Monday, August 12, 2024

Kamala Ad That Broke the Internet Courtesy of Elon

Have you seen the Kamala Ad that Elon made? Elon thought it was only right that he contribute to her campaign using the alt left tactics of AI.  The alt left (naturally) freaked out at the parody, most likely because it was also true.

Gavin Newsom even tweeted his thoughts saying "it should be illegal," and Elon responded in an Elon way saying "parody is legal in America" (I will put the full tweet up here).  I'm still weighing in on my thoughts on Elon, but this did give me a bit of a laugh this Monday morning.  Hope you enjoy!  


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Robert Schoen said...

I cna't help but think that Elon Musk is a cutout acting for the White Hats in his role taking over the censorious Twitter that caused Trump to create Truth Social as an alternative. Will be interesting to see the Musk Trump interview tonight, but Free Speech has been a thing of the past in the US for some time, and gotten much worse from 2016 to stop Trump supporters from interfering with cartel news propaganda narrative. Now in Engand they're arresting those for posting opposition to Labor's new PM, which is exactly what will happen under Harris Walz. Better to see Musk humorously puts words into Kamala's filthy mouth than Soros and Obama, her usual script writers..

RealCousinIT said...

This is why we can’t have a One World Government, because invariably one globalist wants to restrict all freedoms from any country including theirs.
Political Correctness has become a dirty word to us freedom loving Americans.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree. I'm still not completely sure about Elon either..

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Yes, absolutely!