A. Hitler did sent people to Antarctica for a couple reasons. The first reason is because Hitler had a strong belief and connection with ETs. He had experiences in which ETs shared ideas of technology and various advancements that he implemented in leadership. There was a rumor of a pyramid and ET base located on Antarctica, and he wanted to meet up with these beings in their territory. He was very connected and curious about ETs, and he was drawn to be near them.
![]() |
Flat Earth Map (left) / UN Map (right) |
The reason Google has shaded out areas of Antarctica is because (take a deep breath, I know this sounds radical) the earth is flat and they cannot get access to those areas, and even if they could, Antarctica does not look like what they want it to look like. In looking at the flat earth model map above (Note, which is the same image as the UN map), you can see the positioning of the continents, with an outer ice wall and ring (which is essentially Antarctica) encircling the "plane"t. Antarctica is not an icy continent on the south of a sphere.
The government restricts access to this area because they do no want you to know the truth. Bryd did make a great discovery. He was able to scale the ice wall, and explore beyond. He saw the true lands of Antarctica. If this truth was released, and people started to believe or ponder it, they would question what other lies have been told (and as soon as doubt is put in motion, they start to lose control). Government (govern=control ment=mind) wants you to believe what they tell you, and not question or challenge it. The "house of cards" would start to tumble (truth about WWI, WWII, 9/11, big pharma, vaccines, false flags, the list is limitless).
[Note: I've done some in depth readings on Antarctica and the flat earth and included a few below. I also want to share as I approached this topic, I used to have a hard time reading it. I can remember reading questions pertaining to the flat earth, and even told my husband I didn't know how to approach the subject objectively. In my mind, especially with the "programming" out there via most every media source and school, the earth must be round. He told me to clear myself, relax, and just go with the truths that come to you. Not only did I shock myself with what came through after I set my bias aside, other things, like the UN symbol, would cross my path to reinforce what I just discovered. I've had to really sit back and question my own belief system, but I do enjoy challenging and testing myself. I believe that is how we all learn and grow as people.]
Link to past readings: https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2018/04/remote-viewing-antarctica.html
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
YouTube: https://youtu.be/2-Cd638OI1g
REAL.Video: https://www.real.video/channel/yourpsychicfocus
To further support the blog or my video channels, please visit me on Patreon.
Hi everyone- Just wanted to add this diagram to help explain the seasons and how the day/night works. A picture (or video) is worth a thousand words and I hope it gives a little clarity. Again, I know this is an abstract concept. Lynn :-)
The earth can't be flat because the cats hereon would have already knocked everything off of it.
Irreverently yours,
Could it be a ship with plasma dome....plus
Everything in nature is shaped by the environment.. The Energy around us shapes it. The earth is turning, the earth is a globe shaped by its environment. Can you do a reading on the CIA operation into reinstating the flat earth theorists please as it would clear up a lot of the problems with this matter. I think if you think the earth is flat you can also do a reading on why every other planet is a globe? Let's get to the bottom of the problem objectively and by looking at all angles! You could approach this in many ways including the sun's rising, any accounts of spirit who have witnessed a flat earth? Any interception by CIA or Mk ultra on yourself or your readings! Thank you. Please don't read any 9f this with negative intentions from me
Okay, so is the earth a two sided humped disk in which the Antartic ice wall is the outer rim dividing the world we know from the one Byrd found on the other side of the wall?, It's got to be massive thick if you can enter the hole to the hollow earth. Are all the other planets we see similar disks or are they spherical globes and we're the only weird plane-T? Do alternative-type flounders have a theory about the "spherical" earth?
Are we all being gaslighted and the truth is we are just pets in some giant's Terrarium? I'm sure we've been gaslighted about everthing else we think we know. This topic puts bees in my hesd.
