Sunday, December 8, 2024

Maybe the Wicked Witch Wasn’t so Wicked? Another Lesson on Perspective

Another lesson on Perspective.  Maybe the Wicked Witch wasn’t so wicked, and we got it all wrong.

The Wizard of Oz was a childhood favorite of mine. Even though I found the “green witch” terrifying, I was always captivated by the annual broadcast of this movie. The "green witch" was portrayed as the obvious villain, but now that I’m older, I’ve made an effort to look at things objectively rather than simply accepting what we’re told. It’s clear there are forces out there programming us to think, feel, and act in certain ways, but sometimes what seems obvious isn’t.  

Let’s take a moment to think (and don’t worry, I’m not making a political statement or turning liberal - just exercising my mind).  Bear with me folks.. 

  • Perhaps the “Wicked Witch” was upset because a random house fell from the sky and killed her sister.
  • A girl emerges from the house, and the whole town celebrates the sister’s death.
  • The Wicked Witch arrives in time to see everyone rejoicing
  • Glinda "The Good Witch" appears, steals the sister’s ruby slippers before the Wicked Witch can take them, and gives them to the girl who just killed her sister.
  • Glinda, clearly enjoying herself, tells Dorothy not to take the slippers off and mockingly warns the Wicked Witch to leave Munchkin Land before a house falls on her too.
  • Most of the Wicked Witch’s behavior and threats throughout the story are really retaliation in wanting to get the stolen slippers back. 
  • Glinda claims the slippers are powerful and insists Dorothy shouldn’t return them. Dorothy, for the most part doesn’t seem to care much about the slippers but keeps them out of the fear Glinda implants in her.  It is alluded they will get her to Oz safely, which is her only way back home.
  • After reaching Oz, the Wizard forces Dorothy to get the broomstick of the Wicked Witch before he grants any wishes, and the only way to procure this broomstick was to kill her.  It looks like they want all opposition out of the way, and Glinda allowed it to happen.
  • Then, at the end of the story, after everything Dorothy endures, it’s revealed that she didn’t have to go to Oz or face any of these dangers to get home. She had the power all along and only needed to say “There’s no place like home” three times while tapping her heals.  Glinda could have sent her home immediately and the entire ordeal could have been avoided.

Doesn’t it seem twisted to put someone through all that harm unnecessarily?  Who is really being evil here?

Anyway, I thought you might enjoy exercising your mind by considering both sides of a situation. Some things are obvious, some seem like they should be, and others aren’t obvious at all.

God Bless, Lynn

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Robert Schoen said...

The "Backstory" of the WWW (Wicked Witch of the West) is that she took Toto away from Dorothy in a past (future, parallel?) life, so her Evil and Crimes are established right off the bat, or broom. So funny you bring up Witches, Lynn, because while Dorothy can be sued by WWW's flying monkeys for wrongful death and loss of employment, I was thinking of all the Witches in US politics and media installed by Satanists and the PTW. There are definitely Good Witches and many of them that express female Goddess Divinity, like a certain blogger, but a LOT of bad apples, many of whom got or were put into positions of power.

In politics, you had Hillary, Madeline Albright and Barbara Bush in the past but today you still have/or had in Congress the DC Witches Coven with Susan Collins, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, Liz Cheney and WWW's Northerly sister Oregon's purple hair Witch Rosa DeLauro. In the Media, you have Kaitlin Collins, Nichole Wallace , The View Coven, Rachel Maddow, and that Cannibal from the Congo Joy Reid with a face so evil I cant even look at it. Movie stars Meryl Streep for sure. Angelina Jolie and Megan Foxx???? Bad and Beautiful or Witches, you decide.

Lot's of Warlocks too, even one named Raphael Warnock, a supposed Preacher whose name is a dead give away, John Kerry, Obama, Schiff, Soros, Bill Gates, Pope Francis, the dead Prince Phillip who wanted to reincarnate into a deadly virus.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I think we are surrounded...