Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ways to Save Money During this Horrendous Time of Inflation

We all know the "Green Agenda" is all about putting "Green" in the pockets of politicians, so let's explore ways to REALLY save some money in this horrendous economic time.

  • Can you shop your electric?  Ohio has an Apples to Apples comparison to shop suppliers. Check out your local suppliers to see if you also have a similar option.  
  • Turn off lights and things you aren't using.  
  • Vampire energy is a real thing.  If you have something you rarely use, unplug it.
  • Turn the temperature on your hot water tank down a few degrees so it runs less often. 
  • Turn the A/C temperature up (or turn it off if you can tolerate it).
  • Turn the furnace temperature down once it gets cold. A few degrees makes a difference.
  • Look for alternative heating solutions (pellet stove, wood burning, etc.)  

  • Are you able to grow your own?  Maybe you have a few patio plants to avoid buying tomatoes or peppers.  Try bartering with someone that does grow their own.    
  • Buy in bulk when you can.  Can or freeze what you cannot eat.
  • Look for sales.
  • Stay out of the junk food isles.  Your body will thank you for avoiding these empty calorie items (that spike insulin and trigger more hunger).  
  • When realistic, make and prepare your own food.  It is much cheaper and you know what ingredients are within it.  
  • Fast food is occasionally unavoidable, but try to meal plan and pack your meals.  Maybe make your lunches for the week all at once or when you make dinner, make extra and freeze some for when your kids or life has you going 100 mph. It will save you tons and be much better for your body.

  • You only have one body.  Take care of it.  A healthy body needs less meds and less trips to the doctor.  Take your health seriously. 
  • Look at your diet.  You are what you eat.  
  • Give up junk food and pop ASAP.  If you have a hankering for something look for a replacement (ie tea versus pop or fruit in moderation vs sugary sweets). You can retrain your brain- trust me!

Earn Some Side Cash
  • Recycle when you can.
  • Sell what you don't need.
  • Do you have a skill that you can side hustle?  Sewing, babysitting, tutoring, errand running, dog walking, pet sitting, etc.
  • Consolidate errands to reduce gas waste.

  • Stay out of Starbucks!  Making and taking your own coffee or tea can taste great and save you tons.
  • Do you pamper yourself with nails, hairdos, etc?  Everyone needs to take care and treat themselves, but is there an alternative?  Maybe cut back or find other things that are just as satisfying yet FREE and good for you. An Epsom salt bath can nourish the body and give you needed magnesium for pennies.  A walk in the woods or reading a good book can be healing for the soul and mind.  
  • Utilize things that are free such as parks and libraries.  Find joy in the simple things.  We have become focused on spending money to be entertained, but how many have packed a picnic and went outside or to a park with your family lately?  Most schools also have outside picnic tables and young kids love this.  People most generally remember experiences and not "things."
  • Give up habits or cut back on things that are not serving you (and cost money).

An ounce of prevention....
  • Keep up on oil changes and maintenance on your car.
  • Insulate your house (even cheap plastic on windows, curtains over leaky windows, spray foam, etc).
  • Practice delayed gratification.  Avoid buying on credit unless you have no choice and it is an essential item.  Paying interest is robbery at the current rates. 
  • Focus on owning versus renting when possible.
  • Live below your means and work to avoid or pay down debt.
I'm hopeful that you can take a few of these things and implement them into your life to save you money.  If you have a great idea to share, please leave a comment below.


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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

You seem to have turned this into a political research site. Well, it's what I do all day when I'm not at work, so it works for me.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

These topics seem to fall in my lap. I'm happy to change it up, but things are so politically crazy right now. I just want people to wake up!