A. When I focus on this, (and I really have to focus as I, along with many people have been taught since we were children that the Earth is indeed round), I see this strange disk shape with a dome on it. It looks like a bosu ball, and feel it is symbolic of the shape of the flattened earth.
![]() |
Bosu Ball |
In this flattened model of earth, it looks like Antarctica surrounds the outer perimeter, and the North Pole is in the center. The latitude lines are actually concentric circles on this flattened model. The treaty was formed to prevent people from being able to explore Antarctica and discover the oddities in distance (to and from known mapped land masses), and also what is on Antarctica.
I do see the moon landing as faked for a few reasons. At first, I saw a "block" of some sort and assumed it was the Van Allen Belt that prevented us from leaving. As I keep the intent of understanding the flat earth, I see this "blockage" as the firmament that prevents us from leaving, or going toward the direction of the moon. I then get that even IF we could get there, the ETs living on the moon would not allow humans to land. The ETs are protective of their territory.
As I said, this concept is a challenging one to sort out, so I took it a step further to pose the question: How is it possible that the earth is flat with everything we see? I hear to be careful of what others show you because unless you see things for yourself, it truly is an assumption. I am then shown that just as there are many dimensional layers to earth, there are many dimensional layers of earth (as a whole). I see that the lower vibrational "earth's" did indeed have a protective covering (firmament), and as we ascend, the veil (or firmament) begins to thin.. ??
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I have done readings on this in the past. You may find the following (much more detailed) reading interesting:
Lynn, you posted this at 1:11 : ).
That Eric Dubay video is fascinating! Wow. Lots to ponder.
Are you sure this is our earth that is flat and not another dimension/timeline that you are tapping into. All the other planets in our solar system are spherical.. as we can see with telescopes why would earth be the exception.
Dear Lynn,
Thank you for your interesting post, as always. I have a question that needs clarification from you.
If we look at other planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, etc. through telescope by ourselves, we will see that they are all spheres. Then out of the whole solar system or galaxy, why only Earth - our planet is supposedly flat?
Now... are other planets truly spheres, or do they just appear at spheres from our perspective?
Andromeda galaxy (another galaxy) does look like a flat disc, but consists of stars and planets in sphere shape as well.
Thank you. With my love and blessings to you.
Great reading, Lynn. Makes me really curious to try and establish the truth by myself experimentally.
Everything in nature is round! everything is shaped by it's environment.. if you blow a bubble.. it keeps it's shape as the environment surrounds it, Earth is spinning and is shaped by it's environment just the same. A drop of water although 'tear drop' shaped as it drops! it shapes round, before gravity takes over & pulls it down. Watch this video and it explains it so simply! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmGGBVR2Ru8
@Ralib Allen well said!
If earth was flat you sould be able to calculate distancesbas if they were a straight line on a map.
You could measure the distance from tu cities with a rule applying the proper scale.
But it just isnt like this. As physics shows our 3d universe isnt flat, the surface of earth isnt a flat 2d surface...
Hard to argue against it
This is a great reading Lynn. It r eminds me of the movie 'The Truman Show' with Jim Cary. He lived in a tightly orchestrated world that was covered by a dome.
The earth is not flat as in a 2D model, it is a semi-sphere, so any measurements would have to include factors for the curvature of the sphere Conrado. The 'flat earth' believers say that the earth is not a full sphere, with the northern and southern hemisphere, it is a semi-sphere so what we think is round is actually more flat, the southern hemisphere is not underneath us, it is next to us.
@ Enlightened Life... the temperatures at the poles during winter time are equally low, the same applies to the lenght of the darkness period both poles experience every winter. This would not occur if the earth was a semi-sphere as you believe.
Auguste Piccard
Born: 28-Jan-1884
Birthplace: Basel, Switzerland
Died: 24-Mar-1962
Location of death: Lausanne, Switzerland
Cause of death: Heart Failure
Occupation: Physicist, Aviator
Nationality: Switzerland
Executive summary: First man in the stratosphere
To study the physics of the stratosphere, Auguste Piccard designed a hydrogen balloon carrying an pressurized cockpit, in which he soared to a then-record height of 51,775 feet in a 17-hour flight on 27 May 1931. The following year Piccard broke his own record, reaching 53,153 feet above sea level and gathering more detailed information about the earth's upper atmosphere. He also collaborated with Albert Einstein to design instruments that measured atmospheric radioactivity.
