Monday, August 26, 2024

Need Inspiration? Check Out My Honey! NEW Page on My Blog!

Hi Everyone!  Are you feeling overwhelmed with the state of our country and world?  I started uploading short videos (they are all 60 seconds or less) of different things I'm doing to find my inner peace.  The world is heavy, but we still need to exist in it and live life.  If you need some inspiration or want to see what I'm up to when I'm not clacking on my keyboard, please check out my video page on the blog by clicking the tab above or going to my YouTube channel here:

I share all kinds of thing including my latest project of getting honey from the bee boxes (I'll give you a sneak peek below).  It was a really awesome learning experience!!  We got 8 pints!



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RealCousinIT said...

Kudos Lynn, it’s hard work to live off the land. While you’re processing honey I will be processing 15 pounds of grapes for juice and jelly.

Robert Schoen said...

Very impressive,if messy business, Lynn. Looks like a lot of honey remains in beewax which must make candles smell sweet. I only have Carpenter Bees which only leave sawdust on my porch deck.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Oh wow! That sounds like a lot of work. Do you use a mill to do it? I use an electric one for tomatoes and it has several types of screens to get seeds out and purge the skins. I bet it would work for grapes.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks. There is a little wax remaining, but if you sit it in the sun it will slowly drain most of it out (which is the goal). The comb can be used for salves and soaps (I already have friends inquiring, :-)) Pretty cool for sure!