He talks about it at about 25 min in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIO4vWYtk6s
A. When I first heard the story, I immediately knew that it was a false flag, but something was off and didn't feel right. With a flip of a switch or push of a button almost (within reason) as much fear and panic was created as it would have been with a bomb or bullets, only at a fraction of the price. The PTW, (Powers That Were) know they are under heavy scrutiny (they know they are being watched), and didn't have the time, money or effort to pull this off full out, and knew they didn't need to in order to accomplish their goal.
I get the PTW orchestrated this to make people fearful. Fearful people are submissive. Feeling as though you are in a situation that is beyond your control is a helpless and humbling feeling. Making people, all people, not just Hawaiians, realize that danger could be anywhere at anytime makes the citizens much more willing to comply with whatever is necessary to stay safe (even if you have to give up constitutional rights in the process).
Even more importantly than evoking fear and making people welcome government interference (those were just the side benefits for the PTW), the PTW want to send a message to Trump and incite a war that he will need to deal with. If Trump is dealing with a war, then he has to put time, energy and effort into that (versus the PTW SCANDALS he is exposing).
The PTW look to be quite masterful at provoking this too. They know that North Korea has been on the radar for a while, and used that to play into their plan. I see a scenario of three kids in a line facing forward. The one on the left pokes the one on the right, who turns to the one in the middle and reacts. I get this is how the PTW are doing it. The PTW pokes the US, and then pokes North Korea before quietly bowing out, leaving these two face to face.
If you have a moment, please put the intent out there that the truth will be seen for what it is, and these PTW will be exposed for who and what they are. I'm left hearing (in a Yoda voice?) "Fear not the PTW, for fall when they will, restored will be peace." (not sure where that came from..)
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: https://youtu.be/w5bvit7mvgg
Thanks Lynn. You calm me.
Was an actuall missile ever launched? I get a sense there was not. But the warning message was somehow "pushed" out....
This missile scare brings up a post a few months ago about how the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed instead of leveled by atomic bombs. In that reading Lynn said the bombs failed to do the damage expected and so firebombing took their place. Lots of the nuclear bomb tests were either movie special effects or used massive amounts of dynamite to create mushroom clouds. It seems the greatest threat of nuclear weapons is radiation pollution with a long half-life.
If the WWII Japan bombings were faked, it raises the question of whether nuclear weapons are even real or is the world being gaslighted by an imaginary threat no one can really prove. There is also a lot of belief that extraterrestrial guardians wouldn't allow or would knock out such a missile to prevent its use. Q gave hints the missile against Hawaii was launched by sub, knocked down over the ocean and the alert was called off forty minutes later only after the sub itself was destroyed.
No missile. And look how some sites (run by various fations) then push fear about the source of the missile being an Israeli submarine, or a "rogue Chinese" sub. And how the Secret Space Program guys stepped in to help... ridiculous, but enlightening. Now we can see these sites/sources are either being mislead, or are misleading.
CATs wrote about this, too.
Oh, note that *the Pleiadians* really DID step in to help, but it was more to help ameliorate the fear caused.
I always held that belief of the truth always revealing itself. Through time and faith it will all come to light. Millions of people are seeking justice and these people will be exposed.
If there's one prayer I make each day, it's that truth will come to light and the PTW will be no more.
@Robert -- interesting theory about the nuclear weapons being a ruse. Even if it were true, there'd still be nuclear fallout and/or leaks from power plants that are a very real risk, no?
There are people in Hawaii who supposedly saw what looked like a missile being shot down.
Thanks so much for all the great comments and sharing!
@Denise - I have no idea about the effectiveness of today's nuclear missiles (which is why I put the question to Lynn) but both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt and today are thriving cities, which would be impossible if the WWII bombs went off leaving radiation. There is so much disinformation and lies connected to war, events like going to the moon, 9/11, ect., that other countries would know and potentially call us out on, but it seems more likely their PTW go along and could invent the lie of nuclear weapons to prevent or stalemate war, knowing the fallout from real weapons would eventually damage their own country, much like the Fukashima or Chernobel fallout. The massive expenditures supposedly spent for these missiles could really be going for other secret programs, which many believe has happened before with the fake Apollo missions. There have been recent reports that many missile silos in the US are rusted and not well maintained. This is just speculation on my part, but recent history breeds cynicism of anything they say.
@Robert: I agree with much of what you said. Nuclear war is another fear tactic. It is true that there is nuclear power plants and so forth, and there is toxic waste from them as a byproduct, but I cannot see these bombs (or them being used)... So much is to keep people in panic..
@Robert - thanks for your feedback. I find myself in agreement with practically all your insights on Lynn's blog. My question was more rhetorical in that I was expressing my own despair over radiation pollution in general(with its long shelf-life), in which we seem to lack the technology, know-how, or political will to clean up. It heartens me somewhat to hear your comments about Hiroshima, etc., and of course your argument makes complete sense because the evidence is there for all to see. And to Lynn's comment, a nuclear bomb threat is a perfect ruse to keep people in panic as well as keep them subservient. I've read that in the near future, we'll discover (through ET assistance, of course) the methods to safely clean up and dispose of nuclear waste. If what you're saying about the power plants, etc., is correct, the clean-up job won't be as difficult/extensive as it would be otherwise.
Thanks @Lynn for sharing your take on Nuclear weaponry, which should make everyone breathe easier, if angry for this decades long gaslighting of the planet.
Thanks @Denise for your comments and for mentioning your daily meditation for a better and PTW-free world. There is a group that makes a collective prayer for just that at 6pm daily mentioned on youtube's "YouarefreeTV" who covers Q Anon and lots of other good info on how the deep state is falling. These are really exciting times.
@Robert - thanks very much for the info. Yes these are exciting times! It's been a long time coming but now that it's here things appear to be unfolding quickly.
Intriguing post, Lynn!!
Dada--I'm not on computer as much as I used to be. How did the Pleiadians help?
Mind-boggling times!
Saw reports of the Clinton's being in Hawaii at this time. Were they a potential target?
Thanks for the comments! I love the community that has come together here!
@Ryno: I didn't pick up on that. They may have been a target, but I did see it.
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