Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rumor is it Was Officially Leaked Bidet Created the Scandal...

that hindered Trumpet from campaigning.  Not sure this is still a rumor versus fact, but I'm working on a post diving deeper into this.  What is going to happen next?  The post thickens!  Stay tuned folks.

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

If there was ever a case for jury nullification, this is it since there is no crime. I don't even like or trust the trumpster. After warp speed and proving his zionist stance over and over, not to mention all the broken promises? I think he's in on it for the sake of theatre. Me thinks he's gonna come out of this and will play the part of saviour. . .for a while.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Love To Push Those Buttons: I'm not fully trusting this either. I think this is part of the reality show we are living. They are putting on a good show though and trying to get everyone to pick sides and get VERY emotionally charged.

margaret m martin said...

Everytime trump comes off as the victim I think of killarys victims and that he never helped convict her so boo hoo hoo for him 😢

Truth & light said...

@margaret yes, trump played games with killary & crew. So now he get their evil sinister wrath

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@margaret and Truth: I agree. I am frustrated that he didn't do what he said with regards to her. I think I've heard "trust the plan" one too many times. There was no plan imho. It was all hopeium.