That said, The CATs and Lynn at Psychic Focus have decided to band together to group-visualize the light coming into and through us on January 31st, and grounding into the earth. We ask you you join us in welcoming the light, being open to it, and allowing it to pass freely through you, purging all negative forces and energy in the process.
We're looking to start at 9:00 am EST on the 31st, but note that you can actually meditate before or after that time and ask that the energy be sent to that exact time.
Event Step 8 should feel wonderful and enlightening. Or at least give you a serious perm. Better still, it will get more and more of us working together WITH SOURCE on one of the most powerful days in human history. Those reading these words are called. So... please, join us! (We're also hoping that this makes Valentine's Day 2018 even more special.)
[NOTE: For those new to meditation, here's our handy Meditation Primer, which is also useful as a soporific AND a door stop. Void where prohibited.]
Look forward to sharing in the light/love/healing meditation....however, opting out of the potential perm - (hair can't get any curlier than this, surely!)- in exchange for growing taller, haha! I guess all things are possible given we're being plugged back into our 12 strand DNA original templates...super exciting!
One question - will we be feeling the effects in the lead up to this date....as in, what to expect from now until then? My dreams are definitely becoming more trippy - the astral has definitely been amping up if that's an indication of things to come! :)
Lynn I noticed that the area of the last big earthquake around Kodak Alaska had generated emergency announcements all along the west coast and even Hawaii. These are the places that will see the upcoming eclipse in totality. If the quake was artificially generated, is this connected to the eclipse energy, maybe trying to disrupt it? Any thoughts about if there is a connection between the quake and the eclipse? Thank you Lynn and Da Da. I will be there on the 31st
Right on! Count me in for this meditation.
Count me in too!!!!
Great idea!!! Will be there.
Ah. We should've added this to the above. For those unfamiliar with the 12-Step Event, here's The CAT's original post on the subject, with the help of Lynn:
A Man Called Da-da,
Thanks for the Meditation Primer, just what I needed to try to do mediation without guided video/voice.
However, I need explanation for some of the pointers, please:
In Point 1, what do you mean “whatever chakra calls out”? What if I don’t feel any of my chakras calling out?
Who is Brother J? Jesus ?
Under advanced options, in Point 4 “throw grounding cords on people who need it”,
what do you mean “You only have to ask once” Sorry, ask what?
Just to confirm, meditation is during EST morning? I thought the meditation would be night time since it will be a Supermoon, Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on 31st night? And how long will the group meditation be?
Great! I look forward to "seeing you there!"
Craig: Thanks for the blog topic!! I saved your question in my drafts to do soon!
I will be there
Wow!! I'm getting up extra early (and I'm retired!!) on 1/31 to join you at 6:00 a.m. PST. My mind is whirling with all the new info from CATs and Lynn!!
Hi all. I am a longtime poster/reader. Maybe I am being too forward here but here goes nothing (Almost didn't post but I believe in you all) :)
Not that long ago I left an abusive marriage and became a single mom, it was the best choice i could make in a bad situation. My final family court date is tomorrow morning at 9 AM ET. If anyone wants to add me in their positive thoughts tomorrow I would greatly appreciate it. I just felt like things aligned when I saw the mediation was at the same time as my hearing. I have already been blessed with being heard and received well by this court and judge so i am hopeful.
I have fought someone who has more money and power than me and I still tried to do it honorably with forgiveness and grace. Anyone who wants to keep me and my young son in your thoughts tomorrow I would truly appreciate it.
lots of love to you all xxoo
@AL233: I will send you some extra love and light- Lynn
Thanks, Lynn and everyone -- Very exciting times indeed! I will join in with my first waking thoughts at 6 am PST.
It was nice "meeting" you all this morning. Looking forward to the next time. Thanks Lynn.
I didn't actually see anyone either- this felt more like an emotional meditation. It felt about letting stuff go and finding an inner peace while sending out love and light. Quite beautiful. :-)
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