Plz. use the link below to check the time difference between NYC and Helsinki where Trump recently met Putin. If you don't negate that the meeting happened please explain us why the clock there is 7 hours ahead of NYC time zone, if the earth is flat? This argument has been presented earlier in slightly different ways (for example the time-zone differences between Honolulu and NYC). Guess what, Lynn never cared about assessing the problem. She has no answer to it :)))))! (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?p1=101&p2=179)
Hi Lynn- In 1979 Air New Zealand flight 109 crashed into Mt Erebus in Antarctica tragically killing all souls on board. Investigators found human error was ultimately responsible. Can you ‘tune in’ and see if there is more to this tragic event? The circumstances that led to the crash are very odd. (Peace and blessings to the families of the souls lost)
It's amazing that the secrets of WW2 are still being kept.
It would be interesting to learn everything the government knows about Antarctica.
Ancient civilizations, previous expeditions, minerals and physical anomalies.
Whatever they are hiding, it has to be good, real good !
Thanks for your blog Lynn.
Great, I remember from a previous reading that you connected the earth was a globe.
I don't know if its flat or globe simply because I don't have the answer. Every now I then I tend to follow what others have to say but I try to remain undecided.
There is a record of a flight from hongkong ( I believe it was ) to LA. Where only a third on the way had to make an emergency landing. An emergency landing in ALASKA.
Why not make a hard left and go to japan?
I always wondered why one couldn't fly over the North/South poles on a plane journey.
You lost me at the "flat earth" part.
Flat Earth? Ice wall? Have [you] been threatened to discredit yourself recently? This theory goes against the Universe Laws. I was flabbergasted reading this flat earth conclusion. Truman Show entertainment at its best. All planets, suns etc are spherical, globe, ball as you will. Just like our cells with a central sun atom. Marco and micro designs.
You seen this with your own eyes or you are reguritating what “mad scientist” told you? Take a look at the ocean, does it curve?
They lost us at the marble earth when their logos hv a flat earth. The earth is flat, the firmament is curve
Hi Lynn
Thank you but I am very surprised.
I do not resonate at all with the flat earth theory. For me "United Nations" mean the PTW own only a portion of the Earth. I actually wonder what else or who else is there.
I believe Earth probably is much bigger than what we think.
Thanks, Lynn, for the interesting reading. I for one appreciate your open-mindedness and for having the courage to report your honest impressions regardless of how things look on the surface and to the general consensus. I confess I'm completely out of my element when it comes to this particular topic but it occurred to me today when pondering the notion of a flat earth (I've never allowed the possibility of it to enter my mind before) that perhaps our perception of the universe is entirely erroneous as well. In my mind I saw our universe as a big flat plane that folded in at the edges in a concave fashion to create the illusion of 3D. We move back and forth on the plane but can't literally go "behind" or "underneath" the planets. Our brains translate everything we see into a 3D picture and because we have amnesia (forgetting our true spiritual origin) we forget that it's all just an illusion. Maybe that sounds foolish to those who study science but to me the idea of globes floating around in outer space is just as hard to fathom. Regardless of the true shape of the earth, I'm more intrigued by the idea that the government is withholding key info about Antarctica which, if it's ever disclosed, could have a significant impact on our world.
Hi Lynn, juicy stuff, can you look at it from other angles: a) what is on the other side of the disc (if a disc), b) does Earth have different shapes according to the dimention? How does it look in 3D? in 4D?, in 5D?, etc. c) gravity - what is it? What is generating the pull? What is the gravity on the other side?
Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate everyone coming together to share. I know this is a really out there topic, it was really hard for me too until I really let go of all my preconceived notions.
@Earthly: You are right, and I have questioned other planets too. I see us spinning like a top, but imagine a Frisbee spinning. We are like a Frisbee with a dome, which from a distance could very much look (and reflect) like a sphere.
@Robert: I know it is a lot. I have to really pause myself going into this topic. If you splay a map out and look at it flat, it actually makes more sense (especially watch star patterns at the north pole). So many things start to feel logical (even in this very radical idea).
@Watchand Knock: I'm not dodging the question, I just don't have time to answer them all, and some are a lot to think on and deserve their own post. If you go to YouTube and search for flat earth diagrams, and look at the sun and moon rotation above the diagram, you will see how this works and explains it in photos which are worth a thousand words. https://youtu.be/GY0xhUOL3vM
@Andrew: Thanks for the request. The issue with travel there is one, people run out of fuel b/c the distances and paths are skewed, and two, if they go too far and hit the firmament, they will crash.. That information will never be shared in the media.
