Thursday, April 11, 2024

Safety of Extended Royal Family

Q.  Lynn, In previous posts about the royal family you mentioned that the evil will be watered down as the oldies die off. Is this still the case considering what is happening to Kate. Is Harry and Meghan involved?

A.  The royal lineage is evil, but what is happening now is just malevolent. Now that the Queen is gone, it is as if a purge of sorts is occurring.  If you don't fall in line, and do EXACTLY what the evil [real] rulers of the world want, you will be taken out.  

I sense William and Kate objected to some ritual requirements while being prepped and coached for if/when Charles could no longer reign.  William, being of royal blood was saved, while what happened to Kate served as a message and warning.

Between hiding Kate's appearance, doctoring a photo and obfuscating truth, I am not convinced she is still alive and with us.  Earlier in the year I felt as though she would pull through her abdominal surgery, but the ominous vibe of Windsor says otherwise.  Truth runs naked, but lies need covered.  There are too many lies upon lies here to think things will fair well.

Say a little prayer for their kids during this tough time.  I feel they are being lied to just as the public is being lied to.  People may wish to be born into royalty or have royal treatment, but in many ways a humble life is much richer.  


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Patrick said...

This is very sad...
Beyond evil....

Robert Schoen said...

I remembering seeing the crown prince (funny how I can remember his name but have no problem remembering his brother Harry) standing at some royal ceremony when all this began looking emaciated and rocking as if he was about to faint, and it seems clear that whomever is king or queen takes orders from above (really below) so it's fascinating they have people in charge of giving them orders we know nothing about, just like the USA now has its own figurehead meat puppet with others pulling the strings.

margaret m martin said...

I can recall the time when government,the royals and other state figures were seldom heard we are inundated with the ever changing news of the day involving their conflicts etc as if it's entertainment and sometimes put in comedic form it is...we need to get out in nature and appreciate our Creators gifts to counteract all of this trash

Truth & light said...

Her parents know the truth?!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments. This is very sad. I think he parents are being told a story, and haven't been able to see her. Robert, it is crazy how these people do pull the strings and no one even questions it. Margaret, you are right at how things have evolved... This group is so corrupt it is disgusting.

Serene said...

Interesting today The Telegraph reported with a video PW visiting and working in a soup kitchen alongside staff with shots of him chopping vegetables and promising to take care of his wife.