Friday, May 31, 2024

Ding Ding Ding... Round One Over - Trump Convicted

Q.  The jury is in and Trump is now the first president to be charged (caught and prosecuted) as a felon.  Now what?

A. As I think about this, and the amount of effort, energy and total absurdity of it all, I stop to think that this entire display is just one more thing to divide and distract within our political reality show.  Much of our government has always partaken in dirty deals, made false promises to excuses for various things, but this [IMHO] has gone way too far.  Talk about making us look like a joke to other countries!  We have one candidate that can hardly find and work a set of stairs off a stage and another that may very well run from behind bars.  This world is becoming so insane that it has gone from concerning and frustrating, to just laughable.  How far must we go before people wake up to this all being a stage while the real puppet masters are the faceless evil that are ruling everything? 

With the elections this November I'm fully prepared to see a incoherent jabberbot go against a felon with full security detail in jail.  If that is truly what we've come to, then that alone should make you pause and think about what guiding forces are out there.  

You can pick what is right for you, but I'm putting trust in God.  I believe that Satan's little season is coming to an end sooner rather than later, and THAT will be the Event everyone has been sensing. We are in the final throws and they are making a mockery of this world and everything in it.

Revelation 20:3 “And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.”


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Truth & light said...

I wish they went this hard with Jeffrey Epstain & his right hand, Maxwell. They didnt go this hard for Weinstain either

The Great Teddy said...

I take it you are not a fan of Q Lynn. According to the theory Trump is the frontrunner for a secret cabal of whitehats, some rumored to be aliens working to bring an end to the reptilians.

Anon said...

I am praying, let's continue to pray for the truth

Guedes de Miranda said...

Very sad what's happening with Trump, almost a crucifixion! On another topic, do you believe this letter from Pontius Pilates "discovered in the Vatican's vaults is real? ( ). Thank you!

The enlightened one said...

@Guedes de Miranda
The document lines up perfectly with what we know about our modern society.
It is never the puppet politicians that make the decisions, but the shadow hand.
Same with Pilates, he was probably just a puppet.

A Scholar Heart said...

Dear Lyn,

your work is amazing! May I request you to do a reading on Nebra sky disc? It is a mysterious Bronze Age round disc with gold sun, moon and stars on it that was discovered in Germany along with some Bronze Age swords, chisel, and gold armbands. The scientific community is divided in its opinions despite a lot of research. Nobody knows what it is, how old it really is, and what was it used for. The looters who found it are lying about the location where they found it from. The general speculation says it is a sky map or something like that. Oddly the swords and other things found with this disc do not appear to belong together. Only you could tell us what it is and where did it originally belong and how did it end up being buried in Germany. Who did it belong to? What was its purpose? How old is it exactly? what do the side gold arcs and the third gold arc under the sun and the crescent moon mean?
This Nebra sky disc is keeping me awake at nights due to its mystery! Thanks a lot in advance! Love and light!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Truth: I relate to the frustration, but in our clown world this is how it works. In many ways I think it is intentional for whatever farce they are trying to pull off next.

@The Great Teddy: I used to follow Q and get excited, but I realize it is a dangling carrot to keep us distracted. I truly think this is a huge reality show. I don't have energy for all the hopeium. I see through it now. I live in a "do or do not - there is no try" reality.

@Anon: I agree. And it's time to get right with our maker...

@Miranda and Enlighted: Thanks for the suggestion! I will have to check it out myself..

@A Scholar Heart: Let me have a look at this. Sounds interesting!

Thanks for the comments and taking time to share your thoughts!

Robert Schoen said...

Glad to be in Europe while all this is going on. Check out the new Maxine Waters and Shela Jackson Lee look-alike 20myear younger actors playing them. If they can fake Biden they can replace a lot of those who've been arrested.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Europe? How is it over there? I hope you aren't in a migrant takeover part. Be safe!!