@EA RW: I'm glad you stay open and question things. The emergency flight landed their b/c it was in the flight path (look on a flat model). You are right, I did see it as round, but at the time I think I had so much bias it was hard to overcome it. I really have to let go of a lot to approach this topic objectively, and even I was surprised at what I got.
@King of Pentacles: This sounds like a great reading. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks again for the comments. I really do appreciate them all. :-)
Hi @King of Pentacles! Great topics but better sit down and have some tranquilizing teas because it might take a long time before Lynn answers....
@Watchand Knock: I do my best. Between being a wife and mom of four, I do what I can to donate time to this blog (because I love what it is and the community it's formed - the people here are awesome!). If you have a question or blog request that I'm not fast enough at answering, I do offer a Priority Blog Reading in which people will pay for a reading and schedule a time. Otherwise, I pull questions from the 100+ drafts based on what I feel drawn to. Thanks-
You have truly lost your mind. Go spread your nonsense elsewhere
@Old soul - You're telling Lynn to spread her nonsense elsewhere. Hee hee. This is her blog. If you don't care for it, you don't have to visit it.
@Lynn - I'm open to listening to thoughts about flat or round earth. Love that you are fearless and report what you are honestly getting. Keep up the great work!
I really doubted her when she said Paul McCartney was not Paul McCartney, I looked into it deeply and I am a musician and I believe she is right, that being said I am having a problem with this Flat Earth thing but maybe there's something to it
Good post!
IF Earth is flat(ter) - why are some parts of the Earth dark when others have sunlight? Shouldn't a more flat Earth be more even in sunlight / daytime - distribution? Meaning - The time for sunrise and sunset is observed from hundreds of metrological sensors around cities, because they change all year long. A flat Earth would "flat out" these hours and they would never go a full 24h-circle so to speak if Earth is "flatter".
Care to comment on that?
@Mr Yang, check this out. https://youtu.be/GY0xhUOL3vM it explains a lot.
Let's be grateful and thankful for the time and effort that Lynn has put into this blog.
She provides us a space here for informative exchanges.
Even if we disagree, let's do it respectfully and constructively!
I salut you, Lynn for not being daunted by the criticisms and rebuffs when you deal with controversial issues. And THIS is one of them! :)
You guys are great and I love you all. :-) I am changing gears next week after the scheduled post I just put out there. Trust me, it was really hard for me to wrap my mind around too. I get it.
"You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all the time." - Abe Lincoln
Hugs- Lynn
I know its hard to think you hv been duped for so long. Heads will explode 😂😅🤣
@ Mr. Yang! Thanks for endorsing somehow my point! 1) Another thing, that "flat earthers" have difficulty in explaining is why the north pole is cold! Please watch the (left) immage Lynn was so kind to share above and observe that there's no way why it should be an icy spot. 2) second "flat earthers" cannot explain why boreal summer and winter are opposed the austral hot and cold season. 3) In the immage Lynn was so kind to share, and which according to her is the true pic of our planet one can easyly observe that North America looks smaller than South America. Actually, every school-atlas will show us that the opposite is true (North America measures 9,500,000 square miles while the South American continent has an area of 6,000,000 sq. m).
Actually I made that joke about the other participant needing to dring some certain type of teas, because my questions are almost two years old and they never deserved her attention. Actually instead of showing that she cares about defending her point of view (very legimitate once every new idea needs a special argumentation effort to become accepted) she posts a link to somebody else who most certainly is not a pssychic.
But as usual, when the discussion becomes intresting Lynn, conveniently puts another post to make the discussion look untimely.
BTW, I do believe that mutual respect is of utter importance! Thanks Lynn, anyway!
Sorry forgot to add this video where a Canadian entrepreneur flyes the Mig29 Russian airplane up to an altitude of 65,000 feet where, guess what, earth's curvature can be seen! Everyone, with a well stuffed check-account, can make this flight with MIGFLUG and find out by him/her-self! good Luck! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEH8iLjlodM
Substitute “please” with fool.....we hv been duped by the ptw over and over
@Watchand Knock Look at the video again at around 4:29. Why there is already a curvature even before taking off? Also around 6:01 when they are landing?
