Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Healy Device

Q. Hi Lynn. Could you take a look at the Healy frequency device? The benefits of regularly using it sound phenomenal. Do you sense that it is truly beneficial for our health and well-being?

This technology is (at least partly) derived from frequency specific microcurrent therapy, which has been shown to permanently alleviate certain chronic pains. It energizes cells so that the body can heal itself faster.

What's special about Healy is that it claims to work in the quantum field to bring a person back to his original blueprint, so to speak. It has been said to help living things align themselves with evolution. We can go through the traditional route to evolve, but this can help us go much faster.  

Can this permanently help with illnesses? Can this reverse DNA damage from pollutants or gene modification? Does it have any negative side effect? If this is the real deal, this may be the closest thing to a med bed.

Much gratitude

A.  I've touched on these before, but when I saw this in my questions I thought I would do a quick revisit and pull some questions from above.

Do you sense that it is truly beneficial for our health and well-being?
When it comes to health and well-being, lifestyle and choices are just as important (maybe more) than any device or pill you use.  Having said that, yes, I can see this as being helpful, but the biggest favor you can give yourself is to analyze diet, activity level, mindset and overall lifestyle.  

I see this more as an aid to help the body heal, but do not solely rely on this for profound long-term effects.  People that want to truly heal have to make life changes.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” - Henry Ford

Can this permanently help with illnesses? 
No.  Permanent changes are done from changing lifestyle.  This can help get you in the right direction, and you will need to do it routinely mask symptoms (unless you make other changes as well).  I see this device like taking a pill - it may mask an issue, even help to heal, but it doesn't truly address the root cause so the issue will always be under the surface.  If you don't look at the root cause of an illness, it is difficult to truly heal.

Can this reverse DNA damage from pollutants or gene modification? 
Our bodies are actually brilliant.  If you do a detox (focus on the liver) the body replenishes the cells frequently.  Again, yes this may aid or support the process, but I wouldn't rely on it solely.

Does it have any negative side effect? If this is the real deal, this may be the closest thing to a med bed.
The only negative I see is that people rely too much on this, and don't want to make the tough choices and change their life.  It can be hard to change patterns or routines, but being mindful (especially with food and what you put in your body) it the best way to work toward long-term healing.

I hope this helps to clear up some things. 


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Patrick said...

Hi Lynn and all..

Coincidentally, last week I was introduced to this healing technology using another device called Solex AO Scan, and have already done some tests with it. The unit provides one with so many results, from reading the frequencies of every organ, tissue, bodily systems down to DNA and Chromosomes, even the body meridians and chakra readings, toxins,parasites, food allergies, beneficial foods, viruses, minerals, lipids white/red blood cells etc etc and gives you all this information in a printout with tables and diagrams many pages long...
It calibrates your present energetic status by scanning either your voice or energy body and provides healing frequencies/modalities (if you want it to) to harmonize and stabilize your energy/emotional physical body, or you can analyse the results yourself and consult with an expert the best course of action..
After browsing the Healy frequency Device briefly on the web, and if one is interested in using this technology for testing and healing, the Solex AO Scan unit is a much better deal and easily out performs the Healy Device, and moderately priced too.
I've not purchased the unit yet, and someone kindly offered to do some tests for/on me 🥰

But as Lynn has wisely advised us, these are just tools, however wonderful they are, and its best to take your health into your hands consciously and with self sovereignty and do the abc's...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Patrick: Thanks so much for sharing this with everyone! I appreciate the review and details as to what this can do and provide.

Robert Schoen said...

I think vibrational medicine and devices is the future. I have used the Healy for quite some time, and it acts like a cup of coffer in the morning for me to get me feeling energized. It also is good for wen you feel exhausted and do other programs but as Lynn says nothing beats exercise, food and Lifestyle choices in which these technologies can be helpful when used in conjunction to all those right choices. Never heard of the Solex AO Scan that Patrick mentioned but sounds interesting as does the Spooky Rife generators.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I know people are curious as to how they do impact health.