Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Exec Order To Give Undocumented Folks Citizenship (aka Voting Rights) - You Decide

Hey Everyone!  So word of mouth got to me that Biden signed an executive order giving illegals citizenship.  After my head stopped spinning I thought I should look this up myself.  The alt left are brazen, but that would be REALLY brazen.  

I did some searching, and think there is some kind of nefarious activity going on behind the scenes.  They know the big day in November will be here before we know it, and those in power have to do what they can to secure or create their votes.  I suspect they are trying to prey to emotions to make this sound like a moral decision, but in my heart I know this leadership doesn't have many morals so there is most definitely an agenda in play to gain an advantage. (Feel free to fact check me on that.)

What are your thoughts?  I think we learned in politics if you can't beat 'em you cheat 'em, and we are in for a devious next few months.  Find you happy place with your faith, family, pets, hobbies or nature and invest your energy there while the country weathers the storm.

Please Lord watch over us and give strength for a wholesome leader to get this country back on track!



RealCousinIT said...

When I went to renew my license, I had to produce 10 pieces of documentation to get a real ID from a regular license. I saw undocumented people walk in without any ID and get a license. At the airport I’m frisked and have to produce ID to get on a plane, saw undocumented people have no ID’s get on the plane.

bashfulkarly said...

I’m not sure if you’ve written about this lately but I’m seeing a lot of warnings about a power grid outage. Here is one example

Lots of warnings about food and water storage, securing heat and light for the winter, have cash on hand, prepping for an extended power outage. Coming in November. What do you see around this?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The president and tons of other politicians (98% on a good day?) are guilty of TREASON. Anf the penalty for that is. . . I wonder when those chickens are gonna come home to roost? Can't be too much longer. I don't know why, but I have a feeling the next 16 months are going to be HELL for a lot of people. But being of a strong Cathar slant, it's a big 'meh' for me.

Hey! Debt based economies have a shelf-life. The whole world is beyond that date, and the whole world is going to pay for falling for that stupidity. Being a minimalist with very few obligations, at least I'm spared the worst of that.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

That's because we live in a clown world.... I've seen similar things.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I have heard this and need to think on it. I'm glad I'm not in a city right now. I think there could be something to this warning.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Yes, you can only rob from Peter to pay Paul for so long... This really is a doomed society courtesy of this greedy and selfish leadership I think many are under the Lucifer spell.

Anon said...

I came from a third world country and we had to show ID to vote. Even if you are illiterate the government issues and ID for you to vote and if you can't write there is a place for your thumb, not that hard. The left is commiting fraud, plain and simple

Truth & light said...

And republicans are allowing it

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I am concerned... No one seems to truly stop or block it..