Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Political Reality Show Plot Thickens

What in the world will be next? 

Joe now has the beer bug!
Apparently Joe was resisting the request to step down.  He made the remark that he would only step aside if there was a medical event that prevented him from running.  It was just announced he has the beer bug.  Intentional, fake, weak immune system or a tickle in his throat?  One will never really know, but we do know if there is a will, there is a way, the the alt left are ruthless.

Local police tried to stop the shooter, but were unable to succeed.  
Even though they knew he was there, this was seemingly treated like a play from the Three Stooges leaving the gunman on the roof to complete his task.  Based on the timeline, the gunman had 20 minutes to get comfy an no one stopped him. Seems a bit suspicious, huh?

The head of the secret service says the prime location for an attack was not covered because the roof was "too sloped." 
Talk about a BS excuse as a cover story for the incompetence....  The real question is, How embarrassed what she to actually have to say that out loud for optics sake?"  [Note the roof the secret service is on behind Trump is steeper than the very dangerous sloped roof I see three men standing on.]

Evidence is emerging that there was a second shooter and things did not go to plan.
As people play, replay and analyze the data (yes, everyone has a phone or some kind of recording device) they are finding that the number of shots fired does not match the story.  It is my belief that the evil people behind this wanted to make sure everything went to plan and having a second shooter was like JFK 2.0 all over again with a second insurance policy.  The only difference is the second either got scared, the situation was complicated or this person in their final throws didn't want to lose their life too. These people are sick and evil, and God knows what is in their hearts.  

Here is a timeline for your analytical curiosity:  


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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Who knows what's real about this psy-op. So many stories, and they're all so full of rubbish. I want my Akashic Library Card. Life in Maya sucks. Truth is harder to find than a needle in a haystack without a metal detector.

Robert Schoen said...
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Robert Schoen said...

So much is there for anyone to find online based on reports from eyewitnesses,cell videos and social media posts including the post by the sharpshooter who was ordered NOT to shoot at the guy with a AK47 for 3 minutes but then killed him after the shooting and was arrested for not following orders then fired, that the Biden government plot to kill his political opponent right before the RNC can be easily proven compared to the 63' JFK assassination. I wouldn't rely on any information from CNN or ABC, AND Thomas Matthew Crooks, who had nothing to do with the assassination attempt at Brandon, was chosen because of his name, living in Brandon, extreme weirdness and radical ideology. Today there was a pic of him dressed as a transgender. Maxwell Rearick, an Antifa member arrested at 2016 Trump rally close to the same age, build and big chinned facial features of Crooks but more handsome,is clearly identifiable as the killed shooter on the roof, even though he grew his hair and beard and even had his gauged earlobes sewn up to resemble Crooks. The fact the sharpshooter was ordered not to shoot him before he fired at Trump (if the ear glancing shot wasn't by a backup shooter closer to Trump positioned under the Jumbotron Trump was pointing to (a video emerged of the smoke coming from his gunfire) that all points to an organized government plot that took months of planning which I hope will soon be exposed and end up with the REAL guilty punished.

The enlightened one said...

Perhaps covid is just an excuse for Biden to retreat, because he fears retaliation (for the assassination attempt on Trump) from pro-Trumpers? Surely there must be mentally unstable individuals among the ranks of reps as well... Some of them eager to "seek retribution" as Trump put it.

Another possibility is that Biden retreated to his home, so as to give the handlers time to find a successor.

It's interesting how it all lines up temporally.
First Biden's catastrophic performance in the debate. At that point they realized they had to do something. Two weeks later and we have the Trump campaign shooting. That failed and they realized they need to try something else, but they don't know what yet. So they've quarantined Biden in his home to prevent further damage to the democratic campaign, while they are figuring out they next move...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Love to Push Buttons: So true and great analogies!

@Robert: I agree. Nothing adds up other than the fact it was an inside job.

@enlightened one: It was be interesting to see the next play in our political reality show... I'm sure next week's new cycle will be interesting!

Robert Schoen said...

I kept hoping that someone in the audience behind Trump would have taken a video that showed how the bullet hit his ear, especially in light of those in the Biden camp suggesting that Trump staged this himself, and the closeup from one such a video shows exactly how miraculously the bullet pierced Trump's ear, just creating a perfect small hole on the outer upper ridge of his ear that defies all probabilities in how it left a bullet hole mark while causing the minimal damage. I'm sure Trump had this hole sewn up by now, but had he kept it, it would have been a permanent reminder of how he was touched by God and how he had the world's most unique "gauged" earlobe that would put all the woke hipsters to shame and might have even converted some of them to his tribe.