Sunday, February 3, 2019

doTERRA: Free Reading Offer!

My last reading on "How to Chose an Oil / Why doTERRA" inspired me to do something special.  I love sharing and helping people, and want to give back to all of you.  

doTERRA has several kits to get people started, and I resonated with the AromaTouch Diffused Kit.  The kit contains eight great oils, book illustrating useful tips and a diffuser (I love diffusing!).  I do realize doTERRA oils can be costly because they are high quality.  Even though my appointment spots are limited, I wanted to offer a free Email Reading or Priority Blog Request to the first five people that enroll with this kit to help offset the cost and get you started.    (I'll provide and update when my spots are full.)

I then thought I would take it a step further.. 

Over the next eight weeks I want to feature one of the oils in the kit and do a post on it.  doTERRA isn't about just selling a product, they like to educate too.  I want you to feel confident enough to break the seal and experiment!   

To learn more or enroll, please click HERE.

AromaTouch Diffused Kit:

-Melaleuca (Tea Tree)
-doTERRA On Guard
-Deep Blue
-Wild Orange

Other Products:
-Fractionated Coconut Oil (4oz)
-Petal Diffuser
-doTERRA Essentials Booklet


RL said...

This is so generous of you! I hope people jump on this! Essential oil is so benefitful!

Paul Steel said...

very nice offer..thx for that