Monday, July 29, 2024

The Demon Olympics - What in the Hell (Literally)?


What in the hell (literally) is going on here?  

The Olympics has always been a satanic display, but this year it is blatant!  Rumor is (which is more probable than plausible) the Olympics also serves as one of the biggest human trade gatherings because of the volume of people in one area - so there is definitely some satanistic minded people collecting together.  Between that and the celebration of deviant behaviors is appalling.

I'm glad to see people being outspoken and advertisers pulling their ads.  It is time that people speak up against this behavior and stop being dismissive or fall prey to the social justice expectations.  I realize the alt left are offended by so much that they no longer have a sense of humor or even right from wrong, so if this is their spin on a skit or entertainment they really need to check themselves. 

It is no surprise that Paris suffered a MASSIVE POWER OUTAGE following this blasphemous display and the ONLY THING LIT UP WAS THE SACRE COEUR CHURCH.  Let that be a clear sign that the time is now to be outspoken and get right with the Lord.

Revelation 22 12-14 "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.  Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

The time is now to get your heart in order and where it should be.


Robert Schoen said...

It's really sad the Olympics has symbolically been so corrupted and tarnished by this woke agenda. Paris is full of anti-Israel protesters and I thought they may have been behind the blackout in their sabotage protesting. In the US I like the idea of boycotting Companies that go along with the woke agenda which might be everyone that advertises on TV on the orders of Larry Fink's Black Rock who only wants to see Black faces. Here's a list of corporations to not patronize for a start.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree. Thanks for the list! I will most def look at this!

RealCousinIT said...

I love the fact Russia didn’t participate this year. Speaks volumes regarding wokeness they don’t acknowledge.
We all need to boycott any company and that disavows our principles.

SB said...

Feast of Dionysus. The French are more educated than us they love art and history things sadly lacking in American schools. And actually the Last Supper painting was inspired by the Feast of Dionysus since Da Vinci was a well educated artist. I love Christ just like so many he was an amazing teacher and aspect of source but this has nothing to do with him or his teachings. Just ask him mentally if he was offended by this you will get a no and a laugh. ��

A Man Called Da-da said...

So, STOP WATCHING IT! Use that OFF button and go weed your garden.

Robert Schoen said...

As an Italian Renaissance art scholar who last year wrote a major book on Leonardo, SB is completely wrong about Leonardo's Last Supper being based on the Feast of Dionyseus. A decade after Leonardo's Last Supper was completed for the refectory of Santa Maria della Grazie in Milan around 1497 after spending two years painting it, artists like Masaccio and Raphael began exploring themes based on Roman Mythology in paintings and Frescoes during the early 1500's, when Leonardo for the first time also began creating a few work of art on his own like Leda and the Swan based on Mythological themes, as prior to that time all of Leonardo's art was all based on the study of nature rather than emulating the Classicism of Roman or Greek art. On his return to Florence in 1500, Leonardo worked with Baccio Bandinelli to design the giant marble Hercules and Cacus pendant to Michelangelo's David,a little known fact but the reason why Bandinelli was given the giant marble block to carve by Pope Clement instead of Michelangelo, even though it was quarried for Michelangelo.

My research showed that Christ and the prophet Saint who foretold His coming, St John the Baptist, were the primary subjects of many of Leonardo's earliest artworks, primarily done as sculptural busts often mistakenly attributed to either Desiderio da Settigano or Antonio Rossellino, all of which attest to Leonardo's personal affinity and devotion to both. Both the Last Supper and Salvator Mundi clearly express Leonardo's personal devotion to Christ, while in the Last Supper, Leonardo also expressed his distrust of the Catholic Church's Hierarchy by visually linking St Peter with Judas as the second betrayer of Christ's teachings, showing Peter treasonously wielding a knife behind his back next to Judas while pointing a menacing finger towards the neck of Christ's favorite St John as if he wanted to slash John's throat. The Last Supper is considered one of the most important and moving works of religious art of all time because it is highly spiritual and its imagery becomes almost the visual equivalent of music in its mathematical harmony of the 13 figures within a resonating architectural setting. Leonardo's mural was made for the end wall of a dining hall for Domenican Monks and was designed to look like a subliminal giant open mouth with the three heraldic tondos above it becoming the eyes and nose of the mouth, an indication of Leonardo's subtle and overlooked humor.

I also don't buy the Olympic's drag queen rave parody of Leonardo's masterpiece as an indication of France's Superior education or love of art. It's really more in your face big money Satanism like the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel just to let people know who's really in charge running things. I know the Louvre's curator of Paintings who got their restorer to ruin Leonardo's Virgin and St Anne in a horrible "restoration" that destroyed much of the poetry and subtlety of that great work just for the sake of making it look new. They also ruined Leonardo's lesser known second version of The Annunciation done as a small predella painting now credited to Lorenzo de Credi who only finished what Leonardo left undone because the Duomo of Pistoia took six years to pay for it.

Patrick said...

Patrick said...

Just as a side note, it's good the Blog features have been upgraded...👍
For one, it's good someone can now reply directly under a comment with an emoji or a post....😊🥰💕

Patrick said...

Could you kindly direct me to a trusted authoritative website or book with the complete collection of Leonardo's illustrated paintings and art work.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RealCousinIT: I completely agree!
@SB: I'm not sure these people are scholars and trying to do an educated representation. I'm sure they were making a mockery to something people hold near and dear to them.
@Dada: I haven't really watched it. I've been in my garden A LOT. I have so many veggies I don't know what to do with them all, lol. I spent last night canning homemade pasta sauce and pepper jelly. Stocking up for winter.
@Robert: Thanks so much for sharing. I agree- this was intentional and disgusting.
@Patrick: I like the upgrade too. Must of just happened last night, :-) I discovered it today. It will take a little getting used to, but I think it is a good thing!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

The comment section is way different than yesterday. Not sure what happened to the "reply" to a comment feature. I think Google is messing with us. I actually liked it.

Patrick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

True..I was already enjoying it :)
Hope they return it...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Patrick: I know. It was easier to respond and follow the threads.