Monday, June 3, 2024

Statue of Liberty is Lucifer in Disguise

Here is an interesting observation.  Based on a little research and critical thinking, it is my belief that the Statue of Liberty very well could be a homage to Lucifer...

It is well known by many scholars that after Jesus's Millennial Reign satan was "loosed" to deceive the nations once more.  There is some debate as to the timeframe, but the statue itself may very well offer some clues.  

This statue looks to represent and celebrate the onset of that little season.  It is my belief that the current day territory of the United States was once inhabited heavily during the Millennial Reign, and the Old World inhabitants of that time left behind many relics in the form of ancient artworks and architecture.  After the end of the Millennial Reign, satan wanted to erase everything holy, take back control, rule and leave his mark.  What better way than to inspire a demonic oriented statue viewed by millions?

As satan manipulated minds with his demon army, [occult] symbols began to emerge everywhere. The "deceiver" is masterful in obfuscating agendas, symbology and holding a presence in seemingly innocent ways that feel acceptable to the most innocent mind.  This statue is no exception.  He blurred intent, design, symbols and wording in order to get his totem out there.  

Still scratching your head?  I'll show one of several clues I'm about to explore.  Check out the painting to the right.  It is titled "Satan Summoning His Legions." Notice the resemblance in the face? You cannot make this up!

Before I dive even deeper I need to stop here and jump to another platform. You'll never look at this statue the same after today, and the truth is in plain sight. I'm certain this "his-story" is something they don't want leaked. Please visit me on SubscribeStar or Substack to read more. Thank you again for the support!


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RealCousinIT said...

The Statue of Liberty looks androdgenous.

Robert Schoen said...

There's a compelling argument that "Liberty" is actually the reconstituted Egyptian god Osiris, who was chopped up into thirteen parts and put back together by his mother Isis, in which the only missing part was his penis, which she then carved one out of stone to replace and then had sex with her son. The torch he holds up is really his bloody penis, the flames being the blood spurting out. The spiked rays on his head also have some symbolism. Paganism or Devil worship? Those French Illuminati had some kinky sense of humor giving the US this "Gift"...

335AT said...

Now, who wants to travel to it with me with explosives so we can blow up this piece of garbage?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RealCousinIT: There are a lot of theories on that. Would not surprise me if this is a man.

@Robert: I heard about that too. If there is truth to that, then I am certain they would want that as our welcome sign to the country. Sick people have been around for a long time! In reading on that I saw that many phallic signs (such as the Washington Monument) also pay homage to the "missing penis."

@335AT: Better watch what you say on here.. even being sarcastic can be caught by the AI Googlebots..