Also if you really want to see the curvature, you need to go up as high as 2,000,000 feet, which is still only 1/100 of the Earth radius (3959 miles).
@ken " Ship over the Horizon proofs Earth has a curvature in 20 seconds/NO FLAT EARTH" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOZd6t9uzhY) Thanks for remembering!
In the video I shared before please stop at 5:08 and take a scale to check earth's curvature.
Plz then explain, with your model, why winter and summer are opposed in North and South America (for example). Please also share why according to your model (using the map shared by Lynn) the North Pole should be a cold spot! Don't forget to explain the diccotomy real/apparent size of North America vs. South America on the map showed by Lynn?
Plz also don't forget to adress those great points enlisted by @King of Pentacles (" a) what is on the other side of the disc (if a disc), b) does Earth have different shapes according to the dimention? How does it look in 3D? in 4D?, in 5D?, etc. c) gravity - what is it? What is generating the pull? What is the gravity on the other side?" ). T.Y. again!! :)
to take a full picture of Earth, we would have to go out, in space, beyond Van Allen belt (to see exactly Earth shape). Until then, let us be nice to each other, no matter if we live on a disk planet, perfect spheric or ellipsoid one. Lynn, I like this idea of living on a flat planet, very Jules Verne-ian! :)
Jules Verne - "Hector Servadac" anybody read it? I have (some good years ago) and loved it.
@Watchand Knock Sorry but I am not a flat earther, but just seeking for the truth. I am not saying whether there is a curvature or no curvature on earth. It is that the first video you mentioned is clearly using some kind of fisheye camera and does NOT prove that there is a curvature.
@Watchand Knoc
> Plz then explain, with your model, why winter and summer are opposed in North and South America (for example)
Look at the video referenced by Lynn in the post, "Flat Earth - The Sun Explained".
@Ken. First of all, plz answer me why North America, which roughly is 50% larger than South America, actually looks smaller on the map which according to Lynn correctly portray’s our planet.
In addition explain me why would there be ice on the north pole during the Boreal Summer, according to Lynn’s FE model?
Third the model you guys favour would never produce constant 24hour days. One can clearly see that, according to the model, the circles have distinct circumferences and, once the sun has no throttle, it would take more hours for our home star to complete one lap when its rotating next to the equator. (actually the sun orbiting earth is in itself wrong once we know from lunar phases , eclipses that it’s actually earth that orbits our Heat source and not vice versa (the geocentristic model was layed ad acta in the 1500s when Galilei did his research with a DIY telescope.))
If you move your desktop lamp to one side of your round desk (lets say “North America”) it will still shed light on “Aussie-Land” on the opposite side of the table. According to your flat earth model it would never get really dark! Actually we all know that countries north of the Polar Circle experience a prolonged period (1 month) of darkness during winter, which would be impossible to achieve with your FE model.
Plz also address the other questions raised in the blog, like how is gravity on the lover side of FE, and what rests on the dark side of earth.
Actually the video shared by Lynn was not made by a Psychic, but the questions raised on the thread where directed to such a person!
@Watchand Knoc
As I said, I am not a flat earther, so why do I need to answer all those questions? I am just saying that your first video that you mentioned does NOT prove that earth has a curvature. And that is correct, right?
The explanation of the night/day in the video: https://youtu.be/GY0xhUOL3vM defies the "assumption" that the sun is very very very far away proportional to the size of the Earth. Meaning that the Earth diameter of 13k km is insignificant to 150 million km. Thus, the Earths own movement proportional to the sun's movement is much higher affecting shadow/night/day changes on our planet. This assumes that the distance to the Sun is correct of course.
What is more - The video in the link isn't reconsidering this information - if they want to show the shadow motions in a different manner, they should FIRST conclude a new way to measure the distance to the sun. To properly illustrate how the distance the light source affects a cast shadow, just use a flashlight on an object 1 meter from the object and then 1000 meter from the object - will you be able to affect the casted shadow from 1 meter? YES. From 1000 meter? Hardly.
