Hi everyone,
I recently learned that the man that took a nearly fatal shot at the former president was cremated ten days after the event (I've got to watch saying names or details because they already shadow-ban me). Oddly, this was done before the full investigation was completed.
Since I'm not glued to media streams, I thought I'd do a quick search to see what the heck was going on and what I could sense. I soon realized the internet is scrubbing anything with spoken verbiage on this topic as most videos that question the timing and handling of this case don't have talking, just closed captioned... Hmmm.
They always say "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it's a duck.
Well... If a guy is able to walk around with a range finder, climb on a roof and have an alleged bomb somewhere... AND the FBI won't release a current photo, doesn't discloses the toxicology from the autopsy (I suspect mental meds or hormones and that is also why they won't show a current pic) and evidence is prematurely destroyed with many remaining questions and no answers... you might have an attempted coup with a huge coverup at play.
I'll let you decide. Prayers to this country. Lord help us all.
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I was an ardent student of the '63 Kennedy assassination for decades because it completely changed the US and showed how both government and the press were lying phonies, so when I saw the five short women SS Agent's working around the SUV Trump got in at the JUly 13 Butler rally, I instantly knew the USSS was in on ithe shooting and that I would have to get the initial reports and cellphone videos quickly before they were scrubbed from the web because it was a Biden ordered hit with the FBI assisting after the fact. Maxwell Yearick was the dead guy on the roof they cremated so quickly to keep the myth of Crooks, whose now probably now the millionaire trans boyfriend of Larry Fink, being the shooter. Right after RFK Jr announced his support for Trump in the Arizona rally, Biden/Harris withdrew his SS protection even though he's still on the ballot in all but 10 swing states.
Here's my illustrated article again showing what happened:
Wow! Great job putting down all the facts Robert. I constantly place President Trump and America in my prayers. If America falls, the world falls! These Satanic Globalist must be defeated! GOD WINS!
Yes, praise Jesus!
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