations.

(As I publish a weekly segment, I will tag them "Chakra Series" to you can readily pull the post up for your reference).

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anónimo said...

Hi Lynn: Thank you very much for the Chakra Series. Although I have given priority to recovering from my adrenal fatigue, reading this information allows me to focus on the Chakras alignment work I need to do. The reading you did to me has helped me make decisions that I was putting off, so I am very grateful to you.
A warm hug from Spain

Psychic Focus, Lynn said...

@anonimo: Thanks so much for the comment. I'm glad I could help.