For flat Earthers to "prove" their case, they should first find a way to measure the (new) distance to the sun and the size of it. Then it will all be game.
This really is a complex topic, and I encourage you to do your own research (this thread could go on forever). You guys are welcome to share knowledge, but it is difficult for me to go in an answer all this (I'm sure I will do another reading soon). I just don't have that much time, and YouTube has great videos.
@Watchand knock: I know you may have older questions, but honestly I've pulled some of your stuff several times and done blog and group blog postings (so I do take offense to your comments). I try to change it up and pull questions from different people. I also look at what is relevant to current events and what I'm pulled to. Between being a wife, mom, helping clients from the blog and locally, I donate as much as I can to this blog. I wish I could answer every question, but I just do not have the time. My goal is to open you to a topic, answer some questions, but you do need to do your own objective research too.
@Lynn - I don't mean for you to answer, it is rather thoughts I share.
I do have a VERY interesting information:
The International flight time between Stockholm to Sydney is longer (18h excluding stop over) than between Buenos Aires (17h excluding stop over) and Sydney. This is rather interesting assuming Stockholm is very close to the "center" and Sydney and Buenos Aires on the opposite ends.
This is not to debunk a flat Earth - Just interesting information that we could observe and notice.
With that said, love your channel so keep up the amazing work you do Lynn!
Calm down. This comment was directed towards someone else, not Lynn. As for the flat earth theory, it's utter nonsense. In my deepest core I believe the earth is ROUND like the other planets. I can't help but to laugh at others truly believe that the earth is flat. C'mon folks.
Hi guys,
I am commenting not to fuel the discussion, but I think there is a way of both sides have an agreement
Maybe we shouldn't think so much about the shape of earth, but rather the shape of the space itself (not outer space, I mean the space which our planet occupies).
I mean, Earth could be flat, but the space within is spherical and our brains are simply tuned in perceiving the reality this way as much as it is tuned to see a specific range of light spectrum as the colors we know. By this mean, events the compose our reality occur in such way that the only sense we can get from it, is Earth being round, even in some other way Earth could be flat, and there is no more reason for arguments and counter arguments on and on...
I have an opinion that so much research has already been done that further research would be of small or none good, but to strength our already constructed biases. I wish I could astral project myself and see the round blue Earth, but for now, the only strong evidence are the fact airplanes don't go in straight lines, but geodesic lines which are "shortest distance lines" on a spherical space (!!!) and I don't encourage people to go against it, since it is the base foundation of Einstein's general relativity which is very very reliably, doing predictions that CAN be and are been tested with an outstanding success for more then a 100 years or so
So, I think that is enough for us to be satisfied...
Lynn, you are so awesome! I don't think I could handle this negativity. You deal with it amazingly!
i am shocked this is really what lynne saw. i am also a psychic and feel/see none of this. not even remotely. Something is up here..just not sure what.
@MediumBrian Thanks! :)
@MediumBrian Would be great if you can share us what you see instead from a psychic's point of view?
its weird to read, weirder to accept. Can't imagine there are no satelites around Earth,nothing crossing the big Universe, exploring. Europe recently completed their own satelite gps system, for example. Guess i understand something wrong here. Devastating.....
This is definitely a challenging topic for me as well. Thanks for all the sharing. I do appreciate it!
@bing0. She is pressing this topic, for almost 10 times, on us for two years now, without 0 (zero) willingness to present answers to thread related questions! To me this looks like a questionable campaign! Then, at the end of the thread, she uses to come up with some hollow "pseudo conciliatory" words, and in a month or so she'll come up with another thread on this subject without any new corroborating evidence (this actually has been going on for a long time now!)