Later that decade Piccard turned his attention in the other direction, designing a bathyscaphe (from the Greek, meaning deep ship) for undersea abyss exploration. Due to World War II and other funding interruptions, however, Piccard's first working bathyscaphe was not ready until 1948, when he was 64 years of age, so it was piloted by his son, oceanic explorer Jacques Piccard, accompanied by the elder Piccard. Father and son eventually reached depths in excess of 10,000 feet and, after Piccard's retirement, his son took a bathyscaphe down 35,797 feet, where water pressure is about eight tons per square inch.
Piccard's twin brother, Jean Piccard, was a noted balloonist who investigated cosmic rays at high altitudes. Auguste Piccard's grandson, Bertrand Piccard (b. 1958), was the first balloonist to circle the globe non-stop, accomplishing the feat in 19 days in 1999. Auguste Piccard's nephew and Jean Piccard's son, Don Piccard (b. 1926), is a well-known balloonist and a leading American manufacturer of high-altitude balloons.
Father: Jules Piccard (chemistry professor, b. 1840, d. 1933)
Brother: Jean Piccard (balloonist, twin b. 28-Jan-1884, d. 28-Jan-1963)
Son: Jacques Piccard (oceanic explorer, b. 1922, d. 2008)
YOUTUBE Video below Piccard getting ready for trip into atmosphere. Video also includes original popular science magazine with Piccards statement about his perception on how earth looks.
Yes right away I noticed the 1:11 posting as well...xoxo
@Enlightned life
Precisely... The earth HAS curvature, altough one may come up with some exotic sime-sphere model, many other instances points toward a full sphere.
Besides what our alphanumeric friend said, we can still count on our methereological models which regards strongly on air dynamics around THE GLOBE as well as solar incidence into an spherical planet and so on...
Considering other astronomical events, these models can go even further and for instance glacial ages can be studied...
It has been postulated that our reality is a hologram, in which case it is a 3D projection effect created by a 2D (flat) template. So the earth can be both flat and round at the same time, weird as that sounds, depending on what layer of reality you are dealing with. Google "holographic universe".
@Conrado, maybe what they are trying to tell us in theyr "rudimentary English" :)))(it's a joke no offence intended, plz) is that earth is flattened at the poles and bulged at the Equator a statement with which I agree!
Flat earthers have some good theory also.....nasa logo has a flat earth....why havent they changed it. You cannot believe these "gubmint" agencies to tell the masses the truth.
UNKNOWN............hehhhh........that's a good one. Shrodinger's cat, all over again.
@ Ralib Allen and Lynn:
I have been having the same thoughts. It also seems contradictory to theories such as the Hollow Earth, which makes much more sense to me than the Flat Earth Theory, as you can find replicas on a smaller scale, such as the water spheres in zero gravity rotating and creating a sphere with a hollow interior. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxyfiBGCwhQ
I too, was wondering if it had to do with different dimensions/realities, or if something like the collective populous has focused on the idea to the point where it has it's "own" sort of reality that Lynn may be picking up on.
Lynn, what are your thoughts on this? And how would the hollow earth fit into this theory, or the solar system/galaxy function differently than when we were taught in school if the Earth were flat?
Thanks for continually giving us things to ponder!
Just good for thought.. Imagine if you reflect a light onto a sphere, only a small portion of that sphere will be illuminated like a spotlight, rather than the entire "half" of a sphere. (Perhaps this is best demonstrated by shining a flashlight onto a round plastic ball or a racketball).
So now that we have the visual demonstration of the reflection of light onto a sphere for comparison, we have to consider why when the light is reflected off other presumed spherical planetary objects, does that light not reflect off the moon in similar spotlight fashion in which the edges remain shadowed?
I've been thinking on this a lot lately, and how all the theories make sense. I could see it more like a semi sphere (like the balancing exercise ball I saw in my image), and in the center is the North Pole. At that center point, (North Pole) is where I always saw the entrance to the Hollow Earth. Also, we have never seen or been to the dark side of the moon, so in reality, it could be a "semi sphere" too. All of the "true" images of planets look like blobs (correct me if I am wrong here) with little detail. I am more puzzled too by wondering why the north star never moves (in a rotating planet, it should change throughout the year). The evidence is so compelling that I am open minded to at least look at it (even though I do have bias from being told earth is round since I was a kid).
