Q. Lynn, I just finished watching "Chernobyl". The devastation to the site and surrounding area was profound. How many years if ever, will it take the earth to heal from this horrendous human mistake? I sincerely believe nuclear power plants to all be accidents waiting to happen, especially the ones built next to the ocean or in earthquake-prone areas, i.e. Los Angeles, Fukushima, etc. The "official" Chernobyl death count is 31, Fukushima is 0. I do not believe this to be true. I feel the numbers are much higher. What damage is still being done by these reactors? Are whales and marine life dying in the Pacific due to radiation poisoning? Where will the next catastrophe be? I have read that the California drought was "weather-manipulated" by our government to keep the "radiation rain" from California crops. Is the power plant still leaking? What is the truth? How best to protect/overcome?
A. Great question, and this was horrible! I this the easiest way to look at this is to break this down into parts...
I do get the deaths related to these accidents are much higher than reported. People controlling these plants don't want to evoke fear, so they only try to promote the positive while highly being dismissive of the negative. When a tragic accident happens, not only do they report the minimum, but I get they focus on the "human error" aspect to still promote an underlying element of safety, because "employees" can take the ultimate blame. Blame is most importantly shifted away from the government (especially with Chernobyl). Money is made with nuclear power, and not fear of nuclear power. They also take the "immediate death count" and fail to look at the long term (Fukushima, I get, is still creating immune issues, been the root cause of cancers and has horribly harmed the ecosystem).
I see that Chernobyl still feels "dead" and even things that grow there are tainted with radiation. It is true that much has "half-lifed," but the reality is that it still exists. Fukushima still "feels" very fresh. Mitigating the damage has resulted in "man made" weather situations, especially on the west coast of North America (the droughts in CA are just an example). Governments are trying to work on a way to neutralize the radiation rain (I've done readings on this, and will put links below). The oceans feel very toxic, and yes marine life is be affected.
I do not see Fukushima still leaking, but the damage has been done. It does appear that it has been contained on land (in regards to the physical power plant).
The best way to support your body for this is to try to be mindful and constantly keep yourself detoxed (to the best of your ability). If you feel you are experiencing radiation effects, look at taking iodine tablets*. This is a really tough thing to overcome. Power of the mind, and the collective are also effective ways to combat this.
And that is all I have. Please send love and light to those harmed by these horrible events. Hugs, Lynn
*I'm not a doctor, so please research this and do what feels right for you.
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I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Lots and lots of organic fruits of all colors and shapes. Radiant Health to All!!
Which race gave us nuclear power and how do they (or we)feel about it now?
I wonder if the people living around Fukushima will endure medical issues and birth defects like they have had with Chernobyl? They are well documented. I hope it won't be too long before we find a way to neutralize the effects of radiation poisoning.
Thanks for your blog Lynn.
Thanks for the comments!
@TheOnlyOne: I get this was actually a design of the human race, and the "creators" of it feel like they are proud of themselves...??
@Raymond: There will be issues, only I see them wanting to hide it. I get it is already happening.
Lynn, was the explosion a human error? Or was the reactor prone to explode?
There's 6 visionaries in Medjugore. Each one gives messages as the Virgin Mary instructs them. They still have 10 secrets to tell. The 7th secret has been prevented by prayers.
Do you think people dieing of Nuclear Power is one of the secrets?
@Karoline: I feel like it was prone to happen due to tight budgets and the working conditions. The people did the best they could with what they had. I don't feel like I want to blame the people.
@PM: I don't connect to that being one of the secrets. Maybe I need to think on that more, but nothing comes through like that.
Thanks for the comments!
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