Tuesday, July 30, 2024

World Destabilization - Coming to a Country Near You

Q.  Hi Lynn, can you tell us what is happening in Venezuela?  It looks like China, Russia and Iran support it, but it is rejected by the US, the EU and progressist Latin American governments.


A. In our current world of craziness and illusion, the goal is to destabilize as many countries as possible so the global elites (Powers That Were) can come in, take the wreckage and mold it into what they want.

To understand the current state of Venezuela, you have to look at how this once thriving country got into such an economic mess with outrageous inflation.  There are government groups called "economic hitmen" that go in and wreck economies through manipulation.  They use tactics such as creating deals that cannot be fulfilled, and when the IOU becomes so great that the country cannot pay they become owned.  In the book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, this hitman describes just how playing this long game can wreck a targeted country.  Venezuela has oil, the US wanted it, therefore, it became a target (and an alliance happened).  

This recent Venezuelan shakeup will certainly send a surge of people north toward the US which could be a huge motivator for China, Russia and Iran to support it.  Perhaps the US is against the wrong doings in Venezuela because the current US administration has already made a mess of the border and they cannot have the optics of a caravan headed this way during an election cycle (the Dems are desperate to win).  You can bet there is a selfish interest in why countries either support or don't support a crisis.  Dirty deals, money to be made and with Venezuela, oil is a big bargaining tool (and are they buying/selling with the petrodollar or something else??).  I also suspect that the US has already made some kind of deal or worked with Maduro's opponent to secure some type of asset and they don't want a good negotiation to go to waste.

This chaos is not over.  We need to pray for these people and their continued courage to fight for what they think is right.  We as people need to speak our truth and stop being lukewarm. 


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Yad said...

I hope Venezuelan people stand together and set an example for other countries.

Patrick said...


Patrick said...

Thank you Lynn.
And it's also interesting to see how some people are revealing themselves and showing their true colours, ...either because they are ignorant of world situations or are motivated by personal interests or possibly being coerced to do so eg...Elon Musk...

RealCousinIT said...

They destabilized Iraq, Syria, Libya Ukraine and other countries to get what they want. The people are shell shocked by all the destruction brought on by the Globalists, we want peace, they do not. Praying that each country has the courage to be defiant and push back.

Patrick said...

Thanks Lynn..
It's quite interesting that we are getting to see some people start revealing themselves and showing their true colours, either through ignorance of the political situations, personal/self-centred interests or they are being coerced to do so.... eg Elon Musk...

People should stand up against the deceit and corruption an be counted as part of the forces of good.....

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

So weird, when I went to respond the comments didn't have the same features as yesterday. Did I mandella effect that?

@Yad: Agreed!

@RealCousiIT: I know. Now is the time!

@Patrick: I agree. I want peace more than anything, but sometimes we have to fight for it.

Robert Schoen said...

Congresswoman Marjorie T Green tweeted comparing the graph of the votes for Madura that had the same Dominion voting machine late night bump of voters that happened for Biden against Trump as 4 AM in five swing states where almost all the added votes in that late night dump went for Biden.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Yeah, they figured out how to cheat 'em if you can't beat 'em..