Lynn, is the earth flat or shaped like a contact lens ?
An additional question would be...........How does this (whatever shape the earth is )
how does it affect my life..? will it change my life for the better,...if i found out i live in a flat earth..?will i be able to transport my wealth in ATLANTIS into my present reality..? what benefit to me, this information...? or is this just a joke..?
i know there MUST BE A FLAT EARTH or two ,or several,. IN ONE OF THOSE GADZILLION (hologramic) PARALLEL EARTHS because, CREATOR is always into examining each probability up to its end , to add this knowledge into its data base.......and we could easily find ourselves into one of these flat earths, because we are forever and ever moving in and out of parallel realities/earths without our ever knowing it. .... but i have NOT seen it. hahhhh.........
I appreciate questioning paradigms, but considering all the other readings you've done on extraterrestrials and the many round planets that have been talked about in your other readings, this is highly contradictory. The Flat Earth stuff, much like the Alex Jones=Bill Hicks theories that have been put out in the Internet for the past several years are clearly "turds thrown in the punch bowl" of alternative media/news trying to uncover the corruption in government and secrecy surrounding UFOs etc. It's meant to thrown well meaning researchers off the trail. Cass Sunstein said they would do this to combat the burgeoning alternative media that has been succeeding in questioning the establishment's narrative by dividing people over silly things like this. I don't want to discourage the use of the intuitive side of our brains but we shouldn't do it at the behest of completely disregarding the rational side.
Photos of planets of our solar systems are all round. The only ones which are not completely round are the asteroids in the asteroid belt.
Who took those pics and posted them⁉️ Nasa⁉
So... I think Lynn is being shown things symbolically.
This world is an illusion, a projection. The sun is our local multi-dimensional projector. (Other stars serve as other projectors.) The "reality" in which we "live" could be described as this this multi-D flattened ball shape because we "live" in the screen (that We created); our perception of reality is different INSIDE our flattened ball/screen than it is outside of it. We count on that.
We are spirit, not bodies. This time-space illusion all happened instantaneously, holographically, past present and future occurring all at the same time. It's a gynormous multi-dimensional, multi-timelined recording that we are moving our NOWs through, like the head of a tape recorder across a magnetic tape, the multidimensional time-space tape flowing through this curious construct. It's a live play, if you will. And you are all players, strutting and fretting on the multidimensional stage (the man whom people knew as Shakespeare, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was indeed enlightened)... you're slooooowly waking up, a little at a time. Even as you read these words, you are changing. Factually, you can take great solace RIGHT NOW in knowing that you are perfectly safe at this very moment -- this Holy Instant -- with SOURCE, in SOURCE's House. This will all make such sense one day to you after you transition to your "in-between life" that it will take you all of three seconds to grasp it, once you see YOUR ACTUAL REALITY. Really, none of this matters at all. What matters is that you eventually lose your fear, and your anger, and your perceived guilt, and that you wake up in the light, because that's what you are. If something makes you angry, or afraid, or guilty, then that's something you want to look at very closely... so you can release it and go back where you belong.
I suspected this might be Lynn's April Fools post, and maybe Da-da has a point. I give up on this. Global warming, oil depletion, why people like Kanye West and other topics I know nothing about.
She posted it on march 31
Well said, Freddy McGruber. :) thanx.
I'm sorry to say but it's time for Bye Bye Dubay! @ErinCrook states that Piccard went up to 53,000 feet, so what?! Every big jet liner normally can fly up to 50,000 ft. (just in case you have a google or other search engine on your device just type in A380 maximum height fligt). All I would ask you make sure to reserve a seat next to the window (and open it's curtain during flight, plz (to open the window's plastic shade just pull it up, TKS))!!!
"If something makes you angry, or afraid, or guilty, then that's something you want to look at very closely... so you can release it and go back where you belong." Well said, Da-da.
I would add, though, that I feel a very strong need to be present at this time on this planet. The need derives from the Bodhisattva role and the protection offered others...including Mother Earth.
What about lunar eclipses where we clearly see the earth as round...