@bing0: the first car manufacturer to provide built satellite GPS navigation system was the Japanese built Mazda brand, back in 1990! Almost 30 years later they apparently still believe it's a spirit telling them to pull rigt! ;)
Stop griping and move on from this blog.....nagging is not cute. Lynn spoke her truth and will stick to it Let go and move on
@Fox-News on Trump's plan to create a SPACE FORCE... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/23/trumps-space-force-decree-followed-frustration-over-pentagons-rejection-plan.html
(Today Pence is telling us it will happen in less than 2 years... ;) )
(" Vice President Mike Pence announced the Pentagon's detailed plan for President Donald Trump's vision of a Space Force on Thursday")
Bee e-lightened— I think it’s possible watch n knock could be one of the trolls trying to discredit Lynn because she speaks the truth on so many sensitive subjects. I may be wrong.. Like I had said in another post yesterday... it’s like when one of my atheist friend dismissed anything supernatural, but then later asks me what to do with a full apparition ghost she kept seeing in her new apt... only to go back to dismissing the afterlife and/or supernatural things that do not fit her beliefs (after the spirit had left the building). She wanted hardcore evidence of the afterlife— saw it, and still stuck to her old beliefs .. perhaps because the info was too controversial for her.
I recommend to take a look at the Light Sentinels FB page which explains a lot about the sun, moon and space. Rique Seraphico (who was once connected with Cobra but now says even he was duped by Cobra) says that man has never been out to space because the Dracos will never allow it. He also explains that the planets do NOT revolve around the sun, and the sun is actually cold.
@Domestic Goddess: Thanks for sharing. I will have to check that out!
@Watchand Knock: I'm sorry that I'm not meeting your expectations. I simply cannot answer every question posed in the comments and requests. My goal is to address topics that I'm drawn to, and create a community to share ideas. I read though comments and answer a few, but when I don't answer something I'd like to see my readers to do some of their own research too. There isn't enough time to do it all. I'm not ignoring anyone, I stand by what I get, sometimes I just need to move on to the next topic. It appears that you disagree with some of my recent posts (which is totally fine, I'm not here to convince, just tell you what i get) and rather than share info or ideas to expand our thought you a lot of energy into attacking me. I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but this is a blog I donate my time to because I love it and the people that it brings together. Your expectation of me to answer every question is unrealistic, especially when I know I've have answered several of yours in the past. Perhaps there is another blog or intuitive that you resonate with better that has the time to answer all of your questions. In the meantime, you are welcome to share info, pose ideas, even disagree, but personal attacks are going to spam because I take what I do seriously and spend lots of time working on the blog.
@Watch... it's been suggested multiple times and I'll add it again: get your own blog!!! This is Lynns. She can write anything she wants to write. She gets ZERO $$, and no one is forcing you, or any one else to read. It's absurd to think she owes you or anyone else an explanation. Why don't you hire her and actually pay for her time. It's obvious you have strong opinions- go elsewhere and spew your negativity. Many people are able to have opposing viewpoints on this blog without being rude. It's a skill you might want to work on.
Well said he is def an annoying bot. Always posting stuff off topic. Clearly he is all over the place - he drifting wherever the wind blows. No sense of clarity
You do no owe him ish. If he cannot get answers here he can troll elsewhere. He isnt paying you for your time. The absurdity of some people. You have more who appreciate your time and topics than naysayers. Love and light. Keep up the marvelous work‼️
Do not*
@Ken. I dont 'see' thing like lynn does. We all have different gifts, ive even got readings from Lynn before. But science and esoteric stuff doesn't back this up either. So you combine both to get where you need to be sometimes.
I believe Lynn has some outside influence to this reading. It doesn't add up to what we have seen in 3d, and doesn't feel right either. Everyone can become psychic as well, lots of people are and just dont know it ;).
Youd have a lot of explaining to do with this reading, its almost not very advisable to say this kind of reading and not provide tons of other details. Whoever she was channeling or her guides should help her out more and provide more details (like how eclipses work etc) if this is really true. Its leaving an open can of worms out there that i dont think helps people much, but thats just me.
Hi MediumBrian: I do understand what you mean. Everything comes to us all in different ways. I do clear myself and set protection as I go into readings, so I am hopeful that I'm not being influenced (it's definitely something we all have to think about as we open up psychically though- I know I do). if you want to know more than what I initially got, everyone is free to submit a new blog request (so I can start a new post). I just have a hard time answering what could turn into an infinite amount of questions in the comment thread (it takes lots of time and I'd really like to see people do their own research first and then let me fill in the blanks).
> I dont 'see' thing like lynn does.
So.. what do you see?
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