Pythagoras correctly understood that the cause of lunar eclipses is the shadow of the earth falling on the moon. This can happen only when the moon is opposite the sun in our sky, which coincides with full moon. When this occurs, we see the earth is NOT flat; not even semi-flat.
soo...........what you're saying Haydeeally is that during lunar eclipse, we see earth as round, then it morphs into a pancake in between lunar eclipses...? that's a good one.
Know what, hang on to your hats guys,...we might even see earth morph into a cube, or into a peanut shape, or whatever. So, don't run around blaming NASA when this happens. Prepare to be entertained.
According to current theory, the moon revolves around the earth in an almost perfect fashion, with one side of the moon facing the earth at all times, enabling us 'earthers' to predict lunar eclipses, determine seasons for planting, travelling for some tribes, auspices days for wedding (mainly in Asia.. that I am aware of ..), even regulate menstrual cycles, etc.
What would happened to humanity if a big enough size of a meteor or asteroid hit the moon disturbing the perfect moon cycle?? Would human civilization be able to adapt to this abrupt change?
Thanks for all the comments. This was definitely an interesting post! It stretches beyond my belief system, but was interesting to ponder. There are a lot of valid points.
The last part you said reminded me of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, when the main character's ship went through to a different dimension, I think it was to my memory, and it changed into different shapes and objects.
Thanks for the reading... Reasonably sure everything was made with intelligent design. Reasonably sure this dimention was created by a black hole in a different dimention. It had to dump what it sucked up somewhere. Reasonably sure scientists have do idea about the interior of the Earth. Deepest bore hole is 7.5 miles and makes the interior seem more like a sponge than anything else, not solid at all. Reasonably sure the Earth is round-ish as is every other planet. Antartica could have an ice shelf in the middle running the distance and dividing the planet halfway in the center. In theory there could be half a planet we haven't seen yet. Reasonably sure this is a prison planet and we may never know.
Through a telescope, planets and stars look like this. They're light-bodies. https://youtu.be/tNHU5KOI9lQ
I think all planets etc probably look like light spheres to a lower vibration. They probably all are "flat" if you reside within that light frequency, like a spotlight on a stage. It's all one big rock n roll show. I think they're possibly and infinite plane with many ponds, perhaps with atmospheric domes.
But it sure as shit ain't what the Roman system that we live under, has led us to believe. Look into the Pharaoh I. Switzerland by Sean Hross. Who controls the head of the Hydra that is all religion and secret societies... there's a truth about us humans, that they don't want us to know.
This is an interesting email I received. I was given permission to post it with her name. I think some of you may find this really interesting.
Regarding what you said in “Flat earth (continued)”….
….“I also notice the model showing how the firmament could be above us, and the theory is that the firmament is actually water. As soon as I had that thought, I heard the phrase "as above, so below." I could not get a clear confirmation, but the idea of water above and water below (oceans) made me think.”
Few years ago I had this dream and it is pretty much the only dream I keep in my mind mover over any others – dreams about all kinds of worlds not exactly how we see it, at least that is how my mind interprets them but they could very likely also be of our world just hidden. In this dream I’m floating around these high silver almost skyscraper looking buildings. They seem to be built in the sea but near land. Then I turn horizontally towards grassy area where I see just regular people walking and playing in the grass and walking dogs, in near distance I see houses (almost like the San Francisco type, the one famous view of houses in a row). The whole place felt very familiar like home but a bit unfamiliar in the same time as it maybe resembled our world about 90%. Nevertheless, I floated to one of the tall skyscrapers I went up and up and up vertically, then I noticed this water falling from the sky so I went further up and then it turned into waterfall like free fall water but it was coming from the sky (no land, neither floating land, nothing like that). Just plain sky and waterfall out of nowhere, it looked like half circle shaped opening into sky (but only shaped by the free-falling water) so I decided to float to the edge of the waterfall (the sound of it was louder and louder). And when I floated above the edge of where the water started and suddenly I sensed instant serenity, quietness, and nothing in sight but to my surprise I saw 360 degrees of deep blue calm ocean water (almost scared me as I felt suddenly alone). My mind tried to comprehend how is that possible an ocean above a world where the top has light blue/white sky. When I looked down I could see the world but at the same time saw the massive ocean above with the one half hole leading down dropping waterfall but from bottom u could see clear light sky. Also as the waterfall was falling down it disappeared on the way down along the way so it never reached the bottom.
Just thought you might find that interesting. I had this dream years ago before I came across any of the flat earth articles.
The first time I heard about flat earth it sounded ridiculous to me but what keeps bothering my mind about it is some of the people who believe in it. People who in my mind don’t feel to be ridiculous themselves and that easy to convince of such things. That part never added up for me.
Also what keeps popping in my mind is movie “Pirates of Caribbean, At World’s End” when the ship flips upside down to relation to my dream.
I can’t neither shake off this feeling and references in so many other movies when it comes to characters being kept/shielded in some type of bubble. Where few of the characters at some point realize it is bigger than them and try to break through/out. We sure live in interesting times.
The Truman Show
The Island
The Hunger Games
The Maze Runner
with love and light,
- Jana
Thank you so much for sharing this.. Beautiful video, Dr. Emoto's experiments with water crystals that discern the respective energetic vibrations that different words resonate has always been my favorite.
The video of the stars coupled with other sound frequency vibrations, and the science of bioillumination is also incredibly intriguing, and enlightening.
After countless nights of stargazing over the last year and a half, I noticed something intrinsically different with the stars and the way they looked, and found myself taking dozens of videos also (not from a telescope however, just my Iphone). Most might be surprised to find that our newer model phones can actually provide us with similar views of the stars if we steady the capture the video and take time to review afterward.
Anyhow, upon reviewing the video (kind of fun to go through frame by frame on zoom) I was convinced that I might be looking at something other than stars since what I was seeing didn't fit the explanations I had been taught. I also began noticing certain stars would display a kind of strobelight effect (In5D refers to them as disco stars). Oddly enough, the different colors of light emitted from the strobe stars even occasionally appears to be reflecting off the clouds, which further begs the question are these really stars and are they really as far away as we once thought, or are they possibly something different than our schoolbook education defined as stars?
I have been an avid stargazer since I was a child and I don't EVER remember the nightsky looking anything like it does now. Even planets like Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn are suddenly visible every night and immediately identifiable without consulting a star map. They too, often look incredibly close and the moon seems to be emitting a much brighter light and an often blurry holographic duplication on its surface.
Since noticing all of the above, I've often wondered, has something about the stars and sky changed... Or,is it simmply that my PERCEPTION of the sky that has changed as I've raised my own personal vibration and awakened??
I know I am not the only one noticing these things and your comment, Freestar, falls right in line with my personal questioning. Thanks again!!
Thank you so much for sharing this.. Beautiful video, Dr. Emoto's experiments with water crystals that discern the respective energetic vibrations that different words resonate has always been my favorite.
The video of the stars coupled with other sound frequency vibrations, and the science of bioillumination is also incredibly intriguing, and enlightening.
After countless nights of stargazing over the last year and a half, I noticed something intrinsically different with the stars and the way they looked, and found myself taking dozens of videos also (not from a telescope however, just my Iphone). Most might be surprised to find that our newer model phones can actually provide us with similar views of the stars if we steady the capture the video and take time to review afterward.
Anyhow, upon reviewing the video (kind of fun to go through frame by frame on zoom) I was convinced that I might be looking at something other than stars since what I was seeing didn't fit the explanations I had been taught. I also began noticing certain stars would display a kind of strobelight effect (In5D refers to them as disco stars). Oddly enough, the different colors of light emitted from the strobe stars even occasionally appears to be reflecting off the clouds, which further begs the question are these really stars and are they really as far away as we once thought, or are they possibly something different than our schoolbook education defined as stars?
I have been an avid stargazer since I was a child and I don't EVER remember the nightsky looking anything like it does now. Even planets like Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn are suddenly visible every night and immediately identifiable without consulting a star map. They too, often look incredibly close and the moon seems to be emitting a much brighter light and an often blurry holographic duplication on its surface.
Since noticing all of the above, I've often wondered, has something about the stars and sky changed... Or,is it simmply that my PERCEPTION of the sky that has changed as I've raised my own personal vibration and awakened??
I know I am not the only one noticing these things and your comment, Freestar, falls right in line with my personal questioning. Thanks again!!
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